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Thread: [Feedback] Crisis Quest: A Great Evil

  1. #91
    try doing a calculation for output of granite pit -
    at level 5 production in 6 hours is roughtly 35 granite - worth about 110 coins
    uses about 100 units omnifiller - price 600 coins

    - as I see it - when getting granite from a granite pit you pay 600 coins for granite worth 110 coins - buying in TO price would be 1/5.
    granitepit is not a gift to the receiver, but to the high level player who gets refills from advs and sell them on TO.

    if you have the fillers, you can argue they are free - but if not used they could be sold - or used better for goldmines
    you could buff to improve output - but buff has to be produced or bought - so would increase cost.

    deerstalker on the other hand will at level 5 get you meat for about 30 coins without cost - every 6 hours - unbuffed - and on top of that save production of moschus.

    Prices are from tradesheet. - if my calculation is wrong - please tell me where.

    and quests for level 36-50 players are not much easier than those for 51+ players - based on resources I think they are a lot harder ( also see on guides showing that some lvl 51+ players already finished stage 4. )

    So - if there is to be another crisis quest - make quests harder for high level players, the usefull buildings as reward to low level players and the decoration buildings ( nursery and pit ) to high level players ( some has said they would like to have had them as reward ( instead of deerstaller ? ) )

  2. #92
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Reading this feedback, it strikes me how much it belongs in the dedicated feedback thread.
    Please don't open additional threads if one is already active on the same topic.

    Thank you all for your comments and for delivering them in a constructive and civil manner.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    ? gems ?

    And I said I wouldn't post anymore on this....


    people saying it's too hard....
    people saying the rewards aren't good enough....
    now someone saying it was too easy.

    *bangs head on desk*
    try read the posts - the low level players complain quests are to hard and reward to low - and it is the high level players that find it to easy - at lvl 54 ( lower third of 51-65 interval ) I was afraid it would be to hard to complete - now I expect to finish on day 3 - maybe 4 ) - and it dont look as if many level 50 players even reached stage 3.

  4. #94
    Forum Explorer
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    Skimmed most comments because as per usual it's moans. This is a 'challenge' - the very word suggest that it's not supposed to be easy. I'm level 46 - 750 exotic planks! Well I'll come back tomorrow when they're done. My life won't stop because of it.

    The rewards - I actually have no idea what i'm getting at the end of the quest. I just enjoy the challenge of getting it and the fact that it breaks up the usual build fields, find mines that goes with the daily routine. That in itself counts for something.

    And while everyone is harping on about the buildings we get at the end - what about all the xp, gems and other rewards we get for completing different parts of the quest? I just got gems so I'm not complaining about them. And as for complaints that it uses resources - well make some more! That's the point of the game. It's not my actual money or resources I'm using. It's pretend resources and money so it's no great loss to me overall.

    Little frustrated at the making 750 exotic planks but I'll just do my best when I get the rest of the challenges.

    If you don't like the quest - don't do it. simple. If it's so bad that you have to moan - why are you doing it?

  5. #95
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2015
    Do someone know about Stage 1 Reward for Level 16-25?

  6. #96
    Skilled Student
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    i little comparison with lvl 46-50 and 51-65 questchains(from quests i expect to actually take some time with values from wiki):
    produce 750 sausages->1000 sausages 33%longer
    produce 175 gift baskets->200 baskets 12.5% longer
    produce 750 exoplanks->800 exoplanks 6.66% longer
    bake 8500 bread -> 10000bread ~17%longer
    4500 brew->5500 brew ~22%longer

    now comparing buildings: provision house 3/4 at lvl 46-50 and probably 5 in early 50s so from 4->5 your production rate increases from 400%-500% thats a 25% increase
    butcher: well i run a butcher lvl 3 (if i needed more sausages for buffs the lvl would be the same but more butcher) at early 50s probably butcher on 5 but 4 is guaranteed so 33-66% increase in production rate
    exoplanks: mine is 3->5 66% increased
    bread: 4/5->5/6 20%+ increase
    brew same with friary available even higher increase as the lvl would be lower

    conclusion: higher lvls actually get easier quests for their lvl. I did not consider additional buildinglicenses you get with beanstalks nor did i take into account the easier availability of buffs.

    Other thoughts: the quests are already perfectly doable for me as lvl 47 if i just log in twice per day with a 10-12h difference(doesnt need to be more than a 2min login) i doubt i will need the last day to do the quests anyways. So seems nicely balanced for my lvl range but might be too easy for higher lvls. Also tree nursery is a joke as reward for their lvlclass i would prefer a silo or watermill or even a noble deed over it.

  7. #97
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wakky View Post
    Problem is not the value of the building - problem is that
    there is no problem

    has it occurred to any1 that ppl getting the pit and nursery might really need gran and exo at their lvls?

  8. #98
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Feedback since the event started has been pretty much as I have become use too, don't get me wrong, every point made has some validity, but I keep coming back to a couple of well known quotes ( If you don't know them try G )
    "You can never please everybody all of the time" and less well known but one of my favourites " Always with the negative waves, Moriarty "
    A credit to BB for producing a game with such a variety of game play and players, but any event they then introduce will create `winners' and `losers', those that find the event `too hard' or `too easy', those that value the `variation' others that dislike the `intrusion' and those that value the reward and those that find it not worth the effort.
    All our islands are different, we play to our strengths, events like this, certainly expose any weakness in any one production chain or capability of our game play. This might well be by our own design, or it maybe because we have over looked it by just `getting by'. An event like this which we can not prepare in advance for ( On test ) certainly exposes these issues and gives us a chance to see our islands from another perspective, and in doing so, can, if we see another reason be open to make those adjustments.
    Personally, what did I fear most? Well I was at the lower end of the level range, and was dreading having to do an Ali, because I'm just not ready. But I would have given it a go, and I don't mean just buy a ls, if the time was there, I would have turned to the community for advise and got stuck in and `tried' in the spirit of the event.
    In terms of production I found most of my chains coped well with the exception of horses, only have two lvl 4 stables ( but have 500k in store ) but a quick calculation and two more lvl 3 stables were added ( will probably be torn down after ) and the `crisis' was averted.
    What did I like the least ( not had to do it yet ) handing over 3k granite ( * shivers at the thought ) Those that have followed my posts know that I'm pretty unlucky in finding granite on addys ( although recently my explorers have been earning their sausages and brew in that department, and I succumbed and bought one of them granite pits `decorations' ) However given that some rewards were granite and I'll be doing some BK's and Ft addys anyway, so should get a little back through normal game play, so maybe its not so bad... 3k granite * shivers again.
    Disappointments.....only one....Greed...each to their own, but I still find this very sad
    Positives.. Might be a little early, but, No bugs, well done the Dev team, job well done....I still think you are evil ( 3k granite right at the end * shivers for the third time ) But you did warn us, so I'll forgive you (* 3k granite, weeps )
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  9. #99
    Skilled Student Dollt28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    has it occurred to any1 that ppl getting the pit and nursery might really need gran and exo at their lvls?
    No I don't need either of that.

    Exo ? look at those silly prices in TO .

    Granite is fine, but to make granite pit work you need 3x/4x buffs, which is hard to obtain unless you have lucky expl. or artifact search (which you in the most cases don't have at these levels)

    Opinions like "its free! you don't need to do that people!" are silly since it won't make you feel better when everyone get something (basicaly for free) and you nothing

    Also don't forget that granite pit was in last guild market, those who were interested in obtaining it bought it back then (like me). I personally would even prefer exo nursery just as decoration and putting granite pit now as reward in event is like "haha you didn't need to spend your guild coins on that!"

    So for me very, very disappointing event, hopefuly BB will take a lesson and will think more about it

  10. #100
    Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post

    has it occurred to any1 that ppl getting the pit and nursery might really need gran and exo at their lvls?
    look for prices for a silo in TO check how much exotic wood you can buy for the price of a silo. Now do some math how many exo planks and crossbows you can make using that exo wood. Compare it to how much exo planks/crossbows you will typically need before you can do enough adventures that exotic wood just adds up in your storage. Also remember that every use of exotic wood is also tied to the use of granite or titan, which you still only get in adventures. Now give me any reason a tree nursery is a better reward than a silo.

    The point is not that a tree nursery is a bad reward it has its uses but the lower lvl rewards are simply better.

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