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Thread: lost community

  1. #1
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2012
    Florida, USA

    lost community

    I want to urge TSO to reconsider and correct a decision that seriously injured the game and indeed the reputation of BlueByte, the use of their most powerful weapon of penalty against players who had not only not injured any other players but who were valuable assets to the game.

    In TSO, unlike some browser games, no player succeeds at another player's expense. (I may think I have outsmarted someone in a trade, but he probably thinks the same.) Defeating another player is not the object of the game. That being so, why play TSO, instead of playing offline? Because of community, friends, reciprocal warmth and interest. Many of us who play appreciate the fact that your success does not diminish mine, and vice versa.

    The players lost to the game, at least the ones I knew, were not only long-time, active players,
    they were unusually supportive and helpful to other players, friends, guildmates, and fellow traders. They created and maintained the main and most significant feature of a browser game like TSO, which is to be able to play in a community. They helped to make the game enjoyable for others. They literally invested years and in most cases significant amounts of their entertainment budget to do so.

    That community, that warmth, was destroyed for many of us when our friends were summarily and unnecessarily eliminated from the game, friends who had never done anything to injure the game, except to bring into possible circulation more of one item than the developers intended. Surely that does not deserve the most severe penalty available to the game management.

    The manner in which they were penalized also appears to threaten all players. They received the same letter as others who took more than the number of ISH the management wished to allow, but those who had not returned all ISH received no second letter about what to do if they protested the demands (called requests) of the original letter. They were told to turn to support, but they received no replies from support, or replies that gave no new information.

    Most particularly, they were not informed that they were already destined for destruction as soon as they failed to return all the required ISH to the Star menus by the second maintenance. Appeals to support were useless. Adding ISH to their Star menus after that maintenance was useless. Could not anyone who for any reason failed to comply immediately to a BlueByte command receive similar treatment?

    I like the game, I have always liked, respected, and consequently spent money on Ubisoft games, BlueByte’s included. I would like to feel that way again, to the extent that amends are possible. Perhaps TSO always intended to reinstate these players after a time. I hope that time will come immediately. The longer you wait, the closer this community is to irremediable damage. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Original Serf A-Lia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Athens, Greece
    I fully second the above post,
    which describes the best way possible how I, too, (along with others) have been left feeling with all this...

    I sincerely wish that an official answer comes immediately,
    so as to know how to move along from now on...

    As, the game seems no fun anymore with all these atrocities (if I may say) keep happening to us,
    the buyers - players - consumers of the game.

    Thank you, Ethelred1, for expressing so well my feelings, as well!
    Last edited by A-Lia; 24.08.14 at 12:35.
    Taking responsibility of one's own shortcomings
    & Not blaming others for one's own mistakes
    is what Fair Play is!

  3. #3
    Glorious Graduate
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    Nov 2012
    People make mistakes. They make commitments, statements, take actions, not always well planned and sometimes un-intended, but these can often have impacts and effects unforseen
    Hopefully well rounded and forgiving people do not excessively take those actions to heart, and understand that it happens. They forgive, they hold out an olive branch and try to make it right. Avoiding and eliminating bad feeling, creating an atmosphere and environment that reinstates trust and co-operation.

    Luckily for BB we, the loyal player base, apply the above, because if we didn't they would have no community, no income from gems, no players to even consider banning. BB messed up big time on the event, they delivered a late, buggy event. Again luckily for BB the players are reasonable, they understand mistakes happen and forgive. A few may leave, thats understandable, they could not forgive the problems, but most battle on, supporting the game, and building a community. The players build that community, not BB.

    Now BB haven't even apologised for their mistakes. A simple, "oops we messed that up a bit" would have helped. But basically no response for BBs errors. The players have basically forgiven, as we do however.

    A few players also messed up, they at worst took advantage of BBs ERROR knowingly, at best hadn't understood the poor language BB insists on using. Those players received unnecessary threatening, untimely communication. These players were excessively punished for their mistake, taking chunks out of the community, doing currently unrepairable damage to guilds and spirits. They took this opportunity to come down really harsh and hard on loyal players, paying players.

    But again BB fail at this point. No one is sure whats happening, a guild leader and officers banned, all the players asking whats going on, a few have personal contact, but those banned say its like shouting into a black hole. The silence from BB is deafening.

    I don't think anyone seriously thought bans would happen, bans that affect the community and make numerous players ask, "why now would I risk paying anything to BB, I may make a mistake and lose my money by being banned. BB apply a super harsh environment now, I am better spending elsewhere."
    Other games are available in case this is news to anyone

    Is the spirit of reasonableness, and to help the long term damage I hope BB has a plan and they can activate it soon. Literally every day logging into the game you wonder have friends returned, only to be greeted by sadness, no they are still gone, no happy green dot on their avatar.

    So what I ask BB to do is to be the bigger company. Demonstrate reasonableness, reverse the ban now, 2 weeks is a lot. I don't know of any other game that bans for that long for even quite large mistakes (and lets face it the impact of this was low) as I guess they reconcile the income vs principles on a more commercial basis than BB. The players should repay what they took, I don't think any would refuse now. Your point would be made, your demonstration of power complete, your rehabilitation as a reasonable company can commence, as pointed out above, we the players forgive quite quickly, but we need to be put in the position to trust again.

    I suggest BB communicate with all the affected now, and un-ban. Give them one month to find the stores required and put them into star. Then run the script again after 1 month, give them a proper and timely period to fix the problem, again I reiterate not a problem they caused, but a problem BB allowed. I know for certain I would help the banned achieve what is required, its a spirit of comradery to help fellow guildies. Its that thing thats been massively damaged by BB, THE COMMUNITY

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I, too, thank Ethelred1, and the other posters above, for expressing so well some of my feelings on this matter.

    I always think that game developers, and I mean here the money men not the writers/coders of the games, do not realise what they create, what power they have for good and bad and how destructive they can be. They don't, it seems to me, ever take into account the negative affect on real people they have when they play dictator with what they create - they are not playing with their game, they are playing with real life people; real life people who give them a livelihood and loyalty.

    I do wish that they would realise that they have a responsibility for and to that world and being angry and continually not communicating in a correct manner with those people who give up much time and money to assist them in maintaining and improving their livelihood will only lead to one outcome - the death of that world they created.

    What has happened in recent weeks has not only badly affected relationships with TSO but in several cases I know of players boycotting all BlueByte games.

    I hope the management will think about these things, not "throw the baby out with the bath water," but rather do what you can to restore the thriving world this episode has damaged by reinstating the lost players.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Killemall View Post
    People make mistakes. They make commitments, statements, take actions, not always well planned and sometimes un-intended, but these can often have impacts and effects unforseen
    Hopefully well rounded and forgiving people do not excessively take those actions to heart, and understand that it happens. They forgive, they hold out an olive branch and try to make it right. Avoiding and eliminating bad feeling, creating an atmosphere and environment that reinstates trust and co-operation.

    Luckily for BB we, the loyal player base, apply the above, because if we didn't they would have no community, no income from gems, no players to even consider banning. BB messed up big time on the event, they delivered a late, buggy event. Again luckily for BB the players are reasonable, they understand mistakes happen and forgive. A few may leave, thats understandable, they could not forgive the problems, but most battle on, supporting the game, and building a community. The players build that community, not BB.

    From what I saw many players didn't 'try to make it right' and as such these 'loyal players' didn't apply the above. In fact many openly admitted that in their view BB was wrong to ask for them back and they had no intention of returning them.

    It may have been harsh but it seemed clear what BBs intention was. In their multiple posts on the subject they asked players to contact them via support if they had a problem returning the storehouses - I assume most players didn't bother. But if some did and they didn't get a reply then that is bad form and unacceptable behaviour from BB.

    This is no doubt a lesson for everyone. Its hard for me to say if it was just or not as I wasn't one of the people that received a warning but that being said if I had taken more ISH than was intended and BB asked for them back then I would feel obliged to return them and if I then understood all those players that refused went unpunished then I would be miffed.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    Florida, USA
    but would you think such players, if they thought BB was wrong in accusing players of being cheats and hackers and not playing fair and therefore would not return the ISH, should be permanently banned?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ethelred1 - Its not my place to say BB shouldn't have banned them. BB told them to 'play fair', return them and thereby not be banned. Its BBs game and their intention was clear. I say they was stupid to not return them and believe there would be no consequences.....

    I don't believe BB ever accused people of being Cheats & Hackers. Yes they asked people to contact support using that subject but that was basically to group them all together and was a close fit to the reason for contact. Unless of course they added a new drop down subject line for Exploit Communication.
    Also, asking if a players behaviour is acceptable because they believe BB was wrong is similar to asking if its stealing to take something from Tescos because you didn't believe the object had any value. Its still theft even if you don't get caught.
    Last edited by fishslice; 19.08.14 at 20:15. Reason: Added PS

  8. #8
    Enlightened Sage
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    Jan 2012
    Pretty much EVERYTHING that happened with the football event was wrong. It was bugged from day 1 to the final day. BB were told that it would be a buggy failure before it started, were told it had been a buggy failure while it was on and were told it was a buggy failure when it had finished.

    Their method of responding and reacting to all those bugs was also wrong. Their reaction to being told it was buggy on the test server was to remove it from the test server (?) and their reaction to people profiting from the bugs was to blame those people for their actions and take no responsibility themselves. All wrong...

    But it's over now.

    If you're that upset by it, go play another game. Alternatively, if you still want to, keep on playing but don't even think about paying any money into it.

    Utterly pointless posting about it here any more. Have you seen a single post or message from any BB member about the football fiasco, except to demand the storehouses back? No. They're not going to talk about it and they're not going to give anyone confidence that the same mistakes won't be made again in the future.

    Onto halloween, which looks similar enough to last year's event that it is unlikely to be too badly bugged, but the interface still looks a total, click-spammy mess...
    Last edited by Gerontius; 19.08.14 at 20:14.

    Are you a casual or part-time player? Don't want a chatty guild or expect lots of support?
    And do you want the chance to earn a few guild coins but don't want to be forced to do guild quests on a daily basis?

    Then join GQS (Guild Quests (STILL!) Suck) on Northisle!
    Mail Gerontius here or in game for an invite.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fishslice View Post
    It may have been harsh but it seemed clear what BBs intention was. In their multiple posts on the subject they asked players to contact them via support if they had a problem returning the storehouses - I assume most players didn't bother. But if some did and they didn't get a reply then that is bad form and unacceptable behaviour from BB.
    for what its worth, I did contact support to let them know such. They were unable or unwilling to answer most of my questions, and did not provide me with any guidance on how to proceed other than to direct me to forums. I tried getting information from forums, but was told to contact support, who simply ignored my emails. The last contact I had from BB was from Ravel saying that if I followed the instructions, I could avoid further trouble.

    I followed the instructions best I could, but it didn't matter. They banned me anyways, and have continued to ignore any emails I've sent to support.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Foofygirl - I seemed to remember seeing your post and on checking the thread for the response from BB_Ravel it was as per the below. Whilst we are not privy to ticket information I can only assume you was asking inappropriate questions about bans or trying to ascertain if by refusing to follow the approach suggested and give back the ISH's you risked facing a ban - seems it would have been easier to give back the ISH's. Care to elaborate upon what it was that you wanted to know but couldn't get an answer to?

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel
    Foofygirl, I have reviewed your ticket and the questions you asked were referring to bans. My suggestion was for players having difficulties or being unclear on the messages received and/or the forum post.

    Please follow the instructions received via in-game mail as they should explain everything. Support should also be able to clear out any questions you might have on following these directions.

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