The Zulus [Zulus] is currently open to new members, Old or new players are welcome.
Newfound land
Guild Leader:
OFFICERS: Hiswitzend, The_Brick, Kioco, Megg
The Zulus Guild was founded in 2013, and still going strong.
The Zulus are known for Their Knowledge, gaming skills and willingness to help others
, most of all we like to have
F U N.
We are a relaxed guild whose members like to just kick back and enjoy the game.
From time to time we will try to host special events throughout the year, which can help our members.
The Zulus are very selective about whom we accept
, we don't take just anyone.
We play an honest, fair, fun, game, and take great pride in mentoring and helping new players.
Guild Goals :
- Helping new players to understand the game.
- All Zulus members are dedicated to assisting new members to learn and enjoy the game. You will find overviews, maps, guides, links to battle simulators, and resource calculators in the forums authored or compiled by past and current Zulus members.
- You will also see our members in the Help Tab of your chat menu. Feel free to whisper any Zulus member with questions pertaining to the game, we're happy to help.
- Zulus members will assist one another with trading materials and gaming information.
- Zulus members will also step up to the plate in gifting to new members and lower level players.
Buffing / Adventuring
Buffing is done without expecting anything in return (within reason).
Zulus members will give loot spots on adventures without asking for costs, (or happily swap) and will generously shared their experiences, maps, overviews and knowledge. There is no fixed requirement that you
give loots spots, you can quiet happy sell/trade them without feeling pressured.
When Joining a guild you have to decide:- Quality vs. Quantity
Our members hail from all over the world, and we embrace open minds and cultural diversity.
Guild chat is welcome, and the more chat the better.
Zulus members have great senses of humor, are irreverent, and everyone is fair game. What you won't find is passive-aggressive sarcasm!
We love to game, and we love to have fun!
Membership Requirements:
- Level 10 and above and a mature, friendly player.
- There is no guild fee to join Zulus
- Willingness to assist other players
- Must be mature, doesn't mean old
- Must follow TSO Code of Conduct
- Absolutely no racism, bigotry, or crude behaviors
- Absolutely no multi-accounts or using bug exploits
- No politics nor religion in global chat or in guild chat!
If you are just looking to have a guild tag in front of your name, Zulus is probably not for you.
Interested in Joining Zulus Contact
Megg either through whisper or mail.
Or chat with any of our Guild members.