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Thread: Global and Guild Recruitment

  1. #1
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Global and Guild Recruitment


    I should say before I say more that this is a very small number of people and there are many hours of friendly chat in Global. I also think this is something that may only be happening in Northisle.

    I have noticed for a long time that teasing other Guilds and their members has become not just a sport but possibly a recruitment aid for some Guilds.

    This however is not just a one off or rare occurrence so it is now in my view bullying and no longer teasing. My guild have been teased by a few players on and off since September last year. Sometimes when certain players are present we cannot step into Global without a negative comment i.e. that we are recruiting and at worst breaking rules and at best lack etiquette that we may be sending unsolicited guild invites. I have seen one or two other guilds also teased in the same way.

    New players are told that there are BAD guilds who recruit and do not help their members , that some charge members huge sums to be in the guild. Whilst i do not doubt this is true of a very tiny number I have never seen any proof of it so why do others feel the need to mention it? I have also seen new players told to ask their new guild for 50K gold coins as that is the norm. This last i guess is to make the guild that recruited feel uncomfortable but of course the new player would feel even worse.

    Now my concern is that other guilds seeing this occurring are going to be MORE likely to resort to sending unsolicited Guild Invites rather than brave Global . I now have it on good authority that sending a single unsolicited Guild Invite is NOT against the rules (yes I was surprised) but it is not something I want my Guild members to do. So my members who want to speak in Global will carry on doing so regardless of the bullies.

    Guild Recruitment/Etiquette

    The Rules on this forum about Guild Recruitment are clear and 'guilds should not be discussed in global ' and nor should recruitment. However players can be whispered. It has also been confirmed that an unsolicited Guild Invite is NOT against the rules.

    There is only one place to openly recruit members and that is on this forum under Guild Recruitment. The Adverts receive a lot of views but rarely an application and I think its because there is no personal interaction and just so many guilds to look at that new players may either end up not sure so do not join any or just stick a pin.

    The next best place is Global. Openly talking and displaying our Tags and ideally a new player would contact by whisper the one they like the most. This is why I believe some guilds have become so territorial about Global . They fill it with their own chat sometimes several members from the same guild or just two talking constantly. What better Advert for a guild and it gets better still if they are then seen not to openly convert a new player but make a friend and buff them and do all the right things and better still if there is no room or welcome for other guilds to do the same.

    Global is for everyone not just a few so the best recruitment is done via whispering an untagged player and preferably after saying hi in Global which we normally do. Open and honest.

    We whisper a player if they are really confident and actually did openly ask for guilds to contact them in help. Then we ask if they would like an invitation. So an instant tag is given and then we receive stick from other players (Yes I do have a screenshot and in this particular instance the untagged player was level 40). Lack of knowledge and information did not stop the hecklers though and we were accused of taking advantage of an 'Innocent'.

    There are many guiildless players that want to stay that way and are angry that they receive so many unsolicited Guild Invites maybe if those that tease Guilds are quiet some others will not feel they have to resort to such tactics and will say hi in global and join in the general chit chat.

    Guild bashing should be stopped. There are many very good guilds in this game who spend time and resources helping new players enjoy and learn the game. Many players would have left the game without the support of their guild. This I believe is breaking a rule Trolling/Flaming.

    A note for new players out there looking for a guild.

    Go to the Guild Recruitment Threads there is one for each server do have a look through them. Look for comments they make that are of interest to you some mention Adventures a lot, some trading, some are big , some are small. Think about what would most likely suit you.

    It may be you like the guild name or the tag. Some are funny some are cool.

    But remember you can join a guild and if you do not like it after all, then just press the leave button. Look for another. There is a 24 hour cool down.

    Preferably write a mail to the Guild Leader and ask questions. If you are a little unsure of your english do they have rules that mean you cannot speak in your own language in guild chat, do they have other members of your nationality that you can speak to while you play and who will help you with your english. There are probably guilds that are totally for your nationality .
    Find out if others play from your time zone within that guild otherwise it could be a bit lonely,

    Never stay in a guild if you are being ignored by everyone. You should expect to receive all sorts of help. You will usually get more attention if you at least say hello and goodbye in guild chat when you log in and out.

    Most guilds do not charge an entry fee. But legitimately if they wanted to they could charge 400 gold coins because this is what they have to pay to take you in so they are not a BAD guild for asking. Any more and I think you should ask why and if they say they give a resource pack find out what it is and check it out with Trade Offfice prices and of course whether you really need it. It may contain something you will not need for several levels.

  2. #2
      Town Crier
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post
    This however is not just a one off or rare occurrence so it is now in my view bullying and no longer teasing.
    If you truly believe that to be the case, then you should take screen shots and report it as harassment, especially if you have multiple instances of it being done by the same (group of) individual(s).

    I have been previously advised by Ravel that multiple unsolicited friend requests is regarded as a form of harassment and so I would expect your situation to be treated at least as seriously as that.

  3. #3
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Thank you Ozzymandeus. I have made the decision to take this further now. I do have screenshots.

    I am surprised that unsolicited guild quests are actually not breaking the rules to be honest and I heartily disagree with it and totally understand how maddening it is to receive them as i have had them too. Friends requests i think a little differently about. Single ones dont bother me as often people use them as a first step towards talking about our Guild.

    Unfortunately some seem to have the view that 'silliness/teasing etc" is better than no chat in Global.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Thanks Ozzy It's really annoying to walk into global with saying hi and the first thing u hear, be carefull they are recruiting now or something like that. That's why I rarely go into global meanwhile, but I've come to that decision it may be jealousy of some kind. But luckily there are screenshots to take. For me global is a place where I would like to join for some nice chat and learn others to know and nothing more than that. Sometimes that comes with a friendinvite, so chat will be in whisp and maybe in some point lead to an guildinvite.. who knows.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    After reading this Im seriously tempted to start playing on Northisle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    U very much welcome topgearfan

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