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Thread: Moving Buildings - the store house!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Moving Buildings - the store house!

    Dear Settlers Online

    How about including a feature to be able to move the storehouse just like you are able to move other buildings? I find that when I wanted to move around my buildings to optimise my economy, I had to demolish and build a new storehouse instead of being able to move it like other buildings using the move buildings function in the buildings menu. Anyone else find this annoying?

    Can this be improved please?

    Kind Regards

    Zaheer - Newfoundland Settler.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Unlike other buildings you DO need at least 1 storehouse/mayors per sector. If the generic move function was available for storehouses it would be possible to move all storehouses out of a given sector, this would mean you would no longer own that sector. That would mean that you should then lose any buildings with there upgrades from the sector you no longer own. This could prove very expensive in terms of lost upgrade resources and BB would not be under any obligation to refund your losses since it was your mistake not theirs.

    For this reason I am totally against a move function for storehouses.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  3. #3
    Town Councillor
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Unlike other buildings you DO need at least 1 storehouse/mayors per sector. If the generic move function was available for storehouses it would be possible to move all storehouses out of a given sector, this would mean you would no longer own that sector. That would mean that you should then lose any buildings with there upgrades from the sector you no longer own. This could prove very expensive in terms of lost upgrade resources and BB would not be under any obligation to refund your losses since it was your mistake not theirs.

    For this reason I am totally against a move function for storehouses.

    Yes, because it is TOTALLY impossible technically to validate whether there is another storehouse in the sector.
    Similar to how there is scientific evidence that there is no chance in hell freezing over to find out whether a person leaving the house is the last one or not.

    Other than that ... why not simply introduce a check that you can't move storehouses in a sector where there is only 1 and let us move the rest?
    Because the aforementioned issue is really only a problem for people who are short to running out of island space, i.e. people who typically have 3-5 stores per sector.

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpielein View Post
    Yes, because it is TOTALLY impossible technically to validate whether there is another storehouse in the sector.
    Similar to how there is scientific evidence that there is no chance in hell freezing over to find out whether a person leaving the house is the last one or not.

    Other than that ... why not simply introduce a check that you can't move storehouses in a sector where there is only 1 and let us move the rest?
    Because the aforementioned issue is really only a problem for people who are short to running out of island space, i.e. people who typically have 3-5 stores per sector.
    Why do you think I said the generic move function.
    Lunar temperature's are sub zero during the night, therefore Crater Hell does in fact freeze over once ever Lunar day which is roughly once a month

    However would you trust BB to provide a bug free move storehouse function given that bug free additions to the game have been very thing on the ground.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sharpielein, Yes this is what I meant just to clarify that. In case I wasn't clear enough, sorry. I meant why not have a function to move a store house other than if it is the last one in a sector. When you try to delete the only store in a sector, the game does warn that you can't delete this one or you'll lose the sector (or some similar warning). So there already is a check in place (or atleast a warning to tell you what you are about to do)to ensure you don't delete the only one and lose any upgrades, buildings etc. But surely you should be able to move others, right? It would just be more convenient I thought.

    As a novice settler, if I get my placement of buildings wrong (often) then I want to move them around and being able to move a store would help.

    Thanks for the replies.
    Last edited by ZKhan99; 07.03.15 at 17:15.

  6. #6
    I think store houses should be movable, the game will know how many store houses are in the sector and should not allow you to move the last one in a sector.

  7. #7
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Yeah they already have the last sector storehouse check done and used when demolishing em so nothing new needs to be made in case of that matter. However there is a technical reason for not allowing storehouses to be moved. It's related to the server load.

    When you move a storehouse you potentially generate a short load peak of path recalculation. When a storehouse gets moved all workyards using it will need a new path calculated to another storage and it does not end there as the target location of the moved storehouse causes recalculation over there too. They had the same problem but in a lot smaller scale with the Epic Woodyard when they implemented at test server (3 worklines). So they disabled it.

    Same type recalculation already happens when you delete a storehouse but the deconstruction time allows them to spread the recalculation over longer time and deleting storehouses is not as common event as moving things. Maybe they will improve and add it one day but it took then over 2 years to add the simple stack "repeat" feature to barracks/prov so don't get your hopes up.

  8. #8
    Town Councillor
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    Mannerheim, wouldn't the same problem apply when adding a storehouse to an island?

  9. #9
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    ofc its easy to check if ur moving the last storehouse in a sector, its already implemented when u try and build something in a sector, but the main point is... not being able to move a storehouse is part of the gameplay, so I cant see this idea happening.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    ofc its easy to check if ur moving the last storehouse in a sector, its already implemented when u try and build something in a sector, but the main point is... not being able to move a storehouse is part of the gameplay, so I cant see this idea happening.
    But it seems to be part of the game play out of laziness more than anything else. It's not good game design. It would make sense in a game where you were actively competing for space in a sector and destroying certain key buildings would grant you control. It's a common element in strategy games. But here it serves no real purpose. It's utterly arbitrary. They could just put in a switch for the sector when the last leader was beaten. That would have made more sense. The whole, if you remove the last storehouse every building disapears is just plain bad game design. There's no strategic depth. I guess it's left overs from when they really had no real plan for the game's PvP element. Back in beta, all buildings had a health bar indicating that they had been playing with the idea of invading islands. Then it makes sense. Now it's just something they implemented and are too lazy to remove.

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