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Thread: [Feedback] Guild Quest Rework - Dev Blog

  1. #11
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I think the new guild quest, while more difficult, seem pretty fair.

    The problem I have is with the reset time. As this happens in the middle of the night my time, I am effectively losing at least eight hours from each quest, four at the start and four at the end. I realize that this will change somewhat when the reset is changed to 0000 but the problem will still exist.

    One option that could help this is if it would be possible to get round having to hit the tick button once the quests had completed, at least that would mean not having to be online when the quest finishes. When the quest finishes the GQ would automatically complete.

    Another option that might help would be to run them for 2 days instead of 1, with changes to the amounts etc.

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    overall, liking the new system - a few issues to iron out, but overall it's pretty well understood in our guild that we wont do all of them due to costs involved. But this is an individual choice - its good that after 24 hour, that issue is resolved..

    Personally, at this point in time, Im preferring the new system over the old one.

  3. #13
    Guild Quest:

    previously i was getting good amount of guild coins, but now after new guild quest pattern, i am receiving like totally ( approx. 20+ guild coins )

    i think previous pattern was right, rather, ( having only 20+ guild coins in 24 hours )

    Last edited by Naveed1967; 22.01.16 at 17:20. Reason: edit

  4. #14
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    I am very happy with the rework. My guild is making more guild coins than before on every quest so far. No one gets left out any more, with the old 80% cut-off some guildies missed out on completing, now all have a chance. The harder quests give a challenge and something to do whilst leveling (it is soo long between levels now
    And now there is no possibility of the guild getting stuck if a quest is too slow for some reason. Big thumbs up here.

  5. #15
    Hi! The rework is good (quests), but totaly unfair for small guilds (coins) (let's say for 3 memebers). I'm getting arround 20 coins per day for same work.

  6. #16
    fully support, Snakeeye0810's view


  7. #17
    Nifty PaulLG's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Why are smaller guilds penalised? Before the rework it could be argued that the tougher quests deserver better rewards, but as all guilds now get all the quests the rewards should also be equal.

    The guild part of the reward should be based only on percentage of the guild completing their quests, not modified by guild size. Many of the quests are too expensive for the reward for smaller guilds.

    Its not all bad. I like that we have a greater range of possible guild quests, that non-contributing players don't get rewards and that there is a time limit on the quests.

  8. #18
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Do these changes mean that kicking inactive players is encouraged?
    Absolutely not. In our perspective, playing in a guild is about having a good time with friends and people, and cooperate towards a common goal. These changes to the Guild Quest system should not affect the way you interact or play with your guild mates.
    Sorry to tell you but your perspective has nothing to do with reality. The system you chose to implement directly encourages kicking everyone who doesn't complete the guild quest daily. There were many suggestions given on how to prevent this and you chose to ignore every single one of them.

    Hang on, the gem prices go up, but the individual rewards don't? That's very unfair!
    The reason individual rewards have not gone up and have been standardized is to reflect the difficulty of the task given. Since the tasks have not changed at all, neither have the rewards. The reason why the gem price was raised was because they were initially calculated on the previous main Guild Quest rewards that were offered, and were balanced with the old values. In some cases, with the new balancing values some tasks would require about 8 gems to be completed in order to obtain a reward that would surpass on average the 100 guild coin mark. This would quickly devalue the market value of the Guild Coins, and would lead the players to not even bother completing the quest, but paying gems instead. We wanted to keep the game exciting for everyone, and reaffirm the market value of the Guild Coins. Therefore, the rise in price was necessary in this case.
    I am not speaking for everyone here but would like to bring myself as an example. I currently have 135000 gems yet I have never even considered 95% of things that gems can be used for because the prices are so high. That includes complete guild quest. The buttons that have gems on them might as well not exist at all. That's probably not good when you want people to spend gems.

    Someone with more precise knowledge on market prices please correct me but 8 gems for 100 guild coins seems acceptable but only because guild coin prices have risen 2-4 times lately. Paying 107 gems will never be economically justified.
    Last edited by topgearfan; 22.01.16 at 18:28.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakeeye0810 View Post
    Hi! The rework is good (quests), but totaly unfair for small guilds (coins) (let's say for 3 memebers). I'm getting arround 20 coins per day for same work.
    Have you reported this bug, you guild is too small to receive quests or coins.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    Sorry to tell you but your perspective has nothing to do with reality. The system you chose to implement directly encourages kicking everyone who doesn't complete the guild quest daily. There were many suggestions given on how to prevent this and you chose to ignore every single one of them.
    Your reality maybe, not all guilds run the old quests the way you portray your guild did. Over here even though we are losing 60% of the reward my members are seeing 40% greater rewards.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

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