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Thread: [Feedback] Midsummer Night Special

  1. #211
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Dec 2012
    Norfolk, England
    New pvp stuff released lately meant BB had no time to prepare an event this year and to be fair its a non football summer to boot.

    I agree with some stuff written here about no event for 6 months is too long a time to wait, seems they abandoned the crisis quests mainly because of all the criticism they received about it being too hard and luck based.

  2. #212
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantKid View Post
    New pvp stuff released lately meant BB had no time to prepare an event this year and to be fair its a non football summer to boot.

    Well, nearly a non-football year. There is a world cup event going on just now, of course.

  3. #213
    Raving Rabbid
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    May 2012
    ah but there are no female settlers

  4. #214
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim_B View Post
    ah but there are no female settlers
    Yes, more's the pity. There are of course female characters in the game, but.. Probably best not to derail this thread!

  5. #215
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Urgh123 View Post
    Why hoarders ("risk takers" if you prefer more) are having the chance to buy everything now ? Becouse those are mostly Scrooges that didn't care for anyone else but their own wellfare with all the past events, running into every next with already prepared stocks of event goodies and laughing to everyone else faces with posts how they bought everything on the first event day ! BB allowed that to happen in the first place...
    I see that maybe there is a hint in there about a post I made:

    "Bought everything on first day - boring event."
    so pehaps I need to decipher it a little. If not, kudos to you.
    The slogan between "" was used by some people as main reason to justify the new event resource system. Part of a very limited amount of people would feel that way and to prevent this the only option was to redesign the entire system.
    The one event I could do this I never thought of saying something like that. There has always been something to do during events even if you have bought everything. Now this event comes because of this redesign and I could buy everything on the first day. This time though there really is nothing else to do. I found that funny - thats why there is a smilie at the end.
    Oh and the reason why I have been reduced to silly one-liners: it seems those are acceptable in this forum and more to the point stuff isnt.

  6. #216
    Raving Rabbid
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    Oh and the reason why I have been reduced to silly one-liners: it seems those are acceptable in this forum and more to the point stuff isnt.
    Seriously? have you actually read this thread? it's an all time classic. Unintentionally hilarious pedantry about when summer is. Brilliant. More please.

  7. #217
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    the thing i am upset about is that this non event - special etc etc - whatever spin BB wants to give to it- actually replaced the summer events that always took place around this time- be it football or something else

    So basically a 3 week exchange and shopping spree for the select few replaces an event that would bring something new and challenging for all

    no matter how it is wrapped, it makes TSO less for many a player as the gap between the special events will be better

    a new ranking system for PVP is no replacement for event activity really

    an exchange special is all good and well- but having the shop open for a week or 2 is even for the people wanting to exchange stuff a bit of overkill- most will have finished buying what they wanted in the first 2 or 3 days after which it is a dead dodo for them as well. only reason for 3 weeks is to avoid whines about not being able to use shop due to holidays - which is fine

    but don't try to sell it as something special for all players- it isn;t - it just hides the nerf bat on event investments (probably no off the shelf event where some minor reward tweaks will have it up and running so too much of an investment from BB to make)

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Have this so called event on my mind alot. And the biggest question is " Why didnt BB fixed so new players could buy items for less price of tokens?" What I mean is we can´t get any tokens on our own if we don´t buy with gems or pay overprice on TO. So us who dont have several thousands of old event items to exchange we are out from this event.

    What you could do was give a chance to earn some tokens (new players) and second is if you locked the chance to buy items you already bought when a event was you could not buy it again like MMA if you bought one from last easter event you are not able to buy 1 more from it. Then maybe more players would love to help new players to get items too. Iknow some are helping but this isnt a event for all. And why didnt you make event for us all?

    For example new players could have get chance to choose 1 event to do during this 3 weeks and get items from that event. Then all had something to do and could get some items and not spend thousands of gold coins /real money.

    Sorry for sounding like a whiner. But really think this is a bit of killing the fun of the game.

  9. #219
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    event is fun

    shopping game is boring

    cater to boring= lose players= end of game :P

  10. #220
    Dedicated Scribe
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    May 2012
    1. The only summer event we have ever have is the football related events. Yes, we have had crisis quests/anniversary events but none that gave event resources to buy things from a shop for 'free'. We will continue to have full events in summer when a football event occurs i.e. World Cup/ Euro Cup. This is every two years and the next one is Euro 2016.

    2. Older players have earned the resources they have by many days/months/years of dedicated gaming and/or buying gems. Why do new players think they should be given for free/cheap things that others have either worked hard for or paid for? Would you expect to play a game for a year and then find someone starting in week one gets everything that you worked for, for free?

    3. This was never advertised to be anything other than an opportunity to use up old event resources which they made redundant with no notice.

    4. If you want something in the game that you cannot afford with game resources then put your hand in your pocket like many others have. BB operates the game as a business, if nobody contributed to BB's funds the game would fold rapidly.
    Last edited by Baggis; 06.07.15 at 09:15.

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