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Thread: This game is dead bb read this

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    This game is dead bb read this

    First of all this game was fantastic to play, lots to do lots to learn. i have been here for 4 years + and spent a lot of real money on the game as i believe in supporting the games dev/servers as i wish the game to expand and evolve as the years go by. well for the last month i have not played this game and intact i opened an account with a rival game franchise purely as bb/ubi have done little to nothing to regain the interest for higher level players to continue to play or for that matter and more importantly PAY YOU MORE MONEY. now to me being a paying customer i would expect its in your interests as a business after all to keep the hook in the mouth of the subscribed and incur rage them to what to break out that wallet again. the problem is you guys are to thick headed or being to controlled by the corporate show behind you which means your hands are tied to fully re kick starting this game.
    i am sure you have seen massive sign outs of players mainly lvl 50's and this will only continue. the amount of lost revenue you are letting walk away and indecently its going to your rival's is an absurd move to make by not regularly updating the system with new goals buildings levels to attain challenges inflation i did really need to go on as all this is on other threads but i wanted to come back and make a point. the point is this

    THE ONLY WAY THESE PEOPLE WILL LEARN THERE MISTAKES IS BY WALKING AWAY FROM THIS GAME!! they have managed to spoil something we love so much by doing nothing, they try to balance the mechanics and spent months if not years to implement new features well guess what you still bug out the game make it seriously unbalanced and expand nothing for the hard core devoted supporters that have put an awfull lot of time and money into this game and honestly now i am past my loss and will never make the investment i have done on here on any other game as you have let me down so very much with your lack of respect to players and investments. we are not sheep ( well i am not ) these companies only understand one thing guys vote with your feet and do not spend your money on this dying game just let it die. now if by some great turn of events bb would like to discuss this post with me and my attitude to my loved settlers i would welcome a conversation but id guess that beach in the Maldives would be much more inviting.

    All the best in the future


  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
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  3. #3
    Skilled Student
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ogloz View Post
    First of all this game was fantastic to play, lots to do lots to learn. i have been here for 4 years + and spent a lot of real money on the game as i believe in supporting the games dev/servers as i wish the game to expand and evolve as the years go by. well for the last month i have not played this game and intact i opened an account with a rival game franchise purely as bb/ubi have done little to nothing to regain the interest for higher level players to continue to play or for that matter and more importantly PAY YOU MORE MONEY. now to me being a paying customer i would expect its in your interests as a business after all to keep the hook in the mouth of the subscribed and incur rage them to what to break out that wallet again. the problem is you guys are to thick headed or being to controlled by the corporate show behind you which means your hands are tied to fully re kick starting this game.
    i am sure you have seen massive sign outs of players mainly lvl 50's and this will only continue. the amount of lost revenue you are letting walk away and indecently its going to your rival's is an absurd move to make by not regularly updating the system with new goals buildings levels to attain challenges inflation i did really need to go on as all this is on other threads but i wanted to come back and make a point. the point is this

    THE ONLY WAY THESE PEOPLE WILL LEARN THERE MISTAKES IS BY WALKING AWAY FROM THIS GAME!! they have managed to spoil something we love so much by doing nothing, they try to balance the mechanics and spent months if not years to implement new features well guess what you still bug out the game make it seriously unbalanced and expand nothing for the hard core devoted supporters that have put an awfull lot of time and money into this game and honestly now i am past my loss and will never make the investment i have done on here on any other game as you have let me down so very much with your lack of respect to players and investments. we are not sheep ( well i am not ) these companies only understand one thing guys vote with your feet and do not spend your money on this dying game just let it die. now if by some great turn of events bb would like to discuss this post with me and my attitude to my loved settlers i would welcome a conversation but id guess that beach in the Maldives would be much more inviting.

    All the best in the future

    This is sad. if you read this then you have missed out on the news the last month. PVP are coming and possibly some extra islands to build on. BB are working on new stuff.

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    i am curious you ay you been here for 4 plus years where is here as it wasnt settlers online?

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Must just feel like 4 years lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gubbie View Post
    This is sad. if you read this then you have missed out on the news the last month. PVP are coming and possibly some extra islands to build on. BB are working on new stuff.
    The PvP is available on the test server and it is a complete and utter waste of time. It's not even real PvP. You search for an island full of neutral enemies. If you beat them with a laggy and buggy combat system that is not working properly you get control over the island for a week. Who thought it would be a good idea to add real time elements with their useless servers is beyond me. You cannot visit the island and it gives you a small amount of resources ever 12 hours for those seven days it's yours. Unless someone attacks you island. You cannot do anything about that. You can only decide how many troops you leave on your worthless island. The computer does the actual fighting if someone bothers to attack. Did I mention that the resorces you get is less than the worth of the troops needed? When looking at the islands that give you gold ore, you need to pay more for the search alone than the gold is worth. So the devs cannot do basic maths.

    BTW, you need a new set of generals and a new set of troops for the "PvP". A PvP that's still just PvE but with crap loot. As it currently stands, you are better of playing Secuded Experiment over and over again. They really should completely scrap the current PvP system because it's that useless.

  7. #7
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zotamedu View Post
    The PvP is available on the test server and it is a complete and utter waste of time............ They really should completely scrap the current PvP system because it's that useless.
    1. Its Pegi7
    2. Some WILL probably like it
    3. You are taking information from TEST which is what it says on the tin.

    I prefer to wait until it comes live and then make a decision, and then to be fair put on my Pegi7 hat before having any kind of rant. But more likely if i stop enjoying the game i will disappear quietly into the mist because I would not want to spoil other's enjoyment of something I did also enjoy for over 2 years.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post
    1. Its Pegi7
    2. Some WILL probably like it
    3. You are taking information from TEST which is what it says on the tin.

    I prefer to wait until it comes live and then make a decision, and then to be fair put on my Pegi7 hat before having any kind of rant. But more likely if i stop enjoying the game i will disappear quietly into the mist because I would not want to spoil other's enjoyment of something I did also enjoy for over 2 years.
    Isn't it better that people know what to expect? People seems to think that PvP will be the saviour of this game but the current system is broken to the core. The basic mechanics are boring and not even PvP at all. Even if they increase the loot massively, it's still a broken combat system that their servers cannot handle. It has a real time element that is way too sensitive to lag to work. They cannot do server side combat if they want a real time element. It has to be done client side but that will most likely never happen because of security issues. Mainly, Flash being one massive security hole. So the posibilities for cheating are too big.

    So claiming that PvP will save the game are currently kidding themselves. The current system is broken to the core and considering the development time, a working system is ages away.

    Go try the system on the test server and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  9. #9
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Its only your view though Zotamedu and very strongly expressed. You are entitled to your opinion but you are basing it on a test version. Others may not understand that and realise that things that are hated on test come here and then are liked by most. The co-op adventures were thought little of but are done routinely in many guilds now. I also do play on Test but not too much as I know its going to change.

    I read Gubbie's post very diffferently to you.It was a gentle reminder that other new stuff is happening. So try before you leave.

    I enjoy the game for many different reasons and despite its faults. I do not understand why some rant on here at the drop of a glove. That will destroy the game faster than any mistakes BB may make. Constructive criticism is informative and making sure people understand Test is purely testing. I have noticed BB tend to leave the finer details until it goes live.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post
    Its only your view though Zotamedu and very strongly expressed. You are entitled to your opinion but you are basing it on a test version. Others may not understand that and realise that things that are hated on test come here and then are liked by most. The co-op adventures were thought little of but are done routinely in many guilds now. I also do play on Test but not too much as I know its going to change.

    I read Gubbie's post very diffferently to you.It was a gentle reminder that other new stuff is happening. So try before you leave.

    I enjoy the game for many different reasons and despite its faults. I do not understand why some rant on here at the drop of a glove. That will destroy the game faster than any mistakes BB may make. Constructive criticism is informative and making sure people understand Test is purely testing. I have noticed BB tend to leave the finer details until it goes live.
    Most of the co-op adventures are useless. It's basically only Whirlwind and Tomb Raider that are worth the effort. But the concept of co-op is good. They should work more with that and learn some actual maths so they can make more of them actually playable. It would also be nice if they opened a chat window specifically for the adventure so they could talk without spamming the guild chat.

    Try reading what I write. The underlying mechanics of the current PvP system are broken. The combat DOES NOT WORK. The system is that you are pitching one stack of troops against eachother and you can change your stack either when the enemy stack is defeated or when your stack is defeated. There are three types of units so you are doing a basic rock, paper, scissors where you know what's coming up so you can react to it. Or you would be able to react if the lag allowed you to switch stacks. As it stands, too often the stacks will not change and then you have just lost a large chunk of your troops due to lag. There is also a limit to how many troops you can send so a lag spike can completely throw your chance of taking the island. So if we disregard that it's still a PvE fight, the basic combat mechanic does not work. The game cannot handle a real time element. It's impossible. So they have to change the core combat mechanic for it to be playable. How long do you think that will take?

    Test is not purely for testing. They have brought through bugs and broken stuff very quickly from test in the past. Remember the football event? People complained about bugs in that on the test server. They still dumped that mess on live. What the test server is actually used for is a bit of a mystery actually.

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