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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log - 23/02/2016

  1. #21
    Nifty Seamus1's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Player_X :" Hi, I'm level 4 and stuck on this quest, I would like to ask a question, as it seems I CAN NOT progress to level 5 without completing this quest "
    BB_X : " Hi, I'm sorry, we do not want to hear about your issue with this quest before you reach level 5, have a nice day. Oh and if your problem with not being able to chat and ask a question persists, please contact support "

    Well done

  2. #22
    Skilled Student
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    Nov 2012
    @Smiffy2204 yepp! kind of.

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by inyi View Post
    so what happens to all the buildings on those spots ?
    as we already saw on test it doesn't involve buildings on bushes etc only, but a lot more. Buildings spots will be reduced
    Greatly Reduced places to put buildings.

    Everyone better make screenshots of their islands

    is this what we get ??

    And how about the areas where rocks have been removed, has those been fixed or can't we build there anymore either ?

    It would be appreciated if we get an answer about this
    The chances of an answer have to be exceedingly low as it is quite likely no-one that end has actually done the calculations. The reply would merely be that this is being done to stop players exploiting a flaw in the programming which was never meant to exist..... meanwhile I will be covering every spare square I have with nobles.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Bushes are not the issue here. For the devs not to be concerned with this bug for years made sense as it was one of those sweet harmless accidents that made players feel they had a special edge on the game but in a very small way. They are going to fix build issues that are on the live servers now which dwarf the whole thing with the bushes. Unfortunately the cute bush trick will suffer from collateral damage so to speak as they get rid of the elephants in the room.

    Building my island is the reason I play this game, and I love it. I log on a few times each day. Remember when a Friary only used a footprint of 1x1? Seemed to come and go in a blink of an eye. Maybe just a few hours and then was updated with a fix. I didn't like the stacking/overlap look and buffing was kind of tricky so I placed them properly side by side shortly after (harmless fun). The quick fix missed something though so I still have my friarys in a place you can't do anymore. I know if I move them I can never put them back there. There have been things like this that have come and gone over the years and there are other things that have been there for years with some still remaining. This appears to be the first major attempt on the 16th to once and for all remove and prevent future build bugs like this from happening. I know a lot of players are bracing themselves for the side effects though.

    Some may disagree, but I don't see the "what happens to buildings on these locations, etc." as the highest priority of concern. Moving a building will now have a touch of anxiety latched to it for any players who are really picky about how they build on their islands for a long time to come. My advice is to not even think about using the test server to determine build plot changes. Find someone on your friends list who doesn't have much built or is too concerned where things are placed and pass them some gold, and have them try it first. Yes I know, we shouldn't have to do this but it's not too expensive, it's interactive and beats back the side effects in an almost game like way.

    I can't get myself to believe that there will be any kind of significant drop in build plots but if there is...this thread will probably make TSO history

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solzar View Post
    build issues that are on the live servers now

    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  6. #26
    Architect of the Empire
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kit_ View Post
    I still forsee trouble with chat being disabled till lvl 5. Only yesterday had someone in help tab struggling at lvl 4.
    Still +1


    Quote Originally Posted by MarkG View Post
    Buff: "Solar Flare" is removed from the shop, as zone buffs can be cancelled with the new UI
    i hope this also means its no longer in artefact searches too
    The other day it was still there on the Test Server so... fingers crossed for a crossover fix.


    Quote Originally Posted by Seamus1 View Post
    Player_X :" Hi, I'm level 4 and stuck on this quest, I would like to ask a question, as it seems I CAN NOT progress to level 5 without completing this quest "
    BB_X : " Hi, I'm sorry, we do not want to hear about your issue with this quest before you reach level 5, have a nice day. Oh and if your problem with not being able to chat and ask a question persists, please contact support "

    Well done
    And again, +1


    The "map elements"/flowerbed trick thing, as it is now for France, is nowhere near as hideous as the first go was in testing. While there may (or may not) be tweaks between there and the release to the rest of the world for now it's... not that bad? although it is still puzzling it's being addressed 4 years on when currently it appears more harmless, helpful, and amusing than anything else. Purely personally, I don't like it. Unless it's breaking things in a way it's difficult to see from out here landscaping away random weeds is fun and makes the map make more sense. Random, glued down dirt clods seem to make less sense.


    Nice to see the extra Adventure chat coming in though more "Oops, wrong chat"s seem likely due to the tiny new and ever changeable tabs, even with their also-tiny descriptive mouseover text.

    And - If this is coming, which seems extra awkward given the cited diversity of the Euro English servers:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneak Peek New chat features View Post

    There are around 30 chat channels in the game and many of them are hardly used.
    With the introduction of the dedicated multi-player adventure channels, the need to provide such a high amount of channels is even lower and therefore it is planned to reduce the number of global channels in 2016 (most likely down to 10 channels).

    As a positive side effect, the team of Game Masters and moderators will be able to improve supporting the Community in chats as they can spend more time per channel in the future. - You will be informed about the clean-up details next year.
    then it's time to update this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Official channels and languages View Post

    Official channels and languages

    Dear Settlers,

    Our Community on the European English version of TSO is composed of very diverse players from various countries speaking different languages. While we ask you to speak English in the following channels: Global-1, Global-2 (role-playing), Global-3 (Auctions and Trade-related), Help, and Trade, we also have some dedicated to specific languages:

    Global-7: Danish
    Global-8: Norwegian
    Global-9: Swedish
    Global-10: Finnish
    Global-13: Turkish
    Global-14: Hungarian
    Global-16: Serbian
    Global-17: Bosnian
    Global-18: Croatian
    Global-19: Estonian
    Global-20: Lithuanian
    Global-22: Bulgarian
    Global-24: Slovene
    Global-25: Latvian
    Global-26: Slovak
    Global-27: Maltese

    If you wish to speak with other players in a language other than English, just type /j global-x, "x" being the number of the channel you wish to join. Also, you can invite players who do not speak English to the relevant language channel by whispering them.

    For instance, if you want to speak with fellow Serbian players, type /j global-16 and you will be redirected to the Serbian channel.

    Please note that the non-English language channels will not be moderated. Still, if there is an issue in one of these channels that players would like to bring to a mod's attention, this is still permissible.
    Last edited by Iolanthe; 11.02.16 at 21:34. Reason: tidy

  7. #27
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    The new game version has been postponed and the new deployment date is February 23rd 2016.

  8. #28
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    So is the number of global chat channels really going to be reduced? Some language channels removed without providing an alternative?
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post

    The new game version has been postponed and the new deployment date is February 23rd 2016.
    due to the problems on the french servers i bet...

  10. #30
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    yes ^^ Id rather have it all ship shape than suffer what they have by having trade suspended etc

    As much as we moan and groan sometimes, we all want the game playable, so as far as Im concerned good its been shelved for a week
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 13.02.16 at 20:07.

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