BB threw a big Red Nose Day event for the German servers in 2013 to celebrate their day and to fundraise.
As it is Red Nose Day in the UK tomorrow (the birthplace of the concept) why have we not had the same event?
BB threw a big Red Nose Day event for the German servers in 2013 to celebrate their day and to fundraise.
As it is Red Nose Day in the UK tomorrow (the birthplace of the concept) why have we not had the same event?
AFAIK they don't do any UK event day stuff and I think it was said somewhere that its cause the server is European English and not UK.
Given that we have just been given a `Happy Hour'. It would have been a nice supportive gesture for BB TSO to have offered to donate 50% of gem sales to `Red Nose Day' But I guess `corporate' wins over `conscience' ;(
Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned