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Thread: When will BB do something about the various lag issues?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Lag certainly seems to have been wore lately; loading adventures and going to other islands is particularly bad; it slows my computer down something dreadful when loading new islands (and it should easily be able to handle it). The game also occasionally develops lag where it won't action things for several minutes after doing them. Its proving potentially costly on adventures and frustrating in general play.

  2. #12
    Original Serf Anabolo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Worst worst support and bug fixers ever in any game I played.

  3. #13
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    bb will not fixed anythign which is not in their instrest to do....if lag was benefting players in some way it would disappear tomorrow but as it benefits bb by slowing down player doing adventures it will never be fixed....
    this is the game they supply and want us to spend our money

  4. #14
      Town Crier
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    At the moment I can't seem to be able to type one flippin' sentence into the chat window between freezes they are occurring that frequently. This rubbish has been going on since July and every successive addition to the game has caused it to get worse.

    Seriously, BB, how can you expect people to invest money in a game that doesn't bloody work properly?

    Ravel, this should be your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY in trying to get some sort of resolution for us, please!

    And yes.. I have tried clearing my caches, checking everything is updated and done all the rest of the checklist that support had to offer me before reluctantly admitting that the problem IS NOT AT MY END and that the devs were aware of the issue and working to resolve it when I contacted them about it in JULY.

    Patiently waiting for a fix all this time and they make it WORSE instead of better.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

  6. #16
    Skilled Student
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by arrakis View Post
    I am having a lot of game freeze, when i visit friends/adv my game loses chat when i come back home,

    also I put a wedding invite on my mayor house then game froze and it did not appear in my quest book

    when on adv and send 2 generals after each other game freezes or lag and some how the generals change places and attack in wrong order

    please help get rid of freeze/lag

    My game still freezes after the short maintanace on Friday..... good news i dont lose chat now

  7. #17
    Jolly Advisor Alsh's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Why do some players have to turn this into their own personal rant platform? I thought the point of this thread was to give specifics about what/how the lag is affecting us players of the game?

    If you have lag- give specifics! How do you expect BB to take this thread seriously when you just moan?

    How are you affected? What does it mean for your game?

    BB need information if they are going to take this problem seriously- ranting helps no one.

  8. #18
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Moaning about people moaning... oh, the irony.

    You will find answers to all your questions in my previous post, if you read carefully enough (and a little between the lines).

    Why do some players have to turn this into their own personal rant platform? I thought the point of this thread was to give specifics about what/how the lag is affecting us players of the game?
    "This rubbish has been going on since July and every successive addition to the game has caused it to get worse."

    How do you expect BB to take this thread seriously when you just moan?
    "...the devs were aware of the issue and working to resolve it when I contacted them about it in JULY."
    (I expect them to take it about as seriously as my conversation with support and the thread I started back in July was - i.e. not very much. Meanwhile I have been reading more and more people complain about similar issues, more and more frequently, both here and in game chat)

    How are you affected? What does it mean for your game?
    "At the moment I can't seem to be able to type one flippin' sentence into the chat window between freezes they are occurring that frequently."
    (This should speak volumes about the level of performance - hah! - I had earlier, when the period of time between freezes was barely enough for me to type a few words into the chat window. Now... imagine trying to actually play the game when it only functions for a few seconds before freezing for upwards of a minute... over and over and over again... - HINT... you can't!)

  9. #19
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Since yesterdays update things have got worse. generals doing the quick quick slow across the map, game freezes up every time I re- visit home Island. Continuous fighting in camps that doesn't clear unless I leave adventure and come back, general is usually half way back to his camp (makes blocking risky so gave up again).
    chat freezes. Provisions house resetting queue if you move anything up. Barracks putting stuff in Queue and coming back later and finding it never happened.

    All pretty standard fare for an event, how about some response at least show us there's a glimmer of hope this issue will one day be resolved.

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2013
    Ankh Morpork
    Agreed, with the XXL pack and the event more people are being active again. Sometimes the game just grinds to an halt. And more Flash plugin problems as well.

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