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You can add your feedback on the forum guide below.
Any questions can be asked here.
Last edited by MOD_Fhearghus; 14.08.15 at 11:01.
Looks great! And now I know how to save my sent messages by default. Thank you .
I tried to add a profile pic, but it's not showing . What am I doing wrong?
mmm I think you might be on to something. Patiently waiting approval thanks
or you added a wrong size picture, it has to be really low kb , under 64kb and under 100*100 pixels
Last edited by Polymer; 16.08.15 at 16:43.
Got it! Lordy was so kind to explaing the difference between profile and avatar ... *facedesk*
Anything on how to use and search for forum groups? I'm trying to find out if I can make a sticky thread on my group, but as you already noticed I'm lowsy at forum stuff
new quest on lvl 10
don't needed complete quest to go on next level
BB don't understand their own game