just got to level 40 today an experienced once again a quest that triggered by my level but was completely out of synch with where I am in game:
it required me to reach a max pop of 1800 which I already have a couple of times over!

so I talked about it with my guild and was told most of those quest are based on how game was 3-4 YEARS ago and not having changed while game devoloped over the years.

that got me to think the devs might benefit from an automatic feedback from game about those quests not matching how game has developed over the years:
suggested change:

give quest a secondary trigger when a player fullfill the quest before its normal trigger - and whenever a quest gets trigger in this way also send a statusreport for that player back to dev team. That way the team can see at what level players usually rech the requuirement of the quests and thus adjust them to be better in synch with how the gameplay works today rather than just chucking on with how it was years and years ago