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Thread: [Feedback] Progression System and Rankings for PvP

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I dont know if you have the courage to make a vote about this - but my guess is that the % of players wha are exited about this is very small. Many are like me just annoyed that you dont seem to get that we don't like the pvp and wish it sent to the back side of the moon.
    Features like this is, not going to make the pvp worth the huge amount of resources, the too long time it takes to produce the pvp troops, and not going to balance about the problems getting a large enough population doing both, on a much too small siland.-and not making the horrible cartoon battle graphics better, so please just remove this trash from the game.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    PVP again, when will the original game get some more levels, different adv`s, even island expansions, good news for those that do PVP, but there seems to be no incentive once on level 50.

  3. #13
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    I dont know if you have the courage to make a vote about this - but my guess is that the % of players wha are exited about this is very small. Many are like me just annoyed that you dont seem to get that we don't like the pvp and wish it sent to the back side of the moon.
    Features like this is, not going to make the pvp worth the huge amount of resources, the too long time it takes to produce the pvp troops, and not going to balance about the problems getting a large enough population doing both, on a much too small siland.-and not making the horrible cartoon battle graphics better, so please just remove this trash from the game.
    There was already a official vote and feedback window similar to guild votes about combat long time ago where they asked about regular combat system, pvp and what people like in current combat system or would want to have. They probably did the big combat change that was reverted partly based on that feedback. PVP was most likely implemented based on same feedback. Since it's optional, liked by people and does not interfere with the basic game at all the is no reason to remove it and make all the used dev time being meaningless.

  4. #14
    Quartermaster FishSmell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    1) Can't pvp level be displayed next to the normal player level? My screen is really small and this will take away 2 more lines from my chat window ugh.
    2) The water castle looks nice but it would be worth something if it did actually give some extra pop. One of the reasons I'm not doing expeditions is that I don't have the population to maintain both armies. (Other reason is the bugs.)
    3) I started playing settlers because it's not a competitive game, so I don't care about the ratings.
    4) But I think that gaining experience and levels will provide a purpose which expeditions lacked until now.

  5. #15
    Committed Clicker
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimhurst View Post
    Fantastic news , well done to all at BB. Really looking forward to both PVP levelling up and the ranking system. Just to remind everyone , its not a race to be the first player to get the Black Marshal , so just sit back , relax and enjoy the ride !
    Ah, the ol' "Dupe them other players into not racing so you can be first" trick... sneaky ;p

    Not overly bothered with the rankings part of the new content though I am happy to see the progression part being implemented.

    I do wonder though, if previous Pv-absent-P wins/experience will be counted toward a person's progression... half the diary implies No and yet half implies Yes. Figured to stockpile some weapons and just wait and see anyway.

  6. #16
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    There was already a official vote and feedback window similar to guild votes about combat long time ago where they asked about regular combat system, pvp and what people like in current combat system or would want to have. They probably did the big combat change that was reverted partly based on that feedback. PVP was most likely implemented based on same feedback. Since it's optional, liked by people and does not interfere with the basic game at all the is no reason to remove it and make all the used dev time being meaningless.
    I have only played since december, but since that seems to be before they made this mess, that they keep using resources on. Instead of making new advs or other stuff that can make the game fun even after you reach level 50. M
    aybe it is time to make a new vote. They keep trying somehow to persuade us to do it even though we hate it. Last by that Easter egg house and the achievements. No matter what price they give to make us do it - it still sucks.
    Last edited by Urd123; 14.06.15 at 13:41.

  7. #17
    Flesh Eating Mushroom Keen Commentor SwampHen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I enjoy the PVP system, and they appear to be attempting to fix the bugs.

    What I would really appreciate is if the levels of the water castle could hold additional population. This suggestion was made on the test server.

    How about +10 per level of castle?
    Deathcap - The Flesh-Eating Mushroom from the Create-An-Enemy Contest 2013

  8. #18
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    more like + 100pop
    i like pvp more than adv but is more expensive, in resources

    +2-300 gems/pvp lvl whoud be nice also
    anyway, i'm in, i got a little bored with adventures, and i have 40k weapons for pvp, so time for some expeditions(your colonies ar minnneeeee )

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I would love to be able to disable the 2 new buttons /icons. The one in the menu to the left and the one in the bottom. I am never going to do any PvP and they remind me about how awful and nannying that part of the game is. Would love to not have to look at them all the time.
    Please remove then again or make it possible to hide them

  10. #20
    Skilled Student
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    May 2014
    Aarhus, Denmark
    Is it just me, or will clicking the "Ranking" button next to the "Star Menu" button lead you to a new browser tab, where there's nothing about the Rankings, but it looks like the login screen (please see the screen dump below), albeit with a little login link mid-screen, that doesn't take you anywhere (you're "standing still" at the URL

    Sorry, but it seems that the Ranking system currently is defunct or at least not accesible.

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