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Thread: Please extend the SEND ARMY window

  1. #71
    Treasure Hunter Wulfmeister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    And in the name of all that's decent, please stop randomising the order you add the generals to this screen. Just use the order selected in the Star Menu...

  2. #72
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I am not sure if there is another tread on this topic somewhere, but we urgently need a way to pick the right gens in a different way. BB are spamming us with new gens, just this event we can add 6 gens more to the list. It takes time to pick the right ones- they are not shown in any logic order. So please add a sort option to the send window and make it possible to show only the ones you need. Often the window refresh before I am done picking, and I have to start over picking the ones I need. It can make me start doing solitaire instead of sending to an adventure, because I just cant be bothered sending gens to an adventure.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  3. #73
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    There are loads of suggestions in this thread, they need to do something.

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