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Thread: Roaring Bull with possible loss of only 400 X R

  1. #21
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    JaJaJaNo did u test this yourself?...i tried this guide and got intercepted on 3rd gen by camp on the left....lost all my eiltes nothing i could do as 1st 2 gens were already fighting...and yes i placed all gens in the right positions and sent after the your placement don;t work!!

  2. #22
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Done this lost of times- but today I got ingerceted by camps over tower

    Was not paying attention - so also sent my MJ - so lost lots of CB.
    Not sure if this was a change during maintenance since I have not done it last 10 days.
    Have not tried it again- still waiting for gen to wake up or thinking about starting from north in the old way I used to do it

  3. #23
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Haven't done a rb in last 2 weeks, but many before on this way. I only got possitive reactions upto now. Don't know if anything changed after maintenance.
    Consider that you have to sent last Tavern general (5) of the block to the Witchtower, and he will be intercepted by the camp behind it. If you send it to that camp directly (camp C on guide), it will be intercepted by camp on the left of WT. (i'm guessing this is what has happened to you) Also don't send last general (MMA) before end battle-tune of previous general otherwise he also will be intercepted by the the camp Behind WT (camp C) .... it's a very tight block. I sent all gens on their way directly after 'battle tune' and that way it worked like a charm.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by JaJaJaNo; 07.10.15 at 10:42.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012

    I tested the block yesterday and it still works, I couldn't however reply as there was some login difficulties late last night.

    It's important that you don't send the attack directly on camp you're blocking, that will cause and interception by the camp on the left, which in turn will make everything mess up.

    Instead send 3rd general to Witch Tower, then it will get intercepted and attack the right camp. It also says to do so in the guide.

    This is a weird bug, it also happened to me once, and then never again, it's just an odd glitch.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    It seems that after the last maintenance the landing zone behind the 3rd witch tower is history.

  6. #26
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    And nothing in the change log.....I wonder why? Or maybe Roaring Bull has a google translation of the Sharman. ( Not getting at you Ravel just the Devs for being sneaky and not passing on what they are really doing each maintenance and deployment )
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  7. #27
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Farewell another adv from the list.

  8. #28
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    newfoundland on settlers by the sea
    how do did u manage to transfer the gens to the first position when they cannot be transferred there from start positions????

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by marnie68 View Post
    how do did u manage to transfer the gens to the first position when they cannot be transferred there from start positions????
    The guide can not be used anymore. One more adv nerfed by BB.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2012
    So now that the event is over, I looked a bit at the changes to RB, as Urd123 pointed out this guide has been rendered obsolete by recent changes to the adventure map, that said there are still usefull information in this guide, which is worthwhile to take over to new guides.

    The 2 important and impacting changes that have been made is that
    a) removal of sectors south and east of soutern towers, removing the option to take up the positions for general one and two in first picture and general one in second picture (see hurricanes guide on page 1).

    b) the central tower have been moved, meaning if you go back and use one of the older guides which suggest attacking north to south, you have to deal with the the issue of WT2 now being 'guarded' by camp south of it (Camp BBB in second picture in hurricane's guide).

    This mean the changes doesn't only affect this guide, but also all the old guides too, though the important bit is you can still use the old North to South guides with some modifications.

    Transferable knowledge.
    The 36E 153C block in JaJaJaNo's map, still works if you're attacking from north (even though obviously it have to be done from completely different position), this is worth noting, as all the old guides seem to suggest you should do a 1R suicide block, which is in no way needed.

    The 100R 39E block on the camp south of WT2 (Camp BBB in second picture) will now be a required block due to the change in the position of WT2, also it should be noted that in the same pictures camp CCC and AAA now needs to be killed before you can do that.

    Even though they're now obsolete a thank you for the guide are still in order to Hurricane and JaJaJaNo.
    There's knowledge in both of your versions which are directly applicable for anyone who wants to give RB a go post changes.

    For anyone who's interested the new max losses (using 2 MMAs 1 Major and 2 Tavern) are 610R and 159B. (or 792R and 32B if you prefer to minimize losses of bowmen).

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