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Thread: [Feedback] New chat features

  1. #51
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    the problem with spammers could be solved if we as players could ignore those who spam. Not all is spam to all.
    Often the chat is very quiet, so I dont think it is a huge problem

    There is another problem besides spamming, [Edited]
    Give us the chance to filter off those who we see as spammers by being able to ignore and block players we dont want to whisper us and we dont want to read in chat.
    there is already an ignore function:
    /ignoreadd name (this will block you from being able to see anything someone says in chat, though they can still see you)
    /ignoreremove name - removes them from ignore
    /ignoreshow - will show you the full list of people on your ignore list

    also a handy function to know, if mods are not around and someone is misbehaving use /report name reason this will then get the mods attention
    Last edited by MOD_Houri; 09.02.16 at 17:16.

  2. #52
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kit_ View Post
    there is already an ignore function:
    /ignoreadd name (this will block you from being able to see anything someone says in chat, though they can still see you)
    /ignoreremove name - removes them from ignore
    /ignoreshow - will show you the full list of people on your ignore list

    also a handy function to know, if mods are not around and someone is misbehaving use /report name reason this will then get the mods attention
    Yhank you - I did not know that, but that leave mee wwith the impression that the biggest problem for me for that chat to be a nice relaxed place sometimes is [edited] not the users .
    Last edited by BB_Ravel; 09.02.16 at 12:19. Reason: complaints about moderation belong in a support ticket.

  3. #53
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Also part of the problem were the script kiddies that can create a dozen accounts per minute and evade chat bans as much as they want. Ignore or mod bans won't help much and neither does ip-ban when they are using various proxies.

    I don't know how big of a problem it has been on the EU servers but been bigger elsewhere.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Can a feature be added to either click-copy someones name to chatbox or autofill for exapmle when you type Gre and press TAB key it would fill the rest i.e. Gregory558 for online players.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Finally we get an adventure chat. Too bad the main reason we wanted one of those was effectively removed when the loot changed. The loot for all co-op adventures were nerfed so hard that they are all now effectively useless. I think I have done two or three Tomb Raider since the nerf. One to test the new loot and two during an event for nostalgic reasons. It's impossible to find people to play co-ops with. BB REALLY need to have a little look at the loot and improve them. Can't be fun to have spent that much time on a part of them game that is never used, specially when the fix is so simple. Just increase to loot value for all co-ops. They need to be slightly higher than an equivalent regular adventure because of the extra effort involved in coordinating.

    Why would you ever bother with a Tomb Raider when you can play a Traitors, Stealing from the Rich or even a Horseback instead? Stealing from the Rich as better loot, lower losses, more XP and a loot spot to spare. I much rather play one Black Knights than two Tomb Raider. Roughly the same losses but vastly superior loot.

    The old Tomb Raider was too good but this is just ridiculous.

    The co-op adventures was a really good idea. It introduced the interactivity that a lot of players lacked. Now when we have a usable way to communicate with all participants, you could even make more elaborate co-op adventures. That's where BB shouls have spent all the time and resources wasted on the PvP that isn't even PvP. The reason a lot of people wanted PvP was for a way to interact with other players.

    So please, just fix the co-ops. The simple solution is a significant bump in first slot resources. Most will only give around 200 granite which is just plain bad and there's no XP to compensate either.

  6. #56
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    1001 nights adventures indicate that BB wants less interaction between players. So working as intended?
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  7. #57
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    1001 nights adventures indicate that BB wants less interaction between players. So working as intended?
    I think it was more to remove the practice of loot spot selling, and so balance the loot with losses overall, and less to do with interactivity of players.
    I like many others have been trying to get the Devs to review loot in many of the adventures, since the dreaded November nerf showed that they could ( when they wanted too ). If the practice of loot spot selling IS holding this back on the `less popular' normal adventures, I would have to agree with Zotamedu, that as all player losses are controlled by the co-op mechanic, there is a desperate need for the co-op adventure loots to be seriously revised, and realy no excuse not too ( Unless its a server capacity issue ) . With the current reviewing of the first release of the new guild quest system and quests, I can't help but notice combining the two concepts ( removing the quests deemed to expensive or with not enough time to complete them, and replace them with a `do a co-op' (with revised loot ) either named or optional ) would probably make better use of the investment by the Devs in this and the new chat system.
    As a sub note, we had another newbie stuck at level 4 in help chat yesterday, denial of access to help at that level, will cost BB some new players I fear.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #58
    Architect of the Empire
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    As a sub note, we had another newbie stuck at level 4 in help chat yesterday, denial of access to help at that level, will cost BB some new players I fear.
    The level 4 difficulties still come up fairly often, sometimes several times a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Also part of the problem were the script kiddies that can create a dozen accounts per minute and evade chat bans as much as they want. Ignore or mod bans won't help much and neither does ip-ban when they are using various proxies.

    I don't know how big of a problem it has been on the EU servers but been bigger elsewhere.
    While it sounds a little odd to phrase it this way I can't really think of a "better" so ~ I hope restricting chat to 5 and above solves a very big and very common problem on a lot of servers. There are so many chats now spending hours in silence or peopled mostly by the same few daily chatters it's not clear how many new players some servers can stand to lose due to early confusion, confusion that can currently often be cleared with a few simple questions.

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