Show Only online members like show guildies and show freinds only ( when you got like 100 guildies and 200 friends that could be nice)

Economy overview, what you get each hour is and 6 and 12 hours instead you have to use the calculater all the time

guildbank, with widraw limet set by the guild leader,

request guildies or friends to join your adventure instead of asking by a single click

ingame alarm timer's if you have to w8 for something in like 45 min i could be nice for some to have it build in near the settings, or/and ingame clock

make the geolist refill 50% of the mines that if left to them, with books/tomes whatever you call ehm, to make the game smooth,
( like when iron mine used 250 od the totalt amount of 500 its refilled by 125,( cannot refill more than start amout)

upgrade able men, with some sort of priest, like a priest that buff the next attack to make recruits do like 10% crit chance so the game get more whats called, changeable, and maeby blocks and stuff come's less attracktive, and adventure is not only doable one way to loose less men
and after that attack the priest should be gone