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Thread: Game Suggestions

  1. #1
      Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Game Suggestions

    Hi BB

    I often wonder what could be done within the game to keep it interesting and I know many of us would have different ideas on what needs to be done. Players were very excited when we heard about colonies because we believed it would give us more room to build on. We were disappointed with the outcome of the Colony introduction

    I believe that we need some form of extension to our home island. This could be achieved by introducing an island offshore to which players would have to build a bridge. This would give us some new interest as we would have to collect parts to build this bridge.

    I also believe that this Island should be available to level 75 Players..... YES you heard me right. I think some new levels with some new quests to attain materials for our Bridge would give us level 50 players something New in the game to aim for. Many of us now find the game a little stale as we have reached the top. Coin no longer means the same as it did at level 25 or 30. We have built all we can build on our home islands so our economies cannot be grown much more.

    The colony system hasn't worked due mainly to the fact that it is unrelated to the normal play and we have no way of holding onto them even after building defences and spending huge resources capturing them in the first place. I do agree that some of us played them a little more during the previous event just to get a few more points for the easter house.

    I'm hoping other players will post their thoughts and suggestions in this Thread (Sensible ones...not looking for millions of free gems lol )


  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    a better suggestion would be shut down the game and start developing something NEW, something stable, something that works! not upgrading this project anymore is the best solution for them and us

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Why not just shut down the expedition part. Introduce it again when and if you have fixed all the problems, or better use it in some other game.

    Make something similar in this game, but use the troops we already have and make extension islands to our islands that we can capture from each other.

    Level 75 - nice idea.

    I would suggest that you edit existing quest and fix the bugs and faults first, before making new.

  4. #4
      Original Serf
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TabulaRasa View Post
    a better suggestion would be shut down the game and start developing something NEW, something stable, something that works! not upgrading this project anymore is the best solution for them and us
    Why shut down the game. If you dont want to play you arent forced to play it? Why start from New. If we didnt enjoy the game in general we wouldnt be taking the time to complain about it on here or on Facebook...

  5. #5
    Skilled Student
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    Oct 2012
    ABOUT THOSE UNUSUAL ''EXPEDITIONS'' TERMINATE THEM AND YOU HAVE LESS PROBLEMS........this is a serious proposal.........the EXPEDITIONS is a Junk part of the game.....

  6. #6
    Original Serf
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    South Africa
    this sounds very interesting hope it will materialise it will be fun and will keep the players here instead of them popping in every now and again

  7. #7
      Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grandbalar View Post
    ABOUT THOSE UNUSUAL ''EXPEDITIONS'' TERMINATE THEM AND YOU HAVE LESS PROBLEMS........this is a serious proposal.........the EXPEDITIONS is a Junk part of the game.....
    Personally I would tend to agree BUT some players have enjoyed them and I guess that in itself is a good thing. The problem was that they started so badly everyone got fed up of them very quickly. Also they were and still are very expensive when u consider that they are almost impossible to defend.. Luck plays a big part in keeping them

  8. #8
    Original Serf
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by VinConway View Post
    Why shut down the game. If you dont want to play you arent forced to play it? Why start from New. If we didnt enjoy the game in general we wouldnt be taking the time to complain about it on here or on Facebook...
    i think there is not about forcing to play, it is just annoying that they are unable to make things work. 2nd maintenance in row taking longer than is expected, what we should expect next, 1 full day down or even more? Many of us left a lot of money in this game and the way BB treating us is not really nice. They really need to do something on their side. Is not the only online game and i never saw such problems on other online games. Europe going into summer again? Guys do you still remember whats happen last summer? Storm in Germany and we were off for time?!?! I think they got big problems with infrastructure not just with maintenance. But hey this is just my opinion And other thing, they must saw how many players leave game after crap with Easter but dont think they really care We mostly talking to the wall. Is corporation they always taking money and smiling upon us dumb people who supporting them

  9. #9
    Original Serf Vydoonacc's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by VinConway View Post
    Hi BB

    I believe that we need some form of extension to our home island. This could be achieved by introducing an island offshore to which players would have to build a bridge. This would give us some new interest as we would have to collect parts to build this bridge.

    I don't believe, that we need any extensions. If I need space for a building - I remove one or more wells. :P

  10. #10
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Why not just shut down the expedition part. Introduce it again when and if you have fixed all the problems, or better use it in some other game.
    If there was a game that played like pvp would even bother logging on? pvp is rubbish and the few ppl that pretend to enjoy it should go find a different game coz they're obviously bored of settlers!

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