Chat Channels
Dear Settlers!
As you all know, the Chat Channel reduction has been implemented.
Because of the reduction, the language channels have been removed from the European English version.
Please find below the currently available chat channels.
- Global -1 (No change)
- Global -2 (Role-playing/Events only)
- Global- 3 (Auctions and Trade-Related only)
Channels can be assigned for limited amounts of time upon request*
You must reach Level 5 in order to participate in any Chat Channels. Any accounts below Level 5 will be able to view chat, but cannot type within the channels.
In addition to this, Chat Channels now show icons instead of text! A picture with the legend is shown below:
- To whisper a player, type /w username followed by a Space Bar to open a new window
- To join a specific channel, type /joinChat global-X (X = number)
- To find a friend, type /findFriend Friendname
- To ignore a player, type /ignoreadd username
- To see the list of players you have ignored, type /ignoreshow
- To remove a player from your ignore list, type /ignoreremove username
- To report a player who is breaking the rules, type /report Username Reason
Happy Settling!