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Thread: Why did BB lower the explorer eggs find rates??

  1. #91
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    3200 eggs collected was a challenge for me

    finish the scenario of where do eggs come from- wasn't - was just a decision of do i spend eggs on it or not

    at lower level/lower playtime level i know some others would have been more challenging as well and some impossible

    seems there are 2 main streams of though

    1) every single item/achievement should be attainable by every single player on server
    2) achievements should be challenges that go up in toughness the further you go down the list of achievements

    those 2 streams will never agree with each other as they are so opposite each other -

    But one last try in this discussion:

    Look at the total package of event rewards possible during easter event (MMA, Vet, MoD, Easter basket lvl 4/5/6, floating house, watermills, expedition marshals etc )

    rate these in importance for the event and overall future use

    rate those in possibility to get as a player - starter- medium older player and moneythrower

    and then look how much each group can get on the overall event rewards based on normal gameplay etc

    Does that strike a reasonable balance between rewards for all and some extra cookies for others?

  2. #92
    Ruler of the Land
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    What I think is wrong is to make achievements that require you to have been playing the game for years, or that are a measure of the amount of gems you use. None of these can be a challenge.
    Sorry, you're wrong. This is needed as there are a lot of players who have been playing the game for years and/or spent gems and lowering the requirements (to fit Casual playing freebies) would remove the challenge for them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    First one just exclude new players, which is not very encouraging for them to stay in the game. Other is just a measure of how much you are willing to spent on the game.
    Again.. Achievements are not game breaking but optional. I don't think achievements should be the main reason to encourage new players to stay in the game, but rather for older ones.
    Also, this game do not need more freebies but players willing to buy gems.
    Casual playing freebies should never expect to reach all achievements.
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

  3. #93
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    3200 eggs collected was a challenge for me

    finish the scenario of where do eggs come from- wasn't - was just a decision of do i spend eggs on it or not

    at lower level/lower playtime level i know some others would have been more challenging as well and some impossible

    seems there are 2 main streams of though

    1) every single item/achievement should be attainable by every single player on server
    2) achievements should be challenges that go up in toughness the further you go down the list of achievements

    those 2 streams will never agree with each other as they are so opposite each other -

    But one last try in this discussion:

    Look at the total package of event rewards possible during easter event (MMA, Vet, MoD, Easter basket lvl 4/5/6, floating house, watermills, expedition marshals etc )

    rate these in importance for the event and overall future use

    rate those in possibility to get as a player - starter- medium older player and moneythrower

    and then look how much each group can get on the overall event rewards based on normal gameplay etc

    Does that strike a reasonable balance between rewards for all and some extra cookies for others?
    I can agree on both you points, I recent being excluded to do some achievements because I was not playing a year ago and therefore does not have the same opportunities.

    I also recent being called a freebie,
    by SmurfAsH. I use a lot of time on this game, and have also and does use some gems, but I know from other games that it ruins the game, for all if it is just a matter of who payes the most. I dont mind that players who does not use any money on the game get the same opportunities, if it takes some time and effort.

  4. #94
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post ruins the game, for all if it is just a matter of who payes the most.
    Still, it's not a matter of who pays the most.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    I dont mind that players who does not use any money on the game get the same opportunities, if it takes some time and effort.
    Well, do I?
    I don't think casual playing freebies should expect to reach all achievements.

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    I also recent being called a freebie,
    by SmurfAsH.
    I have not called you a freebie, but you accusing me for have doing that.
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

  5. #95
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    I can agree on both you points, I recent being excluded to do some achievements because I was not playing a year ago and therefore does not have the same opportunities.

    I also recent being called a freebie,
    by SmurfAsH. I use a lot of time on this game, and have also and does use some gems, but I know from other games that it ruins the game, for all if it is just a matter of who payes the most. I dont mind that players who does not use any money on the game get the same opportunities, if it takes some time and effort.
    Wait... What?

    You resent being excluded from achievements because you haven't played long enough, but you don't mind players that don't spend money getting the same opportunities as long as it takes them time and effort. Congratulations, you have just contradicted yourself.

    Look at my join date, you'll see I have a similar amount of time before my first Easter event as you did. During my first Easter all I managed to get was a Veteran General... that was it... I didn't manage to get the Explorers that were on offer that year.... No Watermills... nothing else whatsoever... and I had to work my proverbial backside off to do it.

    Did I cry, "foul"... nope... that Veteran General transformed my game play and stood me in good stead for years to come, so I was as happy as a pig rolling in mud!

    So, let me ask you.. did you get a Veteran General.. or an MMA from this event?

    If you did, then you really need to stop being resentful about a few, largely meaningless, achievement points. In the grand scheme of things, that general will do far more for you than a few 'brownie points' that failing to get will only have cost you, at most, a few population on your Easter Basket.... and there are plenty other ways to get population in the game...
    Last edited by Ozzymandeus; 14.04.15 at 15:42.

  6. #96
    Veteran Communicator Brayarg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ATHTHEMANIAC View Post
    like i posted previously gem buyers already have many advantages are they now so greedy they want to be the only ones with achievements as well...??...
    Greed? Yep that's why I gave away 75k's worth of eggs within the guild.

    Quote Originally Posted by ATHTHEMANIAC View Post
    its like boo hoo hoo i have spent £100 on this game have got all the things gems can buy with all the advantages that it brings but this other player who not bought gems has same achievement thats so so so unfair ...
    I purchased gems because I wanted an advantage, I receive this advantage in many ways, Buildings, explorers, generals, To hear people complaining on the forums that their free to play game is to hard. Even though they have invested nothing in either time or money. Then that's just tough luck, suck it up or grab ya wallet.

    As people have already posted it was totally possible to gain all the explorer achievements with the free/gem bought explorers (14). Don't wanna invest in the game? well that's not my issue really, I have invested both time and cash so yep I should get an advantage, otherwise why would I invest cash/time???

    Quote Originally Posted by ATHTHEMANIAC View Post
    which is the reason why they bought gem's in the 1st place to gain an advantage to make the game again i ask what more do they want for thier money?? not satisfied with buildings and prem bonus's they want things no non gem'ers can get

    The achievements people are complaining about are directly linked to a benefit that I have paid for (extra explorers) So that should give me an advantage over f2p, I don't buy premium time as I don't play enough, What's the point in buying premium if I spend half the week offline/working . The advantages I make use of are extra generals/explorers and buildings.

    So to have people complain that I have an unfair advantage because I have invested 38months and couple hundred quid, as apposed to their 0-6months and 0 quid, well no one forces them to use the f2p model... I didn't achieve all the achievements myself, I was 305 eggs short of the pvp one's. Had I taken that last Monday off of work that would have been a very different story. But I haven't come to the forum complaining that it was unfair or I feel the balance was all wrong, No Iv manned up and sucked it up.
    Last edited by Brayarg; 14.04.15 at 23:39.

  7. #97
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jun 2012
    Just so you all know
    My Easter Basket residence is STILL lvl5
    Due to the flawed ways of reaching lvl6 it seems for the rest of my playing days it will remain lvl5

  8. #98
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by gibbletz View Post
    Just so you all know
    My Easter Basket residence is STILL lvl5
    Due to the flawed ways of reaching lvl6 it seems for the rest of my playing days it will remain lvl5
    This thread is 3 months dead, why are you bringing it up again. Surely the fact that no one has posted in so long shows total apathy on the subject by the majority.
    Last edited by Dorotheus; 24.07.15 at 22:18.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  9. #99
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by gibbletz View Post
    Just so you all know
    My Easter Basket residence is STILL lvl5
    Due to the flawed ways of reaching lvl6 it seems for the rest of my playing days it will remain lvl5
    and of course it is staying lvl 5, the event is over.

  10. #100
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    New Zealand
    um yeah - move on.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

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