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Thread: When will BB do something about the various lag issues?

  1. #1
    Forum Explorer
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    May 2012

    When will BB do something about the various lag issues?

    We all know lag happens a lot in this game, but I hardly see anyone complain about it here in forum.
    Weird as its one of the biggest issiues in the game...
    Freezing is a new one, but lag has Always been in this game and seems to have become so common we dont complain or talk about it anymore... (evcept in chat, where BB usually dont read)

    But certainly lately its worse then ever it seems...
    An example... I Do a royal wedding mini quest, place the cake, get the reward for the subquest, go back to main weddingquest and finish that to... xp gets added and i place the next one on mayor, as i got 2 on Premium, at that moment i get a quest done message, instead of a new quest message and i have to finish the former wedding quest again...xp where gone from the bar..lag...

    So I finish the (old) quest....again....

    But the one I placed was gone...not in star...not showing in questbook...

    Thank you lag

    I am sure we all have more stories about them, blocks gone wrong, generals standing at one placing and sudden jumping...
    Lets not be silent about it anymmore...

    Greetings DD

  2. #2
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2012
    I am having a lot of game freeze, when i visit friends/adv my game loses chat when i come back home,

    also I put a wedding invite on my mayor house then game froze and it did not appear in my quest book

    when on adv and send 2 generals after each other game freezes or lag and some how the generals change places and attack in wrong order

    please help get rid of freeze/lag


  3. #3
    Pathfinder blewboy's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    I am having a lot of game freeze, when i visit friends/adv my game loses chat when i come back home,

    when on adv and send 2 generals after each other game freezes or lag and some how the generals change places and attack in wrong order

    please help get rid of freeze/lag

    Arthur (Blewboy)

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor Wu-L's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    freezing, freezing... winter is coming
    +1 guys

  5. #5
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Give the hamster a puffa jacket, game is freezing virtually every four actions this evening, some are only a second or two, but twice now I've had to refresh when generals won battle or landed. I don't usually get a lot of lag, but the freezes and hammer man are far more frequent recently.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  6. #6
    Forum Explorer
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    Ok, lets give some new fresh examples from last evening and this morning.

    Yesterday evening I got an invite to an adv. I accept the invite and wait for the adventure shield to appear...
    And all though it cost a long time lately...this one costed a whole lot of time, so I asked the inviter if i showed as accepted there, this sometimes happens, meaning i have to refresh to see the shield being active....
    But no I didnt show as accepted there i check mail again...and yes there is the invite i just had excepted.... lag....

    Another one from this morning...
    I go to a new, just accepted friend to give him some welcomming buffs, as I always try to do with new friends...
    I start buffing then it stops, i keep buffing, but buffs simply no longer show...and then the last 2 builds i buffed show the buff, but all between the moment it stopped showing them and those last 2, didnt get buffed, yet all the buffs i used are greyed out in starmenu....lag again...

    And sure, none of this really hurts , as it would do on a block going wrong cause of lag...but its still annoying...
    And these moments of annoyment we get all day long....

    Time something got done about it....
    So thanks for those who added their experiences with lag...
    I hope many more follow, so BB finally sees how annoyed we are about it...
    Maybe we got used to lag...but I am sure no one is happy with it...
    So please keep telling your experiences with lag to....

    Thanks in advance...
    And Greetings DD.

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor Alsh's Avatar
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    This is an interesting thread. Lag has been a regular feature of G1 chat that I think OP is right- we've got used to experiencing it.

    Not being technically minded, I am not certain which game issues I have experienced are lag related or not. I have seen my generals moonwalking on adventures (scary when blocking), then suddenly rushing to catch themselves up so many times.

    The pop-up when being invited adventures can often take time to appear and even and after waiting some minutes I have had to relog to get it to show.

    Often and especially lately I have found that the game seems to fall behind the movements of my mouse. There's probably a proper name for this but if I move across my map using my mouse, it takes seconds for the map to follow the mouse movements- I'm assuming this is lag as I really don't know.

    I find that I have to click on collectables more than once just to pick them up, though this might be related to the above. I find the same with generals- it takes a few clicks to open their window or click the place where I'd like them to attack (also hairy when blocking).

    Going from one guildies' island to another can take some time and seems to have become worse. I like to go and help them find collectables or do buffs and it seems I'm as long on the transfer screen as I am on their islands sometimes. This is slowing my game down a lot as I am in a large guild. Add buff swaps with non-guild friends and this can take upwards of an hour- every day.

    Tranferring to and from adventures is kind of the same as the above, but it's also affected by the lag. If I go back to pick up mails, do buffs, cook some troops- it all adds up to prolonging the game with non-gameplay.

    As OP says, the time between placing a buff and it registering on the buffed building takes a surprisingly long time- it doesn't seem complicated enough to justify just how long it takes to work.

    But yes, we have got used to it. Maybe this thread will show BB just how bad it is and maybe goes some way to explain why we as players get so grumpy with BB sometimes. We have put up with this lag for a long while- the fact we are still here playing shows how much we love this game but it's no wonder our frustrations boil over sometimes.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
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    All of the above, well put Alsh.

    I find it remarkable that in a world with multi-megabit connections and online shoot em up games where milliseconds make a difference a game as simple and low tech graphically as this can experience such profound lag.

    Since the problem appears markedly worse during periods of higher load and especially since XXL with the commensurate activity increase I am forced to conclude this is a server end issue not a client one. Buy a bigger hamster for your servers BB.

  9. #9
    Skilled Student fixouille's Avatar
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    what to add,yes i'm used with bugs, but since a while my game freeze each time i get a mail or a notification if i click anywhere at this moment, i lose the chat each time i travel between zones, and in chat my message can take i long time to be loaded.

    An other little bug, in trade menu (Trade office or when i trade with friends) the event section disapear each time i refresh or click.

    the cemeteries dont start their production each time they produce, i have to stop it several time to see it begining next production.

    Yes i like this game very much and i am greeting bb for this but it's really coming to be painfull those times.

    BB, thanks in advance for your reaction to this thread =)
    Last edited by fixouille; 23.10.15 at 11:09.
    We did it cause we didn't know it was impossible

  10. #10
    Nifty sanellen's Avatar
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    North Wales
    i have major lag and freezing (in fact my guild have renamed me laghag lol), cant count how many troops i have lost though this as i also have very unreliable internet connection and with the lag well its not good hours and hours spent on rebuilding troops, puts me off doing most adv's with a lot of blocks, but i do love the game so i will keep at it and hope one day for it to get better, cuz my internet won't lol

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