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Thread: Blocking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Does everyone like blocking, i mean the devs dont support it..
    Don't we need a better update that makes blocking lame ? :P

    Since its not supported by devs why have the fans outsmarted them ?
    Wouldn't they wanna do something about it ?

    I like blocking until i lose all my elites randomly because of "possible" bugs
    But its a good tactic deleloped by players to lose fewer troops and make everything quicker and simpler.

    I just dont understand why the devs wouldnt counter that to make the experience not fan based, because this tactic kinda rules the adventures which is a huge part of the game..

  2. #2
    Committed Clicker
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    Jun 2012
    My island
    Why would the devs say they don't support something that is implemented and even a quest requirement for pvp?
    They don't say that it is not supported in other versions.

  3. #3
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Well you said it yourself, blocking and guides are big part of the game and without em this would be even more boring game which means less players. They could disable blocking by changing one line of code/setting and remove the busy flag from camps. Instead they just decided to just decline any support related blocking (in tickets).

    Lossless blocking has always been an exploit.

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Moogy7 View Post
    Since its not supported by devs why have the fans outsmarted them ?
    It's not as much a matter of the players "out smarting them" but the players found methods within the existing constructs to bypass certain fights. Very clever and the fans should be complimented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moogy7 View Post
    I like blocking until i lose all my elites randomly because of "possible" bugs
    I'm not aware of any "bugs". You either didn't execute the block correctly, or else you fell under/over the timing for a battle. If you study the mechanics (and use one of the good calculators) you will find that most battles have a time duration range and if the ranges don't line up between the blocking camp and the leader camp it can fail. Many blocks are like that. Very simple option - don't play the blocks and this won't happen to you. It's a calculated risk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moogy7 View Post
    I just dont understand why the devs wouldnt counter that to make the experience not fan based, because this tactic kinda rules the adventures which is a huge part of the game..
    I assume you meant ruins instead of rules? No, it doesn't ruin them at all - it makes many of them much more challenging and exciting. Nothing like controlling the timing of 4-6 generals all going out at staggered times in order to pull off a complicated maneuver. Take the safe brute-force approach and you won't have any surprises if that's what you want, but don't criticize the technique that many use very successfully.

    And I would say the devs don't support it because failures (to the best of my knowledge) are execution errors by the player and/or timing issues like I mentioned and it would be impossible to determine exactly what happened in a given block sequence (how long exactly did you wait between sending one general and the next) - a matter of milliseconds could make the difference. Therefore I think they take the wise stand of "your risk by blocking, your problem" and I think that's fair enough.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    without the blocks this game would be very boring, and you would be done with it in 2- 3 month. I Have only been playing since xmas, but I can see that they did make some changes to the fairy tale advs - to make blocks more or less impossible there, that is a shame.
    Blocks makes this game so much more interesting.
    We need some new advs with more interesting options to block. The latest adventures are simply boring. (I am thinking of the minis an Bastille Island)

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