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Thread: This game is dead bb read this

  1. #11
    Eggcellent Essayist Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    The game does have its faults and BB do make mistakes. Overall I still enjoy it and hope that others do to.

    What i do not understand, if people hate things so deeply and strongly, why they carry on playing. I think the reason they do carry on should be more strongly expressed than the problems. Would be nice

    I also do not understand if you are going to stop why a long explanation is needed. Saying goodbye to friends would be a different matter.

    The Test Server has its own forum where players can have a say. Anyway i have said enough on this thread I shall say no more.

  2. #12
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Barger Compascuum
    i enjoy this game too

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I have been playing for an year now, am at level 50 and enjoyed it a lot. However, these last weeks I care less and less on doing adventures, rebuilding mines, sending explorers out, etc. In fact, it's no longer a pleasure, but a chore. It is boring. Eventually I will quit the guild, so as not to have to be bothered on doing guild quests, then will stop rebuilding farms, wells, mines, etc and, one day, I will not bother to log on. THis has happened to me with Everquest 2, Diablo 3 and others. It's a natural process.

    Why do I come here, complaining, instad of doing it? Because this is a superb game (in my opinion) that I'd love to continue playing, but it is almost the same as it was one year ago: some new adventures, some new generals, but these are peanuts. I am hanging on, waiting for pvp, but I have little hope, from what I read so far about it. If it is a disappointment, it's curtains. After all, there are many (free to play) games around.

    I have done it before, I will do it again. Here are my suggestions:
    So, here is what I want:
    1. New island with very hard enemy camps, some of which could only be taken using a Major and where I would have to burn obscene amounts of cavalry, crossbowmen, cannoneers, etc. Something to keep me busy for more than a year;
    2. After clearing the island, I would gain access to a grout mine. And the XP got from clearing it would take me to lv 60;
    3. Lv 60 would unlock a new unit, Griffin or Paladin or whatever, that would require grout to build.
    4. Also, lv 60 would unlock a new set of adventures: some camps would require Griffin or Paladin to be defeated, enemies at most camps would be RANDOM, and with one or two new buildings as rewards.

    Remember: «variety is the spice of life»

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Vystress View Post
    I have been playing for an year now, am at level 50 and enjoyed it a lot. However, these last weeks I care less and less on doing adventures, rebuilding mines, sending explorers out, etc. In fact, it's no longer a pleasure, but a chore. It is boring. Eventually I will quit the guild, so as not to have to be bothered on doing guild quests, then will stop rebuilding farms, wells, mines, etc and, one day, I will not bother to log on. THis has happened to me with Everquest 2, Diablo 3 and others. It's a natural process.

    Why do I come here, complaining, instad of doing it? Because this is a superb game (in my opinion) that I'd love to continue playing, but it is almost the same as it was one year ago: some new adventures, some new generals, but these are peanuts. I am hanging on, waiting for pvp, but I have little hope, from what I read so far about it. If it is a disappointment, it's curtains. After all, there are many (free to play) games around.

    I have done it before, I will do it again. Here are my suggestions:
    So, here is what I want:
    1. New island with very hard enemy camps, some of which could only be taken using a Major and where I would have to burn obscene amounts of cavalry, crossbowmen, cannoneers, etc. Something to keep me busy for more than a year;
    2. After clearing the island, I would gain access to a grout mine. And the XP got from clearing it would take me to lv 60;
    3. Lv 60 would unlock a new unit, Griffin or Paladin or whatever, that would require grout to build.
    4. Also, lv 60 would unlock a new set of adventures: some camps would require Griffin or Paladin to be defeated, enemies at most camps would be RANDOM, and with one or two new buildings as rewards.

    Remember: «variety is the spice of life»
    1. everyone still will play adventures and collecting resources, no point to spending army on something you actually don't need and is too expensive

    2,3 and 4
    no point to adding more lvl, always will be max level and you will want more lvl
    BB just can give us all that for star coins.
    new units for star coins, grount for star coins etc.....

    BB must give us new stuff for star coins that is must be point of star coins. We must play adventure to collect star coins and we will able to get new stuffs with star coins

  5. #15
    Raving Rabbid
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Star coins & magic beans: both great ideas with bags of potential that have failed to be developed further. Shame.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Corona, by that logic, no point in adding levels beyond level 1, or adding more than 1 adventure, or troops besides recruits, etc. True, people would still play adventures, collect resources and such, but I am sure people would also spend their armies on tackling a new island, just because it would be a challenge. I know I would. If you check, you will see that beyond, for instance, level 40, new troops, buildings and adventures are made available, so it's only natural new ones are made available between levels 50 and 60. All games have a life expectancy, so developers produce expansion packs and such to prolong the longevity. Here we are stuck on level 50 since the game went live.

    Anyway, regardless of my suggestion, what I mean is: now new SERIOUS content, the game eventually will fade. It's a natural cycle.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    you need lvl 50 to unlock all buildings, units and shop category, but now after they put star coins no point to add new levels. on lvl 50 game must start not end. They can put a lot thing for star coins
    we must be able to use star coin on useful things.

    they can put new builds for star coins, buildings will use licence like normal buildings. titatinum ore mine, saltpeter mine.....
    also maybe they can put general for 1 use (100 star coins 1 min traver general with 5 units, 2k star coins general with 300 troops after you finish adventure general will disappear)

    This bb must make better
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim_B View Post
    Star coins & magic beans: both great ideas with bags of potential that have failed to be developed further. Shame.

  8. #18
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    There are a lot of simple things they could add to make things nicer for us lv50's. I fully agree about beans and star coins. For now I buy gems, CLT and premium with star coins. I have 3 of each catapult and assassins. I would have loved to see things like corona88 mentions. Simple stuff could also be temporary QM general, make it a once only use, but u buy it with star coins. Or a buff u can add to a normal general to allow him to travel twice as fast. Same theme as corona88, I only mention slightly different things to illustrate how easy it would be to come up with half a dozen simple ideas to make the Epic Shop more useful and to allow us more variety.

    Currently I spend most of my time trying to make my island maintenance free. I am starting to get very sick of water wells, wheat fields, (fish farms are fixed now nice), and mines. Its become a chore and something I force myself to do, so I can get to play the adventures I really love. I can see adventures getting old too. Some of the co-ops were nice, but I was really hoping for some new adventures akin to BK & RB.

    But i guess that is what happens in games, you eventually get bored with stuff and things start to become a chore. However I think for us lv50's if there was an easier way to address these without spending copious amounts of real life money, or a year to gain enough coins to buy what we need, it may hold some of us enthralled for longer.

    Great game, bad execution, and horrible management is how i sum up the current stare of affairs. Seems they are targeting new players only, and dont care about the lv50's.
    Last edited by ddakka; 21.10.14 at 03:36.

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