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Thread: For the love of God talk to us please...

  1. #1
    Raving Rabbid
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Angry For the love of God talk to us please...


    BB_Aguton, BB_Ravel… are you there? are you listening? are you in a position to give us some hope? Are you able to tell us anything?

    The silence is deafening. The game is unplayable, people are quitting. We give you feedback, bug reports, suggestions: we hear nothing back.
    It's all starting to seem pointless. I know you are in the middle - that you pass on what the information that head office gives you, but surely there is something you can do to reassure us that the horrendous state of the game is only temporary.

    Is anyone going to fix the bugs that are making adventures unplayable?
    Is anyone going to look at the imbalance in rewards which make PvP pointless?
    Is the lag caused by the moving buildings? production bonus? PvP?
    Is it gonna be fixed or should we just quit now?

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I am here. Your feedback and reports have been passed on but we have no updates at this time.

    We are aware that there are issues, therefore the maintenance today trying to solve some of the problems.
    The bugs will be fixed (some of them have already been fixed with the maintenance this week) and more will follow.

    We are unsure of what is causing the lag at this point, but, according to the reports, not all players are affected.

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I do notice the game takes a LOT longer to load than before. Add to that my massively full star menu, it is starting to reach the point of unplayable on my Tablet (last year it was no real problem, this year with full star menu I have to wait a few minutes for the icons to load).

    (BTW: Star menu full of buffs or resource refills)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    I am here. Your feedback and reports have been passed on but we have no updates at this time.

    We are aware that there are issues, therefore the maintenance today trying to solve some of the problems.
    The bugs will be fixed (some of them have already been fixed with the maintenance this week) and more will follow.

    We are unsure of what is causing the lag at this point, but, according to the reports, not all players are affected.
    Is the feedback read on the other side or is everything just dumped straight into the trash? It's getting increasingly hard to believe that anybody is actually listening to the feedback sent.

  5. #5
      Treasure Hunter
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    I am here. Your feedback and reports have been passed on but we have no updates at this time.

    We are aware that there are issues, therefore the maintenance today trying to solve some of the problems.
    The bugs will be fixed (some of them have already been fixed with the maintenance this week) and more will follow.

    We are unsure of what is causing the lag at this point, but, according to the reports, not all players are affected.
    What is causing the lag is bad servers, so those that are connected to the slow ones are experiencing lag and those that are not don't. YOu should have prepared hardware when you opted to implement so many new things.

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    At the end of Universe


    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyBat View Post
    What is causing the lag is bad servers, so those that are connected to the slow ones are experiencing lag and those that are not don't. YOu should have prepared hardware when you opted to implement so many new things.
    You can't really say it's a bad server. A server is just a bunch of hardware. What I know is the game runs Tomcat in the back-end. What I don't know is how many back-end servers there are, if they all sit behind a load-balancer, if that load-balancer is using sticky sessions or round-robin etc, if the tomcats are using a shared sessions methodologies (shared DB or basic Tomcat clustering), if there is some kind of in-memory caching (memcached, redis) or object store (Hadoop, Cassandra, ceph). A lot of factors are playing here. And of course no one from the developers is aware how all this works (talking from personal experience as an operations engineer that deals with developers daily). Then no one from the operations team is able to evaluate how much load a fresh-written application is going to make, hence the simplest answer we get:

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel
    We are unsure of what is causing the lag at this point, but, according to the reports, not all players are affected.

    In that case don't you have any metrics from the game and it's components (for example ZenOSS, Zabbix, Graphite, Graylog etc.) and can't you just look at the spikes in their graphs? Do you need a qualified assistance from a infrastructure architect?

    Remember, remember the 25/11? You should have seen what happened on 17/03, 14/04 and 21/04 ...
    29/09 seems to be a major problem...

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