Last night, before I went to bed I put my small and common pumpkin cemeteries to bed as the buffs on them were about to expire and I didn't want to run them overnight unbuffed. I don't remember exactly what the remaining timer on them was, but for both types it was at least an hour and a half or so. This morning I logged in at work and turned them on to see how long they had to go - because I put 6 hour buffs on, I want the common ones to be at less than 2 hours remaining (so I get two cycles from one buff) and the small ones to be at less than 6 hours remaining.
All of them started up with less than 5 seconds on their timers. This is a thing I've noticed on other buildings too, where the timer state isn't saved when a building is put to sleep and the next production cycle begins immediately that the building is restarted. It's a bit abusable especially on long timers like the small pumpkin cemetery or the Village School.