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Thread: You fixed nothing

  1. #11
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New South Wales - Australia
    The game has sufficiently improved since the PVP patch was deployed, its a lot more playable now than a few weeks back, like all games when there's a major patch introduced there's always bugs and problems, and yet again BB has worked hard and got the game back to a playable level again with new content...

    [removed] why don't you give BB some credit for once?

    Hello MOD_Kioco,

    Please respect the opinion of other players.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by Fexno; 20.12.14 at 14:04.

  2. #12
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    May 2012
    why dont you act like a mod, and not hit out to players?

    Give ythe players a little credit for providing feedback.

  3. #13
    Erudite Pioneer
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    New South Wales - Australia
    I am sorry but that is not feedback, that is just plain negative and has been for ages now.

    Moderators are still players and still have opinions on the game and those that play it, nothing wrong with defending the company that provides a free game to play and giving credit where its warranted.
    Last edited by MOD_Kioco; 20.12.14 at 00:17.

  4. #14
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Kioco View Post
    The game has sufficiently improved since the PVP patch was deployed, its a lot more playable now than a few weeks back, like all games when there's a major patch introduced there's always bugs and problems, and yet again BB has worked hard and got the game back to a playable level again with new content...

    [removed] why don't you give BB some credit for once?
    However, I know several players that have complained that the game has become less playable for them since the hot fixes earlier this week, so it would not surprise me if, as the OP infers, those maintenances did nothing to improve their situation because, as it happens, I have not noticed any difference they have made to the problems I was experiencing immediately before them either.

    So... instead of flaming, why don't you start setting the kind of example we should expect from a MOD?
    Last edited by Fexno; 20.12.14 at 14:06. Reason: quoted post was edited

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I haven't noticed any difference with the patches - my generals still attack camps in the wrong order and attack the same camp over and over again - they also still randomly unload troops that show as assigned and seem to have forgotten how to walk back to camp.

    I would love to say BB has fixed issues but seeing as support don't recognise bugs or performance issues and they never advise what fixes they are deploying patches for I find it hard to concur with you MOD_Kioco. Maybe as a MOD you receive more privileged information but from where I am sat I see nothing coming out of BB that suggests you are correct.

    Maybe you can point me in the direction of the patch release change log? No? I didn't think so!

  6. #16
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MOD_Kioco View Post
    The game has sufficiently improved since the PVP patch was deployed, its a lot more playable now than a few weeks back
    I'm sorry, what? I think I missed this bit. Can you explain how it is more playable please, when we can't do PVP because of missing marshalls (but many thanks to BB for sorting out the locked zone problem), and we can't do adventures because of the looping generals/combat lag/graphics glitch or whatever it is. If you mean that we're not suffering from the immense lag brought about by the free move weeks, then yes, that is an improvement, but the additional problems that have been introduced are hardly making the game more playable.

    I am a big fan of the game, and provide positive feedback on this and other servers as well as negative feedback. I don't really think accusing players who are offering valid points from their perspective of "whining like a baby" is a hugely useful comment to make, although of course you are entitled to hold that opinion, just as those who are frustrated with the game at the moment are entitled to theirs.

  7. #17
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2012
    1. Lot's of visual bugs on adventures, that can trick a player in to making counter actions, that are not needed at all. (Came to us with PvP).
    2. First fix was to remove the randomly handed out loot's and VP's from exp. islands. A very strange bug.
    3. Second fix was to remove loot's and VP's if you got an expedition island taken. Not sure if that one was intended.

    So - all the downtime during the past week, was in order to fix bugs that benefits the players positively. Pls get on with the ones that affects us negatively. Ty.

    The game is not doing well these days, but I am sure that it will get better. (Goes up and down - very realistic.)

    These bugs interfere with the gameplay for those that are here for doing adventures, not for the ones that are here for trading and/or building. Therefore we will have different opinions, on how well the game is doing atm.

  8. #18
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzymandeus View Post
    However, I know several players that have complained that the game has become less playable for them since the hot fixes earlier this week, so it would not surprise me if, as the OP infers, those maintenances did nothing to improve their situation because, as it happens, I have not noticed any difference they have made to the problems I was experiencing immediately before them either.

    So... instead of flaming, why don't you start setting the kind of example we should expect from a MOD?
    Perhaps some of us have just had enough of the complaints aimed at BB and we're just defending them against all the negativity that's been dished out, and maybe that is the example that's needed for the game, who wants to join a game where all the forums are littered with complaints and negativity with complements and positivity is almost non existent, just because I am a MOD do I need to hold back in saying the truth?, if its not complaints about BB, its stabs at our moderation team, but we have to always sit back and take it on the chin,we are always getting flamed, so what's your thoughts on that?

    Several players have had a few little niggles here and there but things keep getting fixed, I have had only the odd occasion where a general may attack for 5-10mins, and a little lag like several other players have had, and yet they have been able to play fine, there just has to be something to complain about, as that's how some of our community in TSO act each passing day.

    Wait till the new Barrack feature is added, despite how good it will be and how much better the game will be with it, there still will be complaints and the common line that ( BB never listen to us ) yet its something coming that's been asked to be added for a long time.

    Quote Originally Posted by fishslice View Post
    I haven't noticed any difference with the patches - my generals still attack camps in the wrong order and attack the same camp over and over again - they also still randomly unload troops that show as assigned and seem to have forgotten how to walk back to camp.

    I would love to say BB has fixed issues but seeing as support don't recognise bugs or performance issues and they never advise what fixes they are deploying patches for I find it hard to concur with you MOD_Kioco. Maybe as a MOD you receive more privileged information but from where I am sat I see nothing coming out of BB that suggests you are correct.

    Maybe you can point me in the direction of the patch release change log? No? I didn't think so!
    I am given the same information you are given each day, we are all the same just players in a game.

    I myself have played BKs, RBs, DBs and FTs with blocks etc as of late and had very little problems, same as my guild members with sharing all their lootspots, as well as friends, other mods and players, I honestly don't know why your running into these problems as often as you say you are, if the game as in that kind of state don't you think there would be 1000s of posts that the game is not playable by any standard?, the forums would be lit up with posts everywhere, when the PVP patch was deployed there was lag issues, general issues and lots of other things, but there is a noticeable improvement in the game since then, if you cant see it then I don't know what else to tell you, the last problem I ran into up until yesterday was the generals attacking a camp for 5+ minutes, I have done a few advs this morning and several loot spots and I have no longer seen that happen since yesterdays patch.

    BB has given out gifts for all the downtime, but how many thanks have they been given for that?

    Its great seeing some of the posts of gratefulness on the forums as of lately, but being christmas time our forums should not look like this, and that's the simple fact.

  9. #19
      Treasure Hunter
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    Apr 2012
    i find it unbelievable you can say the game has been improved...lmao
    are u actually playing the same version/game as every one else???
    lag is worse then ever.....
    generals are jumping left right and centre....
    are you trying to seriously tell us you have experienced none of the problems the vast majority see on a daily basis???...
    it beggars belief that any one in their right mind can say the game has

    gifts for downtime that should not be happening in the 1st place....the gift are sent to try and make up for all the lost resources and releasing of code that is not fit for purpose.....ever since pvp was dumped on us generals have gen acting like bunnies jumping all over the place....battle occur multiply times....camps getting unbuilt and then built again when moving gens....for past few weeks all these probelms have been writen about on forums and what has bb done to sort it out a big fat zero!!!

    how you can defend the undefendable is really ludicrous...

    no wonder there is so much negative posts as a mod you should now whats being wrote on forums and undertsand the fustration its causing the vast majority if not all players.....
    Last edited by ATHTHEMANIAC; 20.12.14 at 01:23.

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsie View Post
    I'm sorry, what? I think I missed this bit. Can you explain how it is more playable please, when we can't do PVP because of missing marshalls (but many thanks to BB for sorting out the locked zone problem), and we can't do adventures because of the looping generals/combat lag/graphics glitch or whatever it is. If you mean that we're not suffering from the immense lag brought about by the free move weeks, then yes, that is an improvement, but the additional problems that have been introduced are hardly making the game more playable.

    I am a big fan of the game, and provide positive feedback on this and other servers as well as negative feedback. I don't really think accusing players who are offering valid points from their perspective of "whining like a baby" is a hugely useful comment to make, although of course you are entitled to hold that opinion, just as those who are frustrated with the game at the moment are entitled to theirs.
    There's a big different between providing feedback in a positive and mature manner and a negative one, and I would be a big fan if there was more people that did that, I am glad there is lots of people out there giving feedback like they are, but there's just far too much negative feedback going on.

    Hopefully with some of the improvements that's been added and being planned (barrack slider bars, building timers, RBH blueprints, school house upgradeable, economy overview, gen/exp/geos skill trees, upgrading to level 6 and all the rest that's been added or being planned) that the players are seeing results coming from their feedback.

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