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Thread: Roaring Bull

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Roaring Bull

    The Phoenix Guild presents a Guide to RB using an MMA and Vet General (Elites and Crossbows.)

    Please note: This guide is now out of date in area G3 due to changes by BB to RB

    (Note: Cannons aren't used as I don't have the level for them as yet.)

    (Click here for full image)
    G1/ G2 /G3/ G4/
    Generals used in this guide

    Vet or MG
    Tavern General x 3

    Troops Required 811R 37M 91S 208ES 160C 251B 1LB 84XB (140 if planning to use the Major General)
    Losses 725-811R 224-244B 20-37M

    XP: 22,800

    Optional blocks (Far more advanced) Both G1 and G3 have options which will heavily reduce losses, but require no hesitation when sending generals. In a laggy environment, I would suggest recalling and resending generals if you use these attacks and the generals lag. Both have very little room for error. The Generals required are listed below.

    Vet or MG
    Tavern Generals x 5
    Any General x 2 (optional)

    Using Both Optional Blocks

    Troops Required 562R 67M 100S 208ES 249C 164B 1LB 84XB (140XB if Major general is used)
    Troops Required 561R 75M 133S 316ES 249C 164B 1LB 140XB using an optional full block rather than 1R block listed lower.(saves a recruit)

    Losses 505-562R 145-160B 27-42M

    XP: 22,800

    G1 (Landing Zone 3) Optional G1 Setup (7/9 Generals) in the spoiler below

    General C MMA
    General B Vet
    General A Tavern
    General X/Y Any

    (Back to Map)

    Generals X and Y do not actually attack, but both are needed to guide the attacking generals onto the paths you want, so they avoid a camp.

    Attack 1 (vs Camp 7) 120 Nomads 80 Lance Riders.
    MMA can be used, but the average losses are lighter using the Vet at position B

    Veteran General 90R 160ES (72R-80R-90R)
    Master of Martial Arts 91R 129ES (73R-83R-91R)
    Major General 88R 182ES (71R-80R-88R)

    Attack 2 (vs Camp 4) 60 Nomads 50 Lance Riders 80 Riding Amazonian Guards
    MMA again can be used, but you will need to use some Militia or risk losing ES

    Veteran General 188R 62ES (165R-180R-188R)

    Attack 3 (vs Camp 1) Block Camp 6 from an interception on an attack to 1

    To avoid having to either block camp 11 or eliminating it, we can choose to send both generals to attack Camp 1. Our first attacking general (Tavern) will be intercepted and diverted down to camp 6 and will engage this camp while our MMA comes around and eliminates the leader.

    General A BLOCK (vs Camp 1 Interception Camp 6) 100 Nomads 90 Riding Amazonian Guards
    Tavern General 15S 28ES 144C (120-160 Seconds)

    Camp 1 60 Nomads 70 Riding Amazonian Guards 40 Cataphract
    Master of Martial Arts 30R 30ES 160B (30-40(0.068%) Seconds) (18R 145B-22R 155B-30R 160B)

    For the fight to last 40 seconds, all of the Bows and Recruits need to have been killed. The chance, while it exists, is remote. However, due to the length of the block on camp 6, even if the fight extends to 40 seconds, it shouldn't cause any problems.

    Attack 2 can be combined into a block with Attack 3 with some adjustments. Please note this is not for the faint hearted. Click on the spoiler below to see this alternative attacking method.


    To view the full picture

    Generals A and W are not strictly needed, but if used, you will need a total of 9 generals

    Position A: Veteran General (optional. Can be swapped with another general for it's attack then swapped back out)
    Position B: Tavern General
    Position C: Tavern General
    Position D: Tavern General

    Position E: Master of Martial Arts
    Position W: Any (Only required if Position A is used, otherwise it can be left out.)
    Position X: Any
    Position Y: Any
    Position Z: Any

    Attack 1 (vs Camp 7)
    120 Nomads 80 Lance Riders.

    Veteran General 90R 160ES (72R-80R-90R)
    Master of Martial Arts 91R 129ES (73R-83R-91R)
    Major General 88R 182ES (71R-80R-88R)

    Attack 2: (3 x Blocks, MMA) All generals need to be launched in order, and as fast as you can. There's a bit of margin for error, but it's tight.

    General B BLOCK (Camp 11)[/B] 100 Riding Bowmen 100 Lance Riders
    Tavern General 20R 30M 80S 30ES 4B (120-160 seconds)

    General C BLOCK (Camp 4)
    60 Nomads 50 Lance Riders 80 Riding Amazonian Guards
    Tavern General 1S 94ES 105C (100-180 seconds)

    General D BLOCK (Camp 6)
    100 Nomads 90 Riding Amazonian Guards
    Tavern General 15S 28ES 144C (120-160 Seconds)

    General E (vs Camp 1)
    60 Nomads 70 Riding Amazonian Guards 40 Cataphract
    Master of Martial Arts 6R 15M 2S 37ES 160B (30 Seconds) (6R 8M 145B-6R 11M 155B-6R 15M 160B)

    You can use the original 30R 30ES 160B for this attack, but be warned if all of the attacks hit minimum in the other camps, and this goes to 40 seconds, other generals will win their battles and you will lose a lot of unnecessary troops. As it is, expect both camp 4 and 11 to be being demolished before the MMA completes the kill on the leader's camp.

    I use the Vet General from position A to check my other generals on the way to their respective attacks. If General C corners before the MMA (General E) has crossed the border out of Landing Zone 3, recall all the generals. Also check General B. You do not want him too much further along on his path than he is already. There's a couple of pieces of dry earth you can use as markers if you're using only 7 generals, and again if he's cornered before the MMA has passed that boundary, recall all generals and try again. This block is quite safe, if promptly executed, and you use the check points just to make sure.

    (For the full image click here)

    In case you thought I was joking about this being tight. There's 5-6 seconds left before camp 4 would have been defeated by the blocking general. You do not want that general too far in front of your MMA. You've been warned.


    (Back to Map)
    This section of attacks uses 3 Tavern Generals and one MMA

    Send all the generals in order of their letters. There is some margin for error, but don't delay too much.

    General A BLOCK (camp 17)
    110 Nomads 40 Riding Amazonian Guards 50 Cataphract
    Tavern General 10R 30S 10ES 150C (120-160 seconds)

    General B BLOCK (camp 16)
    90 Lance Rider 100 Cataphract
    Tavern General 2R 60S 120ES 10C (120-140 seconds)

    General C BLOCK (Camp 20)
    90 Nomads 60 Lance Rider 50 Cataphract
    Tavern General 8M 42S 110ES (100-140 seconds)

    *(see note below) Optional Tavern General 1R (20 seconds)

    General D (Camp 18(Witch Tower))
    70 Nomads 100 Lance Rider 30 Cataphract 1 Uproarious Bull
    Master of Martial Arts 106R 37M 1S 76ES (60-80 seconds) (106R 19M-106R 32M-106R 37M 1S)

    The risk for losing the soldier, while there, is extremely remote. Less than 1 in every 10,000 battles.

    * either block will work, as the MMA needs to be at the front door of the tower to be intercepted by this camp. If you are low on Elite Soldiers, or prefer to reduce the risks, use the single R block as there's time.

    G3 Optional G3 Setup (4 Generals) in the spoiler below

    (Back to Map)
    Generals Needed in this Section. MMA, 1 x Tavern General

    Attack 1 (vs Camp 24) 100 Cultists 100 Firedancers
    Master of Martial Arts 51R 84B 85XB (51R 78B-51R 82B-51R 84B)

    Attack 2 (1 block+MMA)

    General A BLOCK (Camp 25)
    70 Cultists 50 Shadowsneakers 80 Firedancers
    Tavern General 90ES 1B 109C (100-140 seconds)

    General B (vs Camp 27 (Witch Tower))
    80 Cultists 120 Firedancers
    Master of Martial Arts 194R 1M 1S 1ES 1B 1LB 20XB 1C (50-60 seconds) (170R-180R-192R)

    The 60 seconds was only 17 sims in 99,999 making it highly unlikely to occur, but because of this possibility, it's advisable to not waste too much time on launching General B after A.

    A more advanced block is presented in this spoiler which converts the attack on camp 24 into a block. Be warned, this attack is critical on timing.

    (For Full Image)

    MMA plus 3 tavern generals is required for this.

    The first Tavern general that attacks with 14 recruits onto camp 24 serves a dual purpose. He gives a 20 second window for the general blocking camp 25, plus reduces the cultists there allowing for a more stable block. Launch the generals in order of their letters, and don't hesitate. Without cannons, this block is tight.

    General A BLOCK (Camp 24) 100 Cultists 100 Firedancers
    Tavern General 14R (20 seconds)

    *(see note below)General B BLOCK (Camp 27 WT intercept Camp 25)
    70 Cultists 50 Shadowsneakers 80 Firedancers
    Tavern General 90ES 1B 109C (100-140 seconds)

    General C BLOCK (Camp 24)
    92-94 Cultists 100 Firedancers
    Tavern General 117ES 83C (100-160 seconds)

    General D (vs Camp 27 (Witch Tower))
    80 Cultists 120 Firedancers
    Master of Martial Arts 194R 1M 1S 1ES 1B 1LB 20XB 1C (50-60 seconds) (170R-180R-192R)

    I've never seen a layout presented for this attack, the original idea came from another source. When I simmed it though, I found there was a problem with the top block if only 1 recruit was used which was why I modified the initial attack to reduce the cultists, which in turn stabilises the block on camp 24.

    * While I have yet to have this issue except once with extreme lag, it is safer to attack the Witch Tower and allow camp 25 to intercept this general. Apparently there's a bug which can allow a general to be intercepted by camp 24 even if it's already in another camp's zone. However once a general has already been intercepted, it cannot be intercepted again, until it's finished it's first fight. This is to stop that bug from getting in the way of the general enroute to the camp he's blocking. It also adds a further checkpoint as the general SHOULD be intercepted before the fight finishes at camp 24. If that fight finishes and then he's intercepted, recall all generals, and use the simpler method outlined earlier and eliminate camp 24 first.

    Spacings check.

    (Click here for a full image)

    General A and B are the most critical generals for spacing. The distance shown here will just allow General B to avoid being intercepted by camp 24, but still have enough time to get to where camp 25 will intercept him. There's only 6 seconds of margin in this, so yes, it's very tight. Generals C and D( the MMA are not quite as critical in timing, but there's still not a lot of time to play with and while cannons will make the full attack easier, that spacing between general A and B will always remain tight. If you find you are struggling to get the spacing right, consider stepping general A's(See Alt Position Diagram) starting point back one space to allow more time on selecting and sending general B. Allow the full drum roll to finish(takes between 3 and 4 seconds) before launching B.)

    (General A Alt Position Full Diagram)


    (Back to Map)
    There's many ways to close out this last attack, but I feel in the current period, with so much lag being generated once more than one player enters the adventure, this classic finish is one of the best.

    Attack 1 (1R Block and 1R MMA Suicide attack)

    General A BLOCK (Camp 34)
    100 Cultists 40 Shadowsneakers 60 Firedancers
    Tavern General 1R (20 Seconds)

    General B SUICIDE (Camp 35(Witch Tower)) 80 Cultists 50 Shadowsneakers 70 Firedancers 1 Dark High Priest
    Master of Martial Arts 1R

    At this stage, call in your Loot Spots. 2 R will do for either Landing Zone 2 or Landing Zone 3. Closest Camp.

    Final Attack (1 x Vet plus Blocker)

    General A BLOCK (Camp 34)
    100 Cultists 40 Shadowsneakers 60 Firedancers
    Tavern General 1R (20 Seconds)

    General D (vs Camp 35) 80 Cultists 62-64 Firedancers 1 Dark High Priest
    Veteran General 151R 15C 84XB (134R-146R-151R)
    Major General 128R 2ES 140XB (120R-126R-128R)
    This is my first guide, so be gentle.

    I'd like to thank Dinsdale and Lortiness for their input. I'd also like to thank wacky_racer and Darbsovich for supplying me with damascene swords, plus their support during the design process. My awesome guild (Phoenix) for putting up with me while I worked out all the positions and stuff. ttlanhil for some of his valuable early insights. Narcil for explaining how to post graphics in this forum . dari47, Phoenix10, Doris27, Ceasar_Fenix, RizzIzlez and others within the guild for doing buffs (often when I wasn't looking and they thought I wouldn't notice) while I was deeply involved in working it all out.

    To my guildie playtesters who tested my guide dragon_fly and Dinsdale.

    I'd also like to thank MOD_Fhearghus for his patience in helping me with formatting this guide.

    All blocks and attacks were simmed and checked using and double checked using https://546e810ba39faf8b8d5e4e7971e6...dfb3BfRUtxZTg/

    All blocks and attacks have been tested by myself and others within Phoenix guild, but we don't take responsibility for any losses you may incur running this guide. You're urged to check all blocks and attacks yourself using your own favourite simulator.
    Last edited by DLCatlord; 02.02.20 at 23:11.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

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