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Thread: [3b] Tre Broderfolk - Scandinavian Guild recruiting

  1. #1
    Skilled Student Micwei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    [3b] Tre Broderfolk - Scandinavian Guild recruiting

    Tre Broderfolk er en skandinavisk guild.

    Guildsprog er dansk, svensk og norsk.

    Send en mail eller Whisper til Micwei ingame, hvis du ønsker at slutte dig til os.

    Omgangstonen i guilden er hyggelig og venskabelig. Vi hjælper hinanden når vi kan, med råd og vejledning, quests, adventures og handel.

    Det forventes, at guildens medlemmer gennemfører guild quests hurtigst muligt. Dette er meget nemt, da gruppens medlemmer er flinke til at hjælpe hinanden.


    Tre Broderfolk is a Scandinavian guild.

    Guild languages are Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

    Send an email or Whisper to Micwei ingame, if you want to join us.

    The tone of the guild is cozy and friendly. We help each other when we can, with advice and guidance, quests, adventures and trade.

    We expect our members to complete guild quests as soon as possible. This is very easy, because our members are very helpful.
    Last edited by Micwei; 21.04.18 at 17:28.

  2. #2
    Skilled Student Micwei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Tre Broderfolk [3b] rekruterer stadig

    Tre Broderfolk [3b] still recruiting

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Tre Broderfolk [3b] rekryterar alla skandinaver, som kan läsa detta =)
    Vi är ungefär 25-30 aktiva medlemmar från hela skandinavien, vi är väldigt hjälpsamma och kunniga i spelet.
    Många av oss har spelat sen start, vi vill gärna ha folk som nyss börjat spela, men såklart även gamla rävar i spelet. Tveka inte att skicka ett mail till Micwei för inbjudan.

    Tre Broderfolk [3b] is recruiting all scandinavians, that can read this =)
    We are approximately 25-30 active players all over scandinavia, we are very helpful and knowledgeable about the game.
    A lot of us has been playing since start, but we would love to have new players as well as old players. Don´t hesitate to send a mail to Micwei for an invite.

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Tre broderfolk fortsätter rekryteringen.
    Joina oss om du vill ha en hjälpful guild, med både nya och gamla spelare.

    Three brothers continue recruiting.
    Join us if you want a helpful guild, with both new and old players.

    Edit: Please remember to include English translation in future posts - MOD_Daz
    Last edited by MOD_Daz; 17.02.19 at 17:37.

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Tre Broderfolk [3b] rekryterar alla skandinaver, som kan läsa detta =)
    Vi är ungefär 30-40 aktiva medlemmar från hela skandinavien, vi är väldigt hjälpsamma och kunniga i spelet.
    Många av oss har spelat sen start, vi vill gärna ha folk som nyss börjat spela, men såklart även gamla rävar i spelet. Tveka inte att skicka ett mail till Micwei för inbjudan.

    Tre Broderfolk [3b] is recruiting all scandinavians, that can read this =)
    We are approximately 30-40 active players all over scandinavia, we are very helpful and knowledgeable about the game.
    A lot of us has been playing since start, but we would love to have new players as well as old players. Don´t hesitate to send a mail to Micwei for an invite.

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