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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 29/09/2015

  1. #1
    Former Team Member Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    [Feedback] Change Log 29/09/2015

    The Change Log for this feedback thread can be found here.

    Please note the Change Log is posted one week before the version is deployed, so this version will NOT be live tomorrow.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by BB_Ravel; 12.10.15 at 14:17.

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    *Screams in excitement, dances round the room and passes out*

  3. #3
    Original Serf Jemima_Rainbow's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    Cannot help wondering what is going to happen with the guild quests. No mention anywhere about new Guild Quests for level 56 and above.

  4. #4
    Architect of the Empire
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jemima_Rainbow View Post
    Cannot help wondering what is going to happen with the guild quests. No mention anywhere about new Guild Quests for level 56 and above.
    At a guess they'll get worse

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    "here they come".....
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  6. #6
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Iron Statue "Transience"
    •A new buff will become available in the Provision House
    •It will allow the conversion of copper ore to iron ore
    Oh dear, it was all going so well....Now I'm not a happy bunny...why? well last November we had a major `re-balancing of game' to make us use the higher weapon chains, namely iron. Many players, including myself put forward a better balanced chain than the Devs eventually gave us. Now we are given a buff to convert copper ore to iron ore, that tells me they should of listened as their version is lacking production to meet the `new game' requirements.
    I know some higher levels will argue that having a secondary use for ` almost redundant' copper ( and those expensive ECM they bought ) is a good thing, and I won't argue against it, but it just comes across as ` a sticking 'plaster' fix rather than a well thought through game development.
    The new island archipelago have several iron deposits as well ( on test ) which then begs the question with all this extra iron deposits available how short of iron ore are we going to be? OR is it purely to cover the disgruntled ECM investors? OR the constant grind of rebuilding of iron mines ( with too low deposit values ) which will soon draw complaints when it gets to twenty a day!
    That said, I am looking forward to all those unspecified things that are not in the change log, namely those new deco items in merchant ( on test ) which while they may not be coming next week, I do hope that some if not all do make it and the change log is just staying true to form and only telling us halve of what is actually going to happen
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  7. #7
    Architect of the Empire
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    Oh dear, it was all going so well....Now I'm not a happy bunny...why? well last November we had a major `re-balancing of game' to make us use the higher weapon chains, namely iron. Many players, including myself put forward a better balanced chain than the Devs eventually gave us. Now we are given a buff to convert copper ore to iron ore, that tells me they should of listened as their version is lacking production to meet the `new game' requirements.
    I know some higher levels will argue that having a secondary use for ` almost redundant' copper ( and those expensive ECM they bought ) is a good thing, and I won't argue against it, but it just comes across as ` a sticking 'plaster' fix rather than a well thought through game development.
    The new island archipelago have several iron deposits as well ( on test ) which then begs the question with all this extra iron deposits available how short of iron ore are we going to be? OR is it purely to cover the disgruntled ECM investors? OR the constant grind of rebuilding of iron mines ( with too low deposit values ) which will soon draw complaints when it gets to twenty a day!
    That said, I am looking forward to all those unspecified things that are not in the change log, namely those new deco items in merchant ( on test ) which while they may not be coming next week, I do hope that some if not all do make it and the change log is just staying true to form and only telling us halve of what is actually going to happen
    The conversion takes 6.5 hours its pretty useless in my opinion, regarding ECM mine still offer good value it will be quite some time before I'm not burning recruits, not sure you can spend 24/7 doing AN adventures even when you get to them, so will probably still be doing old adventures to fill the time.

  8. #8
    Committed Clicker
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    My island
    Would the devs be interested in player suggestions for new daily quests and guild quests? How about no more pay cannons, titanium and carriages (level 46-50) which are far more valuable than the reward? Less adventure requests for the level 26-35 range? Simplifying the guild quest to include a production request, possible trade resources and use buffs are pretty simple that seems better than the current rinse and repeat of quests we are currently getting.

  9. #9
    Pathfinder Cika_Mosa's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    we don't need that new buff for copper to iron ore, we need new buff for barracks, takes ages to make 4k or more units, do not to mention if we want to do 2 tailors per one day although pop is high... so for example...x4 or x5 12h...

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    why cant we use all the useless statues to make iron ore from instead? Would be a much better use of the prov house for that..

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