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Thread: Guild Life (whats needed, whats required) How you can make it better

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Guild Life (whats needed, whats required) How you can make it better

    This is going to be a guide for new players entering guilds, please feel free to add to it as I know I don't have all the answers!

    This is a quick run down on guild life!
    What is required and what is just good behaviour!
    Firstly welcome to the guild,
    A guild should be a place in which your happy to help you advance in TSO.
    Yes the guild is here to help you (more than you help it!)

    How guilds work is by communication, if you need, want or are doing something you need to let the others know! I will refer to this later.

    Guild quests (GQ):

    GQ work on the amount of active players, you will need to complete your GQ (and don't be afraid to ask for help) when all GQ are done then Guide coins will be rewarded you can use these guild coins to buy things in the Merchant. If you need to buy or sell goods, do a reverse trade with a guild member who also has to do the same thing , it costs nothing and Two of you have that part of the GQ done.
    Doing an adventure for the GQ a loot spot or co-op will count so often one player will do a multi-player adventure and the guild mates who need it get first offer on the ls .
    Again communication is the key to success , get in and talk in your guild tab and let your team mates know what you need to do to finish your GQ and you will be assisted pretty quickly.

    Loot spots:

    Getting a Loot Spot (LS) is a privilege, (if you check trade TO you will find that's these can make some serious coin)
    The adventure owner has the right to tell you what to send, what to attack, and were to send from.
    if you don't have the troops or can not do it straight away then tell who ever gave you the spot!!!!!!
    LS: are most times just 1 recruit and general.

    When offering a LS to another player, please say if it is Ready to Finish (rtf) or a certain amount of time is needed and what troops are needed.

    Co-op Adventure:
    If you enter into a co-op, then you are required to finish what you need to do, this could be first 3 camps or your section. Do not leave a co-op without your section completed as this will hold the other players up.
    When planning to do a co-op, ensure that you have the correct number of people needed and communicate first, line up the whole team and talk (Guild chat) with each other so you are clear on who is doing what and when - example of buccaneer roundup all need to do their first 3 camps, after this who is doing a 4 or 5 and who does the 6 or is one player finishing the main 4 5 6 solo? (best done when high level helps lower levels who do their 1 2 3 only) ensure you have the troops you need to do the co-op as quickly as possible so you do not leave team mates hanging around stuck on the adventure.

    Reverse Trade – a reverse trade or double trade can be used for GQ.
    How it works you send a trade to someone in the guild for what you need and then trade it back.
    Example: guild quest, sell 200 grain to another player.
    Trade 1: 200 grain for 1 fish
    Trade 2: 1 fish for 200 grain
    Before doing a reverse trade, make sure the other person knows you are doing it.

    as this hopefully is a work in progress I will leave it here for you to add
    Last edited by The_Brick; 23.01.15 at 06:45.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Keep doing this Brick, your good at it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    when planning to do a co-op adv, ensure that you communicate first , line up the whole team and talk with each other so you are clear on who is doing what and when - example of buccaneer roundup all need to do their first 3 camps, after this who is doing a 4 or 5 and who does the 6 or is one player finishing the main 4 5 6 solo ? (best done when high level helps lower levels who do their 1 2 3 only) ensure you have the troops you need to do the co-op as quickly as possible so you do not leave team mates hanging around stuck on the adventure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    Guild Quests - these though a solo mission are a team event - if you need to buy or sell goods, do a reverse trade with a guild member who also has to do the same thing , it costs nothing and 2 of you have that part of the mission done.
    with doing an adventure for the GQ a loot spot or co-op will count so often one player will do a multi player and the guild mates who need it get first offer on the ls .
    again communication is the key to success , get in and talk in your guild tab and let your team mates know wat you need to do to finish your guild quest mission and you will be assisted pretty quickly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Nice work Brick. Good effort and keep up the good work.

  6. #6
    Original Serf Jemima_Rainbow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    When a guild quest asks you to do a new adventure it does not mean do an adventure you have never done before. Any adventure will count, and doing a loot spot on someone else's adventure will also count.

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