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Thread: can't load plugin

  1. #31
    Jolly Advisor Amazony's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Yes, same problem with one of my guildie , almost a month she cannot log from steam.

  2. #32
    Original Serf
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    Lancre by way of North Wales
    Same problem with a friend of mine playing via Steam - keeps saying no Chrome or Flash plug in; she tried reinstalling both but still getting same message. Apparently this is happening a lot for several years. PLEASE BB - can you fix once & for all - preferably running with other than Flash as it's notorious for crashing (mine does frequently).

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Unhappy Plug-in issues preventing play as of December 14, 2016

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Can anyone affected by this please give me their Flash version number, and make sure that they've tried to clear their Cache.

    Anyone on Chrome having this issue please use the following solution and report back if it fixed it or not:

    Head to this support page here, and follow the "Change plugin settings" instructions. In the plugin options,click on the "Manage individual plugins..." link in blue. Here you should be able to see Adobe Flash Player, and you want to check the box that says "Always allowed to run".

    Keep me updated as to whether this solves anything - thanks!
    As of yesterday, I can no longer play (play through Steam). I have tried all posted fixes, Including the steps quoted here and the .json plugin fix from the Steam forums that has been reposted in this forum. I just sent an email to support but am looking for more help. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Steam twice, I have uninstalled 64 bit Chrome and installed 32 bit and I have uninstalled TSO and reinstalled twice. With all these "fixes" I have managed to get to the "PLay Now" screen, which is progress, but when i click the button, the screen flashes and then the words "cannot load plugin" come up in the middle of the screen. My flash Version number is
    Last edited by sess12; 15.12.16 at 11:52. Reason: forgot to provide flash version number

  4. #34
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by sess12 View Post
    As of yesterday, I can no longer play (play through Steam). I have tried all posted fixes, Including the steps quoted here and the .json plugin fix from the Steam forums that has been reposted in this forum. I just sent an email to support but am looking for more help. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Steam twice, I have uninstalled 64 bit Chrome and installed 32 bit and I have uninstalled TSO and reinstalled twice. With all these "fixes" I have managed to get to the "PLay Now" screen, which is progress, but when i click the button, the screen flashes and then the words "cannot load plugin" come up in the middle of the screen. My flash Version number is
    Could you try these following steps:

    1. Uninstall Chrome and Adobe Flashplayer.
    2. Install Firefox.
    3. Separately install Adobe Flashplayer.
    4. Try and launch Settlers again via Steam after verifying the "local cache".

  5. #35
    Original Serf
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    Feb 2013
    Lancre by way of North Wales
    Why can't YOU do the fix - you broke it by something you did in the update! My friend Magrit tried all sorts including uninstalling / reinstalling chrome, flash, steam, TSO, etc & still no joy. Anything more complex is not fair - we aren't computer wizards like you developers. Please sort it for us computer illiterates!

    Or better still, make the game run without needing FLASH like many other games these days.

    Chrome version

    Adobe Flash Player - Version:
    Shockwave Flash 24.0 r0
    Name: Shockwave Flash
    Description: Shockwave Flash 24.0 r0 System
    Location: C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer3 2_24_0_0_186.dll
    Type: PPAPI (out-of-process)
    MIME types:
    MIME type Description File extensions
    application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash
    application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player
    Disable Always allowed to run
    Last edited by Gorsey; 16.12.16 at 00:05.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Got mine going again. Multiple uninstalls and re-installs of Flash, chrome and steam settlers client - Didnt fix issue. Below is what worked for me.

    Uninstalled chrome
    Uninstall flash
    Uninstall VLC media player (there seemed to be a plugin issue between VLC and flash? I am yet to reinstall VLC)
    Uninstall Settlers steam client (delete local content)
    Installed Mozilla
    Installed Flash
    Install Settlers steam client
    Install chrome

    Just re-installed VLC again and broke it, so for me atleast this is where the issue lies.

    Screenshot of vlc\settlers steam client issue - Please attach this screenshot to the post itself, rather than asking users to download it through Dropbox. ~BB_Saqui
    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 19.12.16 at 11:34. Reason: download link removed

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    blackpool uk
    I'm using windows 10 and that cant log in through steam either

  8. #38
    Wordsmith Durin_d's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    I did some digging on this and I found at least one reason why the Steam and slim browser can't find the Flash plugin on Windows. I don't use Steam or the slim version or have Windows, so I can't test this my self.

    Both the Steam and slim browser use the same code to detect Flash and use ppapiPath.dat and togglePlugin.dat files to do that. If the path in the ppapiPath.dat doesn't exist or the package.json doesn't have "--ppapi-flash-path=" in it the package.json is reverted to default values and the script begins to look for the plugin from a Chrome installation.

    The problems is in this js\flashDetect.js javascript file that is run every time the game is started. This script searches the "pepflashplayer.dll" from "Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\[VERSION]\PepperFlash\" folder but the plugin isn't distributed in that folder anymore (Chromium bug [1]) since Chrome 47 (1.12.2015) and now it's in "%appdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\[VERSION]\" or "%appdatalocal%\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\[VERSION]\" (I can't verify this). Also if the plugin is installed from Adobe it will be installed to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash and the js\flashDetect.js doesn't look from there.

    I'm no expert in Node.js or JavaScript, but I hope these following changes should make the script search from the correct place. I didn't make any changes that would make the script find the plugin from the Adobe installation.

    57      -chromeDir = process.env["ProgramFiles"] + "\\Google\\Chrome\\Application";
    57      +chromeDir = process.env.APPDATA + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\PepperFlash";
    79      -ppapiDir = chromeDir + "\\" + versionDir + "\\PepperFlash";
    79      +ppapiDir = chromeDir + "\\" + versionDir ;
    If the "pepflashplayer.dll" is not in "%appdata%\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\[VERSION]\" this following change should search it from "%appdatalocal%\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\[VERSION]\"
    57      +chromeDir = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\PepperFlash";
    EDIT: I tested this with Win10 and the "%appdatalocal%\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\[VERSION]\" seems to work on that one computer.
    The changes I made to js\flashDetect.js were:
    --- "a/js/flashDetect.js"	2016-01-08 14:46:00.000000000 +0200
    +++ "b/js/flashDetect.js"	2017-01-22 16:12:16.000000000 +0200
    @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
    -        chromeDir = process.env["ProgramFiles"] + "\\Google\\Chrome\\Application";
    +        //chromeDir = process.env["ProgramFiles"] + "\\Google\\Chrome\\Application";
    +        chromeDir = process.env.LOCALAPPDATA + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\PepperFlash";
             try {
                 fList = fs.readdirSync(chromeDir);
             } catch (e) {
    @@ -76,7 +77,8 @@
    -        ppapiDir = chromeDir + "\\" + versionDir + "\\PepperFlash";
    +        //ppapiDir = chromeDir + "\\" + versionDir + "\\PepperFlash";
    +        ppapiDir = chromeDir + "\\" + versionDir;
             try {
    [1] chromium bug id 572131
    Last edited by Durin_d; 25.01.17 at 12:42. Reason: removed link to chromium bug

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Similar to the above, but possibly easier for some
    The following is a "Worked for me" based on information from

    You will need Chrome installed (and have run it atleast once). I do not know licencing conditions around "PepperFlash". I assume it is OK so long as you have Chrome installed.

    Your "PepperFlash" folder is probably at
    "C:\Users\<YourID>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Use r Data\PepperFlash"
    Swap <YourID> with the one you log into your pc with eg bruce

    Make a note of the version you will need it later.
    To edit the json file below use "Wordpad" not "Notepad" (If you're technical enough to know what json files are and other whitespace related issues use which ever editor you prefer).

    * Exit the application / make sure the game is not running
    * Go to game folder of "The Settlers Online"
    * Create a sub-folder called "plugins"
    * Copy the file "pepflashplayer.dll" from your Google Chrome into this new folder
    * Backup the file "package.json.default" in your "The Settlers Online" game folder (in case you break it)
    * Edit the file "package.json.default" in your "The Settlers Online" game folder and change the list of "chromium-args"
    ** add --ppapi-flash-path='plugins\\pepflashplayer.dll' --ppapi-flash-version=<version>
    * Start Settlers Online
    * Exit Settlers Online
    * Start Settlers Online (Things should be good now)
    In my case the ppapi flash version was

    The "chromium-args" ended up looking like

    "chromium-args": "--in-process-gpu --ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-gpu-blacklist --enable-webgl --disable-transparency --disable-device-orientation --always-authorize-plugins --ppapi_placeholder --ppapi-flash-path='plugins\\pepflashplayer.dll' --ppapi-flash-version=",

    The reason for starting settlers twice is :-
    When settlers starts it uses package.json, but it also regenerates package.json from package.json.default.
    So if you update package.json it will work once, then will be broken again.
    If you update package.json.default. it will be broken the first time, but it will work after that as it will then be using good versions
    If you don't want to start, quit and restart you can always edit BOTH package.json.default and package.json

    As stated this information is based on the pages I linked, just with a bit of my own added. I'm assuming the owners of those pages are happy for me to re-package the information they have provided. If for some reason Ubisoft Entertainment / Steam etc are not happy for me to help their customers with this post, then why don't they do their jobs instead of me doing some of it for free

  10. #40
    Quartermaster EasyTarget1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Make sure you are using the 32bit version of pepflashplayer.dll. I found that in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash called pepflashplayer32_24_0_0_194.dll. Copied it to SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\The Settlers Online\plugins, renamed it to pepflashplayer.dll and everything worked fine. After adjusting the .json files, default and package.
    Have fun!

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