The Nords 2 Frozen Manor drop rate has been cut from 33% chance to around 5% but why is BB still selling it for 1995 gems in the merchant, unless I am mistaken it has also not announced this major cut in the release notes.
The Nords 2 Frozen Manor drop rate has been cut from 33% chance to around 5% but why is BB still selling it for 1995 gems in the merchant, unless I am mistaken it has also not announced this major cut in the release notes.
No it's less than that, I did 10 at xmas and only 1 dropped. I think its around 3%
All drops have been slashed, less gold refills and the worst is the expo drops, as I will explain.
I have my expos trained for the artefact search, I have 20 some have cost gems others have required me to attend 2-3 years of events.
At xmas 2013 I bought 300 RttBN, at 95 presents each that is 28.5k of presents, or around 450k gc coin equivalent, I spent from December to April doing just that adventure, so I could train my expo up to find buffs, I make a lot of coin and well it means i don’t have to trade for them.
Prior to this change in the Balance system, which we were told would only effect loot, i was hitting 4-5 Rainbow snows a day (around 40 searches), that seems like a lot but I have had to work to get to that stage. Now I’m lucky if i get 1, most of the drops give me junk like fish platters, and hardly and x3 buffs.
The thing BB fail to understand is that they are making the game worst, you invest a lot of time into this and then they decide to turn everything on its head.
Noun (bah, yah)
Extreme articulation of both negative and positive exuberance
one reason may be to do with nords 2 now being a follow-up adv, dropped from nords, rather than being an exclusively gem bought adv.
@Kit yay follow-up which drops at a 0.5% chance ... sooooo not a good reason for that huge drop while not adjusting the gem price for the Nords 2 adventure -_-. Seriously whomever decided this was a good move both financially for BB and for the game needs to stop putting his head in the blender so his brain can get unscrambled
1: The adventure no longer has weapons included in the loot so that already made it less valuable then 1495 gems. On top of that the drop rate for the FM was slashed into stupendousness. So 1495 gems? lol I doubt anyone will even buy it at 195 gems now.
2: So to get a frozen from the follow up means having to do 200 adventures for ONE Invasion of the Nords. Which can drop FM one in 20 so to ever have a chance of getting one FM by doing nords and getting the follow up you would need to do at least hmmm 200 times 20 = oh only 4000 Nords or so for a single FM :P Very very realistic chance of ever doing that rofl .... not
Last edited by Rhylian; 21.01.15 at 16:06.
I am completely with you on that BAAAH. I didnt get any 3 x, or 4x buffs since last maintenance. All my scouts keep bringing useless cheese sandwiches or solid sandwiches, which I think is out of any kind of respect. How can we trust BB if he introduces new products, advertises them and one year later simply cheats us?
I would apreciate if Ravel could address our coplaints and concerns regarding this to BB. Thank you in advance Ravel.
Previously, you had to do a statistical average of 3 Nords2 to get a Frozen Manor.
Now, well, you can get them as followup.
But statistically, you need to do Four THOUSAND(!) Nords to get a Frozen Manor.
Even for those who can run 10 adventures per day, that's more than a year on average.
So, it's not an argument.