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Thread: Guild Quests ~ Lv 51+ ~ Collection thread

  1. #61
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Main Guild Quest: The Stormy Shores
    Personal Subquest: Huff and Puff
    Requirement(s): Pay 100 Granite from your storage. ~ Produce at least 500 Exotic Wood Plank(s).
    Player level: 51-65

  2. #62
    Architect of the Empire
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Updated the list in the first post with posts 40-62, that's roughly 3/4 of the new level 51-65 GQs uncovered.

    The feedback posts in this thread may have a better chance of being seen by BB if they're moved, they might just be buried here.


    Quote Originally Posted by jpo86 View Post
    ... quild Quests lvl 51 + ...
    I was kicking myself the moment I clicked 'post'. Will try to get that changed.

    ta da! done for you Thanks! Less confusing now with the 51. Reckon it's a bit late for a feedback shuffle at this point.

    Azarila, you've probably caught this by now but it's thrown a lot of people so bears repeating for everyone stumbling on it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    the lower level quests are the same as before but now they are not locked to the guild size so everyone can get any difficulty quest.
    Last edited by Iolanthe; 25.01.16 at 14:30. Reason: tyop - edit to Houried edit

  3. #63
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Main Guild Quest: The dragon rose
    Personal Subquest: Double-function parasol
    Requirement(s): Pay 700 Hardwood Planks from your storage. ~ Produce at least 150 Gold (bars).
    Player level: 51-65
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

  4. #64
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Main: The way home
    Sub quest: Make a codex and pay 25 gold coins

    lvl 56

  5. #65
    Skilled Student natalijar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Main Guild Quest: Airmail
    Personal Subquest: Wildlife Synergy
    Requirements: Refill meat deposits by 2500 however you wish + Produce at least 150 Exotic Planks
    Player level: 56

  6. #66
    Skilled Student Gumbert's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dræby, Denmark
    Main Guild Quest: Shooting Down the moon
    Personal Subquest: Plan B
    Requirement(s): Pay 50 crossbow(s) from your storage + Buy at least 100 carriage(s) from other players.
    Player level: 51-65

    People are self-centered / to a nauseous degree. / They will keep on about themselves / while I'm explaining me.
    Piet Hein

  7. #67
    Main Guild Quest: The feast of the century
    Personal Subquest: ?
    Requirement(s): Pay 1,000 coal + Buy at least 200 sausages
    Player level: 51-65

  8. #68
    Skilled Student Peccatora's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.
    Main guild quest: Retirement Plan
    Personal Subquest: Surprise Party
    Requirements: Produce 500 exotic planks and have 5 friends buff you with Aunt Irma's Gift Baskets
    Player Level: 51-65

  9. #69
    Glorious Graduate Iris2506's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    updated information about Guild guests lvl 51-65 in one overview

    Main Guild Quest: A temporary treasure
    Personal Subquest: No stone unturned
    1) complete the "victor the vicious" adventure
    2) produce at least 200 exotic wood planks

    Main Guild Quest: Unique Prison
    Personal Subquest: Sharpshooters
    1) Acquire at least 50 grout.
    2) Own 10 Crossbowmen

    Main Guild Quest: The chicken parade
    Personal Subquest: ?
    1) Pay 1000 marble
    2) use 5 Aunt Irma Gift Baskets on a friend's island

    Main Guild Quest: Big City Life
    Personal Subquest: Librarian Day
    1) Pay 100 book fittings from your storage
    2) produce at least 750 advanced paper

    Main Guild Quest: A wall of swords
    1) Complete VLT
    2) produce 100 damascene swords

    Main Guild Quest: the floating island
    Personal Subquest: the more the merrier
    1) produce 25 aunt irmas
    2) produce 300 brew

    Main Guild Quest: The Haunted Island
    Personal Subquest:
    1) Pay 250 gc
    2) Produce 500 Brew

    Main Guild Quest: The good generals
    Personal Subquest: Ready the artillery
    1) Produce 500 gunpowder
    2) buy 300 exotic planks

    Main Guild Quest: The Painter
    Personal Subquest: dont recall
    1) give 300 nibs
    2) sell 1000 coal

    Main Guildquest : under the sun
    Personal Subquest: ?
    1) produce 50 damascene swords
    2) trade 70 crossbows with other player

    Main Guild Quest: Personal army
    Personal Subquest: ?
    1) trade 50 cannon and 200 platinum ore with other player

    Main Guild Quest: The Honey Issue
    Personal Subquest: completed and i don't remember the name
    1) produce 200 gunpowder
    2) produce 500 brew

    Main Guild quest: A noble argument
    Personal Subquest: Test your skill
    1) produce at least 50 crossbow(s)
    2) pay 100 gold from your storage

    Main Guild Quest: The Veiled Wilds
    Personal Subquest: ?
    1) Pay 150 granite.
    2) Buff with 15 Aunt Irmas Gift Baskets

    Main Guild Quest: A Wild Bet
    Personal Subquest: Hunter diversion
    1) Fill meat with 10000
    2) move 2 hunters

    Main Guild Quest: The Landlord
    Personal Subquest: The Hardest Swords
    1) Pay 50 damascene swords
    2) complete VLT

    Main Guild Quest: The Hammer Brothers
    Personal Sub Quest: Plumbing away
    1) Pay 20 grout from your storage
    2) refill fish deposits with 10k

    Main Guild Quest: The Vault
    Personal Sub Quest: Unlimited crops
    1) Pay 50 magic bean
    2) produce 3k water

    Main Guild Quest: Seeing the sea
    Personal Sub Quest: (don't know)
    1) Make 25 Aunt Irma's Gift Baskets
    2) pay 75 titanium bars

    Main Guild Quest: Road to Nowhere
    Personal Subquest: Road to Somewhere
    1) Experience at least 2 new adventure(s)
    2) Complete an adventure losing fewer than 70 cavalry

    Main Guild Quest: the war above the river
    Personal Subquest: Watchtowers
    1) pay 100 granite
    2) produce 150 EWP

    Main Guild Quest: The Royal Ship
    Personal Subquest: The Finest Wood
    1) Pay 50 Mahogany planks
    2) Own 25 Elite Soldiers

    Main Guild Quest: Fancy Furniture
    Personal Subquest: Economic Lesson
    1) Produce at least 300 exo planks
    2) sell at least 250 coins by trading with other players

    Main Guild Quest: The Abandoned Mines
    Personal Subquest: Dead End
    1) Own 30 cannoneers
    2) pay 250 bread

    Main Guild Quest: The veiled winds
    Personal Subquest: Exploring with friends
    1) Buff friend/s with 15 Aunt Irma gift baskets
    2) pay 150 granite

    Main Guild Quest: how to build a mountain
    Personal Subquest: Miscalculations
    1) Pay 75 granite
    2) produce 100 exo planks

    Main Guild Quest: The Wizards.
    Personal Subquest: Wisdom in Books.
    1) Produce one Tome
    2) sell 25 Book fittings by trading with other players

    Main Guild Quest: Songs of the season
    personal Subquest: noisy percussion
    1) own 50 cannoneers
    2) produce 100 carriages

    Main Guild Quest: The marble bridge
    Personal Subquest:
    1) Pay 100 granite
    2) Produce 2000 marble.

    Main Guild Quest: The adventure seekers
    Personal Subquest: Brave Apprentice
    1) Pay 50 crossbows
    2) Pay 250 bread

    Main Guild Quest: Dark Lands
    Personal Subquest: Law Enforcement
    1) Complete an adv losing fewer than 50 soldiers
    2) produce 50 crossbows

    Main Guild Quest: Village Contract
    Personal Subquest: Will the Artisan
    1) Produce at least 200 Exotic Wood Planks
    2) sell at least 300 granite by trading with other players

    Main Guild Quest: White Pets
    Personal Subquest: Clever Girl
    1) pay 30 mahoganey woods from storage
    2) buy 200 sausages from other players

    Main Guild Quest: Garden Walk
    Personal Subquest: External Motivation
    1) Produce enough Golden Brew Mugs to obtain 10 coins
    2) Pay 180 Iron Bars from storage

    Main Guild Quest: Sky residence
    Personal Subquest: Service lift
    1) pay 250 steel
    2) buy 200 exo wood

    Main Guild Quest: Dark Lands
    Personal Subquest: Law Enforcement
    1) Complete an adventure losing fewer than 50 Soldier(s)
    2) Produce at least 50 Crossbows

    Main Guild Quest: The Lost Queen
    Personal Subquest: Safety First
    1) Produce at least 75 Crossbows
    2) Buy at least 200 Platinum Ore by trading with other players

    Main Guild Quest: Winter Might Come
    Personal Subquest: A Beneficial Surplus
    1) Pay 1500 Coal From Storage
    2) Sell At Least 2000 Tools By Trading With Other Players

    Main Guild Quest: The eternal repository
    Personal Subquest: Fragile Materials
    1) Pay 250 Exotic Planks
    2) Produce at least 100 Titanium

    Main Guild Quest: Happy Sailors
    Personal subquest: All You Can Quaff
    1) Pay 100 granite from your storage
    2) Pay 250 brew from your storage

    Main Guild Quest: Rain of Gold
    Personal Subquest: Royal Picnic
    1) Pay 100 gold coins
    2) Produce enough Golden Mug to obtain 100 coins

    Main Guild Quest: The Geology day
    Personal Subquest: Replenishing Strength
    1) Pay 2000 Meat from your storage
    2) pay 1500 Coal from your storage

    Main Guild Quest: The Stormy Shores
    Personal Subquest: Huff and Puff
    1) Pay 100 Granite from your storage
    2) Produce at least 500 Exotic Wood Plank(s)

    Main Guild Quest: The dragon rose
    Personal Subquest: Double-function parasol
    1) Pay 700 Hardwood Planks from your storage
    2) Produce at least 150 Gold (bars)

    Main Guild Quest: The way home
    Personal Subquest: Make a codex and pay 25 gold coins

    Main Guild Quest: Airmail
    Personal Subquest: Wildlife Synergy
    1) Refill meat deposits by 2500 however you wish
    2) Produce at least 150 Exotic Planks

    Main Guild Quest: Shooting Down the moon
    Personal Subquest: Plan B
    1) Pay 50 crossbow(s) from your storage
    2) Buy at least 100 carriage(s) from other players

    Main Guild Quest: The feast of the century
    Personal Subquest: ?
    1) Pay 1,000 coal
    2) Buy at least 200 sausages

    Main Guild Quest: Retirement Plan
    Personal Subquest: Surprise Party
    1) Produce 500 exotic planks
    2) have 5 friends buff you with Aunt Irma's Gift Baskets
    It's me the guildleader of the greenisle warriors
    to join mail me in game or with private message ^_^

  10. #70
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Main Guild Quest: The mirror ponds
    Personal Subquest: Reflections
    Requirement(s): Pay 250 Sausages from your storage. ~ Own 30 Cannoneers.
    Player level: 51-65
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

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