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Thread: improved storehouse entrance relocated

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Well it is quite common nowadays too see a change after maintenance, which is not mentioned in "change log", if there is one (last maintenance or the one before did not have a change log at all). I don`t really care about imp stores entrance because I just land them somewhere but I can understand why people are going mad as it is true that rearranging island is slow and you need a lot of patience, not to mention that most players will need to remove some buildings in order to have space to do it. In other words making hidden changes is not a good way to keep players in the game. Will not mention that keeping game play destroying bugs for months is not the right way too.....

  2. #12
    Nifty Herr_Pannenkoek's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Pretty useless change. The overall sprite alignment/collision is far from accurate, so why bother doing such minuscule modifications?

  3. #13
    Keen Commentor Urgh123's Avatar
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    Mayor's House
    This is not funny anymore, it just became bizzare...
    Last week i transferred my titanium smelter, paying the fee of 3000 gold coins, to the fast 6 second spot near my big shiny improved storehouse, asking why ? because it was on a 8 sec spot like it is today after this change.
    Furthermore, to make this even more bizzare, last week i also built and relocated my entire iron/steel chain with all the smelters and weaponsmiths, proudly, as i found the good and balanced spot finally ! Well, not anymore says BB :-((
    Luckily i haven't touched the cannons/damascene chain or it would be a total disaster

    A kind suggestion to BB, if this is gonna stay give us the chance to rebuild/relocate our buildings cost free, or just fix this bug a.s.a.p. as in a game of balance such changes without any prior notice are simply not acceptable.
    After all, we've being taught to balance our chains since the first quests in the beginning of the game, aren't we ?

  4. #14
    Keen Commentor Wu-L's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    a comment from Ravel or any1 else from up there would be appreciated. is it a bug or will it stay like this?

  5. #15
    Forum Explorer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lortiness View Post
    Well it is quite common nowadays too see a change after maintenance, which is not mentioned in "change log", if there is one (last maintenance or the one before did not have a change log at all).
    We have a maintenance each week, but only once a month BB add new items to the game, and does bugfixes, only those maintenaces get a change log.

    Urgh123: Last week i transferred my titanium smelter, paying the fee of 3000 gold coins, to the fast 6 second spot near my big shiny improved storehouse, asking why ? because it was on a 8 sec spot like it is today after this change.

    If you would have left it at the old spot, the walking time now would have been 10 seconds, so you still have that 2 sec improvement over the old spot

    And as Kit_ said, this one isnt in the changelog, and is a known bug from test.... so dont start changing you lay-out just yet....

  6. #16
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    I have noticed that the entrance is now at front end so a production building either side will deliver to the centre front. Meaning they are equal when they were not before.

    I would guess that at the drawing stage it would have been placed in the same way as an epic woodyard and buildings either side would enter centre front
    Last edited by Mortallicus; 21.07.15 at 14:05.

  7. #17
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
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    Just to clear things up, we only post a Change Log when changes have been made and a new version is deployed.

    Regarding the relocation of the Improved Storehouse entrance, this was inserted in our database thanks to your reports. I also mentioned and linked the test server thread in hopes it might help. A special thank you goes to everyone that pointed out the issue originated there and provided the exact link.

    Very grateful and keep on reporting! I will do the same.

  8. #18
    Keen Commentor Wu-L's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    pheeeew, thanks Ravel

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    Just to clear things up, we only post a Change Log when changes have been made and a new version is deployed.

    Regarding the relocation of the Improved Storehouse entrance, this was inserted in our database thanks to your reports. I also mentioned and linked the test server thread in hopes it might help. A special thank you goes to everyone that pointed out the issue originated there and provided the exact link.

    Very grateful and keep on reporting! I will do the same.
    You're welcome, but it's not the first time I gave you that link.. I hope there's no need to yet again do that in a year..
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

  10. #20
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    Regarding the relocation of the Improved Storehouse entrance, this was inserted in our database thanks to your reports.
    Sorry, Ravel, but can you please explain exactly what "inserted in our database" means?

    Was it an intentional change or not?

    What degree of priority will it get?

    I ask this because, as far as I am concerned, this is a serious change to a critical aspect of the game. Many players, such as myself, spend much time and effort planning the layout of their islands in order to optimise their economy. This includes the balancing of chains so that workhouses further along the chain are supplied the right amount of goods to function and this change has thrown the timing of any workhouse that was closest to an improved storehouse out of whack. With the sheer number of improved storehouses on my island, I don't think I have a single chain that hasn't been affected to a greater or lesser degree.

    Considering that this building has been in the game for the better part of two years now and that many of those in play were acquired using gems paid for with real money, if this change was made deliberately then it is unforgivably thoughtless, not only because of the costs involved with moving high level buildings, but also due to the fact that the storehouses themselves can only be moved by demolishing and rebuilding, thereby losing all the upgrades.

    If it was done by accident then the fix should be given the highest priority in order to keep the impact on our economies to a minimum.

    Either way, it should be undone quicker than the Roadrunner can say...

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