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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log - 19/07/2016

  1. #31
    Ruler of the Land BB_Ravel's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by affen View Post
    i Agree with tshh. Why limit us? who is that helping in any way? when players have a storage capacity of 2 million, and you set trades to silly low amounts.

    people are looking for excuses to stop playing and you are only providing them.
    The main reason for the limitation is consistency.
    However, your feedback will be gathered and passed on, so if you believe this is an uncomfortable change, please post in this thread and say so.

  2. #32
    Treasure Hunter
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    Nov 2011

    Buffs sending are limited

    Why in the new update there is a limit to sent buffs (100 each trade) to a friend/guild.
    This is totally worthless, why is it limitted.

  3. #33
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Only being able to sell 10000 of refill is stupid and needs to be changed. Refills are listed as resource in Star menu and would therefor make sense to be traded as such. It's beyond silly to arbitrarily cap them at 10k. Especially since you can only trade one frickin lot. Bad BB! Bad BB! Don't make me fetch the newspaper.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    The main reason for the limitation is consistency.
    Consistency of what? In doing silly things?

    Quite good: you can now put more than 1 buff (up to 100) as a price for some goods.
    Very bad: you can't send more than 100 buff at once to a friend or sell more than 100 buffs at once. Silly... and really annoying. What kind of "consistency" could explain that?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    The main reason for the limitation is consistency.
    However, your feedback will be gathered and passed on, so if you believe this is an uncomfortable change, please post in this thread and say so.
    Ravel - Yes its uncomfortable and its also a stupid restriction to place on the game after all this time. This server has been live for over 4.5 years and Germany and USA before then. It seems crazy to impose this restriction after all this time and for the devs to say this is consistency is plain rubbish and a waste of design, development and test resources (assuming it was tested of course).....

    Maybe in the future, changes that don't fix defects and don't enhance or improve the user experience could be placed on some sort of backlog for consideration and maybe even player votes. Maybe even include defects in the vote and let the devs see where the user community would really like them to invest their effort!!!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    The main reason for the limitation is consistency.
    However, your feedback will be gathered and passed on, so if you believe this is an uncomfortable change, please post in this thread and say so.
    Something can be consistently good or consistently bad. Consistency in and of itself is not really an admirable goal, it needs to be applied properly.

    This does not describe the latest round of changes. Yes, it's uncomfortable, and yes, it needs to be fixed ASAP. Buildings (and decos!!!) should not be limited to trading only 1, arbitrary limits of 100 and 10000 for various items are unnecessary and a step backwards.

  7. #37
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    I'm also having a problem with this change as I don't see that anything was wrong before, and I heard very few complaints (if any) about how trades worked. Players had gotten very adept at using trades in the manner that suited them. I think the only limit should be trading a maximum of what you have (which is obvious) and receiving what you can pay for (in other words, the way it was). That seems more common-sense to me and I don't see other game elements that demonstrate how this provides consistency.

    Concerning not being able to accept a trade if you can't store it - that's a different issue. And I can see the point (as much as I love the overflow going into the star menu). I haven't tested it yet but it sounds like you can't do that anymore. As much as I hate to admit it, having infinite storage capacity in the star menu doesn't make sense in an economic game because it minimizes the need to include well calculated storage capacity in your economy. So I'd have to give in on that one based on logic.

    That issue aside, I'll repeat the opinion that assuming the receiver player can store the item being traded I can't see how having any limit makes any sense.
    Last edited by Xibor; 19.07.16 at 21:28.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  8. #38
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2012
    And for things that did not get fixed: Pathfinder is still bugged. Only got 1 quest.

  9. #39
    Original Serf
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    In the guild page it says "[undefined text]" under step down. Other than what we discussed with the buffs for friends text, everything else seems to be in order. Thanks,


  10. #40
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    Concerning not being able to accept a trade if you can't store it - that's a different issue. And I can see the point (as much as I love the overflow going into the star menu). I haven't tested it yet but it sounds like you can't do that anymore.
    If this is the case has anyone verified that it does not affect accepting adventure loot when you cant store it ? It wouldnt be that surprising if the changes caused regression there too.

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