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Thread: Pumpkins from collectibles ?!

  1. #41
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    6 days... 5 pumpkins in total. Obviously BB just want people to buy gems to get their pumpkin buildings etc. This must be the meanest event that BB have ever dumped on us
    Really? Well I for one congratulate BB for both listening to us in test and giving us more choice in adventures that give pumpkins. I also give credit to them for adding variety of how to obtain pumpkins overall. Players have more choice in how they go about this event than they have ever had in the Halloween event before, and I know as I have done them all!
    If your expecting to get a grim from just picking up collectable pumpkins, yes your going to be disappointed, but your not going to get any sympathy from the many players who are actively participating in all the other aspects of the event and putting in a little effort. ( And helping guildies and lower level players achieve more than their level allows as well ). Personally, if BB have dropped more `collectable' pumpkins over the whole event than it costs to get a zombie, I think they have been more than generous for the effort from the players to collect them.
    For the record I have had 11 pumpkins from 8 collectable finds, you could currently sell that lot alone for excess of 500gc on trade.....try getting that for 11 Barrels
    So I'm +1 for the drop rate of pumpkins as collectables, but still -100 on the drop rate of barrels. And I'm looking forward to throwing humungus amounts of expensive titanium water at my Ancient Golem's for pitiful amounts of pumpkins.....because its reckless and will annoy the whingers when that complaining thread pops up
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    They seem to have lowered the amount of pumpkins you get from collectables but I don't really have a problem with that. They never gave that many pumpkins to being with and the introduction of 3x and 4x buffs for the pumpkin patches give a significant increase in pumpkin output relative to the previous events. The number of adventures that can give pumpkins as loot is also generous even though the probability to get the maximum seems rather low. But still, getting 60 pumpkins from a Tomb Raider is great. Or 90 pumpkins from a Black Knight. They seem to have found a pretty good spot with this event. It took them three years to get this even sorted.

  3. #43
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    Really? Well I for one congratulate BB for both listening to us in test and giving us more choice in adventures that give pumpkins. I also give credit to them for adding variety of how to obtain pumpkins overall. Players have more choice in how they go about this event than they have ever had in the Halloween event before, and I know as I have done them all!
    If your expecting to get a grim from just picking up collectable pumpkins, yes your going to be disappointed, but your not going to get any sympathy from the many players who are actively participating in all the other aspects of the event and putting in a little effort. ( And helping guildies and lower level players achieve more than their level allows as well ). Personally, if BB have dropped more `collectable' pumpkins over the whole event than it costs to get a zombie, I think they have been more than generous for the effort from the players to collect them.
    For the record I have had 11 pumpkins from 8 collectable finds, you could currently sell that lot alone for excess of 500gc on trade.....try getting that for 11 Barrels
    So I'm +1 for the drop rate of pumpkins as collectables, but still -100 on the drop rate of barrels. And I'm looking forward to throwing humungus amounts of expensive titanium water at my Ancient Golem's for pitiful amounts of pumpkins.....because its reckless and will annoy the whingers when that complaining thread pops up
    An alternative view:

    It's all relative to how you play the game.

    This event should be for all types of players, not just those who love adventuring, are in a guild or who have dozens of friends in the game.

    Has the variety of getting pumpkins really been improved? All they've done is increase the number of advs that drop pumpkins. This still requires players to do the same repetitive advs with a chance of pumpkin loot. There aren't even new event specific advs like we get at Xmas. But I appreciate BB listened to those players who suggested it and wanted it. There was no need to change the collectibles though.
    The pumpkin fields and Golem (which I too like) were there last year. The only big pumpkin change is in the collectible drop rate.

    I really dislike repetitive adventuring. It's necessary at times to progress but shouldn't be the only realistic way. It certainly shouldn't be the main way to get sufficient pumpkins to get anything out of the event, other than spending gems. RL means I can't sit at my PC constantly buffing fields. Trade is dependant on what others offer/want.

    The collectables were a good alternative and it still took time and effort to gather enough to get a reward.

    I enjoyed the Halloween event last time (collecting, the zombies, music, Golem, fields etc) because I didn't have to go constantly adventuring to get the goodies I wanted.
    This year has many of the same features (which is good) but for myself and others who play in the same style, the changes I've mentioned have been disappointing.

    That being said, I hope you all have a fruitful event !

  4. #44
    Glorious Graduate Miranda_84's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    i find it sorry that there are no pumpkins on explorer search but to then also HARDLY give any on a collectible spwan is beyond me..
    last year was way easier to get pumpkins..
    ofc i am not saying it should come easy but please make the frequency of finding them on home island more often wich then again makes it more fun for all to search em wich then lives up the chats aswell win win for all i would say

    The Hell Unleashed , best guild ever!! see you there! [THU]

  5. #45
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i for one thing the adventure choice is poor - why select popular to play adventures to drop pumpkins- makes much more sense to put em in harder/less attractive adventures but up the droprate/amounts and get people to play something else than the box standard top 10 or so adventures

    diversity is the way to go, not rewarding more pirates, more BK and more mse etc - people play em a lot already (if they have em in some cases- but availability bottlenecks only get bigger on events anyway)

    the way i see it, devs feel repetition is the way forward- which is more a way to the exit imo - So as to enticing people to try something new or different during event, this is a failure- just some rewards added on to the box standard gameplay

  6. #46
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    and yea- i know- this is after the fact etc etc but BB's trackrecord on listening to fundamental criticism is abysmal anyway- some tweaks is the most youc an hope for once something gets pushed to testserver. Mindset change has to happen before planning the new event and starting programming it- once that is done they wont start over- that is just too much effort and money to spent at that late a stage- so it is more something for future events-

    go out of the box, get people to go the route they normally don;t go, but make sure the total package makes it worth it. Putting extra rewards on stuff that people do anyway is fairly pointless to keep people interested in game through diversity (but at least they don;t copy/paste the previous year event anymore- which is a step in the right direction)

  7. #47
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    if you dont like mindless repetitive action youre in the wrong place
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  8. #48
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Newcastle upon tyne
    in the past 4 days i have had ZERO pumpkins from collectables!! before that i had a grand total of 5 pumpkins...

    Pffff what a joke!

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