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Thread: Merry Xmas Settlers!

  1. #1
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Merry Xmas Settlers!

    I always make a digital/electronic xmas card rather than sending out paper ones. I modified my card this year to send a special message out to the settlers!

    It was produced using the free POV-Ray raytracer. You can make your own using this file!

    // PoVRay 3.7 Scene File
    #version 3.7;
    global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0
    background {rgb <0.1,0.1,0.25>*0.25}
    #default{ finish{ ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.9 }}

    // camera ------------------------------------------------------------------
    #declare mclock=clock;

    #declare endflyink=1;
    #declare starttextk=1.3;
    #declare endtextk=18;
    #declare maxk=endtextk-starttextk;
    #declare flyoutstartk=20;
    #declare endk=21;
    #declare rotx=1;
    #declare roty=-1;
    #declare rotz=1;
    #declare rotatenum=maxk*(1-cos((mclock-starttextk)*pi/maxk))/2;

    camera {perspective angle 50
    location <0 , 0 ,-9>
    right x*image_width/image_height
    look_at <0.0 , 0 , 0.0>

    // sun ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    light_source{< 100,100,-200> color rgb 0.5 }

    // sky/snowflakes------------------------------------------------------------------

    #declare n=0;
    #declare maxn=1000; //default: 1000
    #declare R1=seed(0);

    sphere{ <0,0,0>, .07
    pigment { colour rgb 1}
    finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 emission 0.75 }

    translate <(rand(R1)+2)*4,3*sin(4*pi*mclock/21),3*cos(4*pi*mclock/21)>


    #declare n=n+1;

    //---------------------------- objects in scene ----------------------------

    #include ""
    #declare edgenum=0.075;
    #declare startblock=object{ Round_Box(<-2,-1,-1>,<2,1,1>, edgenum , 1) }

    #declare chipsize=1;
    #declare chipover=0.01;
    #declare cutbox=object{ box{<-chipover,-chipover,-chipover>,<chipsize+chipover,chipsize+chipover,chi psize+chipover>} }
    #declare chippiecebox=object{ Round_Box(<-chipsize/2,-chipsize/2,-chipsize/2>,<chipsize/2,chipsize/2,chipsize/2>,0.035,1) }
    #declare chipremove=object{cutbox translate 1000}
    #declare chiparraysize=16;

    #declare chiparray=array[chiparraysize]{


    #macro Sort_Swap_Data(Array, IdxA, IdxB)
    #local Tmp = Array[IdxA];
    #declare Array[IdxA] = Array[IdxB];
    #declare Array[IdxB] = Tmp;

    #declare n=0;
    #declare R2=seed(1);

    Sort_Swap_Data(chiparray, floor(rand(R2)*0.9999999*dimension_size(chiparray, 1)), floor(rand(R2)*0.9999999*dimension_size(chiparray, 1)))
    #declare n=n+1;

    #declare starttimearray=array[2][chiparraysize]{
    {0, 2.5, 4, 4.9, 5.75, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8.5, 9, 9.75, 11, 12, 13, 14.5, 16}
    {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

    #declare n=0;
    #declare starttimearray[1][n]=maxk*(1-cos(starttimearray[0][n]*pi/maxk))/2;
    #declare starttimearray[0][n]=starttimearray[0][n]+starttextk;
    #declare currentn=n;
    #declare n=n+1;

    #declare chipremove=object{box{<-3,-2,-2>,<3,2,2>}}
    #declare chipremove=
    object{cutbox translate 1000}
    object{cutbox scale 1 translate chiparray[currentn]}
    #declare currentn=currentn-1;

    #declare mainmat=
    normal{bumps 0.15 scale 0.1}

    pigment{ color rgbt <0.65,0.65,1,0.85> }
    finish {
    emission 0.5
    ambient 0.5 // ambient surface reflection color [0.1]
    diffuse 0.6 // amount [0.6]
    brilliance 1.0 // tightness of diffuse illumination [1.0]
    specular 0.99 // amount [0.0]
    roughness 0.00005 // (~1.0..0.0005) (dull->highly polished) [0.05]

    reflection {
    0.25 // minimal reflection value (for variable reflection)
    0.6 // reflection amount (maximum for variable reflection)
    fresnel on // realistic variable reflection
    falloff 1.0 // falloff exponent for variable reflection
    exponent 1.0 // influence surface reflection characteristic
    conserve_energy // more realistic
    } // finish
    interior { ior 1.3 dispersion 1.1}

    #declare simplemat=
    normal{bumps 0.15 scale 0.1}

    pigment{ color rgbt <0.65,0.65,1,0.85> }
    finish {
    emission 0.5
    ambient 0.5 // ambient surface reflection color [0.1]
    // (---diffuse lighting---)
    diffuse 0.6 // amount [0.6]
    brilliance 1.0 // tightness of diffuse illumination [1.0]
    specular 0.99 // amount [0.0]
    roughness 0.00005 // (~1.0..0.0005) (dull->highly polished) [0.05]
    reflection { 0.6 }
    } // finish
    interior { ior 1.3 }//dispersion 1.1}

    #declare mymat1=
    pigment{colour rgb <0.65, 0.65, 1>}
    finish{emission 0.5}

    #declare thick=0.2;
    #declare letscale=0.6;

    #declare settlers=
    text { ttf "tramp.ttf", "MERRY XMAS", thick/letscale, 0.0
    scale letscale translate<-1.9,0.2,0.5> }

    #declare letscale=0.76;
    #declare xmas= text { ttf "tramp.ttf", "SETTLERS", thick/letscale, 0.0
    scale letscale translate<-1.85,-0.6,-0.9> }

    }// end diff
    }//end merge

    translate 6.6*x*(1-clock/endflyink)

    #if(clock>=starttextk & clock<=endtextk)
    rotate <rotatenum*360*rotx/maxk,rotatenum*360*roty/maxk,rotatenum*360*rotz/maxk>

    translate -x*6.5*(clock-flyoutstartk)/(endk-flyoutstartk)

    #declare n=0;

    #declare R1=seed(n+10);
    #declare exps1=1+1*rand(R1); //speed of pieces
    #declare exps1a=1.75; //variation between pieces
    #declare exps2=0.8+.08*rand(R1); //speed of centre of mass
    #declare exps3=1+1*rand(R1); //speed of rotation of mass
    #declare exps4=5+5*rand(R1); //speed of rotation of pieces
    #declare expd=2+2*rand(R1); //number of clocks explosion lasts

    #declare ntime=starttimearray[0][n];
    #declare noffset=starttimearray[1][n];

    #declare randdirection=vrotate(vnormalize(chiparray[n]),<noffset*360*rotx/maxk,noffset*360*roty/maxk,noffset*360*rotz/maxk>);

    #if(mclock>=ntime & mclock-ntime<=expd)

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate <-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>
    translate <-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate < chipsize/4,-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>
    translate < chipsize/4,-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate <-chipsize/4, chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>
    translate <-chipsize/4, chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate < chipsize/4, chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>
    translate < chipsize/4, chipsize/4,-chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate <-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4, chipsize/4>
    translate <-chipsize/4,-chipsize/4, chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate < chipsize/4,-chipsize/4, chipsize/4>
    translate < chipsize/4,-chipsize/4, chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate <-chipsize/4, chipsize/4, chipsize/4>
    translate <-chipsize/4, chipsize/4, chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))

    object{chippiecebox scale 0.5-0.499*(mclock-ntime)/expd rotate <90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1),90*rand(R1)>*(mclock-ntime)*exps4/expd translate < chipsize/4, chipsize/4, chipsize/4>
    translate < chipsize/4, chipsize/4, chipsize/4>*(mclock-ntime)*(exps1+exps1a*rand(R1))
    translate <chipsize/2,chipsize/2,chipsize/2>+chiparray[n]
    translate randdirection*(mclock-ntime)*exps2


    #end //end if

    #declare n=n+1;
    #end //end while

    Are you a casual or part-time player? Don't want a chatty guild or expect lots of support?
    And do you want the chance to earn a few guild coins but don't want to be forced to do guild quests on a daily basis?

    Then join GQS (Guild Quests (STILL!) Suck) on Northisle!
    Mail Gerontius here or in game for an invite.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    Happy Xmas smart ass x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    where is tramp.ttf path defined, parse error

  4. #4
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Copy the font (probably from Windows directory) into your include directory or change it to a different font if you don't have tramp. I only used that font because it had nice curves that could have been chipped from ice.

    Are you a casual or part-time player? Don't want a chatty guild or expect lots of support?
    And do you want the chance to earn a few guild coins but don't want to be forced to do guild quests on a daily basis?

    Then join GQS (Guild Quests (STILL!) Suck) on Northisle!
    Mail Gerontius here or in game for an invite.

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