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Thread: Goodbye Settlers

  1. #1
    Quartermaster Saraptheold's Avatar
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    Norway - Birthland of giants......and trolls.

    Goodbye Settlers

    Maybe someone will get the chance to read this before BB's thought police removes this negative influence from the forum. They have in the past and will in the future. (It's a rather funny coincidence that Blue Byte and Big Brother has the same initials, isn't it?)

    I have come to the conclusion that BB is an organization that lives by the philosophy that the customer is always wrong. Developers sits and think of harebrained ideas and are completely deaf to the opinions and wishes of their paying customers. Many of the things they have come up with in the past... well, to me at least it's like when an incompetent cab driver takes you to the train station instead of to the airport and then has the audacity to charge you at least twice as much as the other competent drivers. After having a disagreement with with support (and I think BB uses that word quite wrongly) I have finally had enough. I'm tired of crossing my fingers and hoping things will get better. I'm tired of new bugs being regularly introduced while nothing is being done about the old ones. I'm tired of being told all the time to empty my cache (and now I don't even have to go to the forum to be told. They have turned their holy mantra into a freakin' pop-up). I'm tired of the constant clicking on the mouse just to get the game moving at a snails pace. If you ever get the option to make 250 troops it will be in a so called 'epic' building costing twice as much as the endless copper mine, so big that you won't have any room for before you have moved around every building on your island and made a complete mess of your production lines. Just wait and see what happens after they have introduced the new battle system. After an appropriate amount of time and enough demands for endless iron mines and/or coal mines, special faster weapon smiths, titanium mines etc. BB will benevolently give those special features to you. For a price. And they will even grant you the special buffs you need for those buildings. For a price. I might be wrong. I sure hope so for the sake of you who choose to stay.

    I have met some interesting, nice, funny and crazy people here. Best of luck to you all in the future.

    And finally a big, friendly grin as I wave good bye to BB. What? Why am I grinning? Take a good look at what I'm waving with. Yes that is right, BB. It's my credit card. Bye.

    LOL. This is rich. I got this message when I tried to preview this post:
    vBulletin Message
    Your submission could not be processed because you have logged in since the previous page was loaded.

    Please push the back button and reload the previous window.
    The Settlers Online
    No nothing wrong with BB's server at all. It's all my fault for logging on twice while writing this post. Bye, bugs. You were no fun at all. LOL

    And I get the same message when I try to post without previewing. Good thing that copy/paste still works... *crossing fingers* ...I hope.

  2. #2
    Forum Explorer BAAAHHHHHJJJAAA's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Essex, England
    Take note BB this is a prelude to the future.

    I give this server/game 1 year from the intro of the new battle system.
    Noun (bah, yah)
    Extreme articulation of both negative and positive exuberance

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    doubtful you why for every person who doesnt like pvp there is one waiting who does there would be plenty of ppl out there who never touched this game because it had no pvp aspect now it will... i dislike pvp myself but this wont have an affect on me as your home island is untouched so i dont see a issue as regards to them removing weapons from the adv loot again i dont see a issue providing and this is the thing the new loot tables refelct the loss from what i seen they servely dont and the person who thinks up the numbers has never played this game...they also stated that the lower to mid level adventures will not be touched expect for the recieved loot so as for low lvl players getting their xp nothing has changed ...just the higher lvl guys will have to work harder and isnt that what ppl wanted a new challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by BAAAHHHHHJJJAAA View Post
    Take note BB this is a prelude to the future.

    I give this server/game 1 year from the intro of the new battle system.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    PVP has been a wanted feature by many players. BB has listened to them and introduced it.
    Conversely many other players are against it, or just not interested in it.
    It could become the most divisive element of the whole game, and it's success or failure will probably determine the direction of the game going forward.

    I hope BB don't forget those who don't particularly like repetitive combat-based play or adventuring.
    Let's see the developers listening to those who want economic or trade adventures, similar to the quests but bigger, more in-depth. But not just resource sinks either.
    Keep introducing non-combat events, bring the fun and charm back into Settlers.
    At higher levels players need variety in game-play, different ways of achieving success, not more of the same.

    Only time will tell if TSO becomes just another fighting game, and the player base will reflect this.
    Yes, people like Saraptheold may choose to leave (in their case due to an uncaring organisation) because of the game's direction but others will be attracted by things like PVP.
    What is for sure is that BB will follow the money.

    It would be a shame if that were to happen to The Settlers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    good luck, take care & sorry to see go

  6. #6
    Pathfinder Viper-au's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bye Saraptheold
    True the spark is not there 4 the game is not as it once was

    some off us just stay 4 the chat & the friends we made

  7. #7
    Quartermaster Saraptheold's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Norway - Birthland of giants......and trolls.
    I've just been by to drop of some goodies to some selected friends (I've spent quite a lot of money on those goodies. So there is so much of them that I'll have do this over a few days.) @hades8840 and sheddoe: This isn't about PvP being introduced. This is about a lot of things that is wrong with this game. Especially the glitches and bugs. What finally broke the camel's back is that when I was quite mad about a specific bug and contacted support about, this was support:

    @viper Chat is good, but I haven't had that much time to chat. All I have been doing the last two months is trading and rebuilding mines. Building up a good stock for when I have time to play again and even that has been an annoying click-fest. So why did I bother? Quite honestly, I don't really know.

    Well, of to do something much more satisfying with what little spare time I have these days. It's movie night with my daughter.

    Take care.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Well its been a blast mate and a helluva journey. I for one will miss you from the forum more than from the game itself. Over 2 1/2 years and getting towards the 300 post mark shows how committed you have been not only to the game but also to the community.

    I agree with BAAAHHHHHJJJAAA in that this is a prelude of things to come. If the BB Team that interact on the forums and in the game had been allowed to be more engaging and had the support of the organisation behind them in being more communicative, then we the player community wouldn't feel like fodder to the BB Corporate Machine. I'm really pleased to see you walking away waving your credit card as its that type of action that has an impact.

    Good luck and best wishes,

  9. #9
    Forum Explorer BAAAHHHHHJJJAAA's Avatar
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    Essex, England
    (1) Trying using full stops, it helps to read what you have written.

    (2) my point has nothing to do with PVP most want it. My issue is that certain changes are being made and the long term implications have not been thought out well by BB….well they have the whole thing is putting players that want to play a lot in the position where they will need to use gems.

    i dont see a issue as regards to them removing weapons from the adv loot again
    I can't be bother to explain for what feels like the 100th time why removing weapons will cause an issue, use your common sense and maybe you can figure it out.

    A reducing would have made sense but increasing one thing and removing the other, no matter how they fiddle the numbers to fit it, will end in a mess.
    Noun (bah, yah)
    Extreme articulation of both negative and positive exuberance

  10. #10
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    doubtful you why for every person who doesnt like pvp there is one waiting who does there would be plenty of ppl out there who never touched this game because it had no pvp aspect now it will... i dislike pvp myself but this wont have an affect on me as your home island is untouched so i dont see a issue as regards to them removing weapons from the adv loot again i dont see a issue providing and this is the thing the new loot tables refelct the loss from what i seen they servely dont and the person who thinks up the numbers has never played this game...they also stated that the lower to mid level adventures will not be touched expect for the recieved loot so as for low lvl players getting their xp nothing has changed ...just the higher lvl guys will have to work harder and isnt that what ppl wanted a new challenge
    I like eating my family and pets.
    (Use commas.)

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