Requirements: 3 fast generals including a Veteran and an MMA, plus 2 tavern generals
OR 3 fast generals including a Veteran, plus 3 tavern generals
Troops required with MMA: 328R 80B 75M 244C 34LB 304S
Total losses with MMA: 328R 80B 71M
Troops required without MMA: 354R 132B 75M 244C 34LB 304S
Total losses without MMA: 354R 132B 75M 5S

Witch of the Swamp is a good adventure for collecting eggs because it's cheap (95mfs from the shop), has relatively low losses and can be completed in around 50 minutes. The possible egg yield is zero, 40 or 100 - which for maximum losses of 328R 80B 71M (354R 132B 75M 5S if you have no MMA) is pretty good.

There are higher yielding adventures, but they also have higher costs. In the list on this link:, which is mainly sorted in descending order of egg yield, Garrun the Trapper will cost you 95 gems! and the remainder of the top 6 take quite a lot longer and will cost you many more lost troops. It's true that your possible egg take is up to 150, but two thirds of the time you'll get either 60 or zero.

Number 7 on the list is Island of the Pirates which has low losses and is pretty fast to do, but it isn't available in the shop, and as everyone knows it's a good egg source they're charging an arm and two legs in trade for it. The possible egg yield for iotp is zero, 40 or 150.

In comparison, wots is the best choice in my view (though Horseback comes pretty close) for the combination of relatively high yield and low cost both in terms of time spent and troops lost.

To follow this guide you will need three fast generals: a Veteran, and two other fast generals such as a a Master of Martial Arts and a Battle Hardened General or Grim Reaper General, plus two regular (tavern) generals, three if you don't have an MMA. There are only two battles where the lack of an MMA matters, any other fast general will be OK, but you will have higher losses. I will give alternatives.

So that you can start as soon as your fast generals land, pre-load all your generals as follows before you send them to the island (both lists include "spare" recruits).

If you have an MMA, use this list:

Veteran: 5R 201S 44C
MMA: 117R 103S
Third fast general (FG3): 200C
Tavern general 1: 120R 80B
Tavern general 2: 91R 75M 34LB

If you don't have an MMA, use this list:

Veteran: 5R 201S 44C
Second fast general (FG2): 97R 103S
Third fast general (FG3): 200C
Tavern general 1: 68R 132B
Tavern general 2: 91R 75M 34LB
Tavern general 3: 100R

The fast generals will then be able to do all the attacks they need to do until the others arrive, and there will be no need to wait until the slow ones turn up with the remaining troops.

Leader 1 (40 Cultists): FG3 - 200C (-)
As soon as your fast generals land, send FG3 to attack L1.

Drop 200 soldiers from your veteran and set the MMA/FG2 to 45R 155S.

When Leader 1 is defeated, transfer your Vet and MMA/FG2 down to the new landing points. When FG3 gets back to his garrison, drop all his cavalry and move him down to join the others.

Leader 2 (40 Cultists, 40 Fanatics) => Camp 1 (40 Cultists): Vet - 5R 244C 1S (5R)
After your Vet has respawned, add the 200 cavalry dropped by FG3 to the troops he already has and attack L2. He will be intercepted by C1, but this is fine, he will defeat both camps easily.

Move your generals to the new landing points as soon as L2 has been destroyed.

Camp 2 (60 Cultists): Vet - 5R 244C 1S (5R)
Camp 3 (60 Shadowsneakers, 40 Dark Priests): MMA/FG2 - 45R 155S (45R)
Leader 3 (33 Cultists, 33 Shadowsneakers, 33 Dark Priests): FG3 - 52R 148S (52R)

Send your Vet to attack C2. When he reaches the point shown here, just after the tree, send your MMA/FG2 to attack C3. When your MMA/FG2 reaches the same point, send FG3 to attack L3. These are not blocks, it just speeds things up a bit. If you prefer to send them more slowly, that's ok.

Once L3 has been defeated, move your Vet and MMA/FG2 to the new landing points. You don't need FG3 any more except for transporting troops back home.

At this point, your slow generals should have arrived with the rest of the troops.

Camp 4 (120 Cultists): Vet - 41R 180C 29S (41R)
Camp 5 (80 Cultists, 60 Dark Priests): MMA - 87R 133S (72R) or FG2 - 99R 101S (98R)

You can send the attack on C5 as soon as your Vet passes the tree near C4. If you get it wrong, you'll get intercepted, but it will not do any harm, you'll just lose a minute or so while your MMA/FG2 waits for the battle to be won.

Leader 4 (Dark High Priest, 40 Cultists, 120 Shadowsneakers): Vet - 104R 146S (93R)

Witch Tower (Witch, 100 Cultists, 99 Dark Priests)
Wave 1: MMA - 15R 80B (15R 80B)
Wave 2: Vet - 75M 123C 34LB 18S (71M)
Wave 1: FG2 - 15R 132B (15R 132B)
Wave 2: Vet - 75M 123C 34LB 18S (75M 5S)

As soon as you send the second attack, pick up all the spare troops with FG3 and your slow generals and send them back home.