This thread is for guides for lower levels and tavern gens etc.
Can click on pictures to open them up in new window to zoom in.
Mary guides
Surprise attack
Sons of the Veld Mostly Mary, Nus on a few camps
The Nords
COA Mixed generals and adventure guides as extra options
These are made into pictures by me but my friend used my Nusala guides as a base to work from so I made them into pictures for them also
Sleeping Volcano
Tropical Sun
Valiant little tailor Made by me for someone that asked to use MG's, 5 TAV, NUS, VARG, ANS
Sleepy Reef
Valuable Intel
Sons little tailor Made by me that was asked to use Blocks, 2 MMA, all COA generals by a player
Horseback NUS/MG/Reaper way also in same post COA/MG way to help get triple eggs in Easter event
One step ahead Made and tested by me, fast version, mixed troops
Ali Baba Treasure of Knowledge Block free type co op style lay out if want to do it as 2 player adventure to cut down on losses and loads less cavalry killed, Made and tested by me
Sea Snake Made and tested by me to a players certain requirements
Valiant Little Tailor made and tested by me MG/NUS/Drac/Varg/Reap/Tav
Young woodcutter Nus, Varg, Ans, MG used, Made and tested by me
Black Knights (fast version) NUS, VARG, ANS and MMA with my skills
Buccaneer round up
Tomb raiders
Traitors Nus, Varg, MG, 2 MoD blocks, optional Mary attacks
Young woodcutter full map mix n match guide nus, varg, ans. mg, mary used
Dragons roost Drac, tav/bhg/reaper guide
El Chupacabra
Unknown Regions Buffs/MG/Steadfast/Boris used
Mountain Labyrinth Buff kills only
peoples mountain under a hour buff kills/ boris/slyv, MMA, YGG, OGG
Island Archipelago:
Tavern/BHG/Reaper general guides
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Island Archipelago:
NUS, MG generals used
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5 Uses all COA generals also
Section 6 Uses all COA generals also
Particular quests advice/guides
particular quest advice for under 100R 50C loss
Outlaws under 500R none block
Outlaws under 500R with blocks
Sons of Veld under 300R loss with blocks no cannon men quest specific
Tikki Island Tavern general guides for lower level troops
Victor the Vicious under 50S loss
Arctic explosion DRAC guide
lost skull
More Secluded Experiments with blocks, TAV/REAPER/BHG/DRAC guide
Old Friends TAV/DRAC longbow or Xbows
Return to Bandits Nest
Saving Christmas Feast DRAC version
Sleeping Volcano 200 gens and solds
Sleeping VolcanoMajor and elites
Sons of Veld DRAC guide none block
Witch of Swamp Full version DRAC, Tav/BHG/REAPER
Witch of swap Fast version DRAC/TAV/BHG/REAPER guide
The lost skull
Longbow guides
Bandits Nest
Dark Priest full and fast versions
gunpowder Fast version
Horseback with and without block options
The island of Pirates
Invasion of the nords tavern generals and longbow men version
Nords longbow version and tavern generals
Outlaws no block version
Stealing from the Rich
Surprise Attack
Traitors tavern generals only
Witch of the Swamp full and short version
Buccaneer round up
Tomb raiders
Crossbow guides
Bastille Island
Dark priest Fast and Full version
Gunpowder Fast version
Surprise Attack
Tropical Sun
Crossbows and Elites
Arctic Explosion
Bandits nest
Black Knights Full and Fast version on one map
Horseback with and without block options
Motherly Love optional Drac attacks
Roaring bullFast version
Stealing from the Rich
Sons Little Tailor
Valiant little tailor
Witch of the Swamp fast and full version
Major general
If like me you prepare in advance, I haven't made all the buildings for quests but traded granite from loot in adventures above for beans (at going rate on your server) then when I had 15.000 beans i traded them for 10,000 stalks so I had them waiting to get the major general as soon as I hit level 47 you can do these guides with Crossbow men and elite solders
Bandits nest with or without blocks
Black knight none block
Dark Priest Full and Fast
island pirates Lazy version 2 major gens
The Nords no blocks
Outlaws with blocks
Surprise Attack optional blocks
Valiant little tailor
witch of swamp Fast and Full versions
Ali Baba adventures 200 general guides with Elite troops
Ali Baba and the Young Woodcutter
Nusala guides As suggested all sorted in alphabetical order to find things easier![]()
Arctic Explosion Nusala and Major Guide
Bandits Nest Major used also
Bandits Nest Longbow none block version
Bastille Island
Black Knights fast version With or Without cannon men options
Betrayed little taylor NONE BLOCK
Black Knights full version using crossbow men
Black Knights full version using cannon men
Buccaneer round up
Dark Priest full version Recs, Cav, solds only version
Dragon Roost Uses Nusala then ANY or MG R/M/C/E/XB/K
Dark Brotherhood
El Chupacabra Uses Nusala and Major also uses crossbow and cannon men
Gunpowder fast version NUS/DRAC/MG no blocks but cannon men are used
Horseback none block way
Horseback with blocks
Invasion if Nords NUS and MG no blocks
Island of pirates
Lakeside treasure co-op R/C/S/LB used no blocks
Lost Skull soldier and a elites and crossbow version on one map
Motherly Love
Nords uses Major and Nusala also
The nords uses longbowmen, NUS and TAVS
The Nords NUS and TAV gens with crossbow none block guide
Old Friends
Outlaws with blocks crossbow version
Outlaws none block crossbow version
Outlaws Longbow version 0 blocks
Raid of Nords Venture uses NUS and MG block free version
Roaring bull fast version NO BLOCKS
Roaring bull fast version WITH BLOCKS
Raid of the Nords NUS, MG and BLOCKS
Sons Little Tailor With or Without Blocks
Sons of Veld NUS/DRAC, No blocks, No cannon men used
Sons of Veld under 300R loss with blocks no cannon men quest specific
Sleeping Volcano 3 guides on one map
Sleepy reef 2 guides in one
Stealing from the Rich Nusala guide does use cannon men
Stealing from the Rich no blocks, recs,cav,solds only used with NUS
Surprise Attack with blocks
Tom Raider NUS and DRAC guide
Traitors with or without block options on 1 map
Tropical sun 2 guides on one map
Traitors 1 MOD gen for blocks and NUS and MG used
The lost skull
Tomb raiders
Valiant Little tailor uses Major, Nusala, Drac and cannon men
Valuable Intel Venture uses Nusala and R/C/E/K
Victor the Vicious None block with crossbowmen, under 50S loss for a quest
Wild Mary needs cannon men and major and drac also 0 blocks
Witch of swamp full version Nusala Guide uses R/C/S/LB
witch of swamp fast version Nusala guide has 2 versions to do it on one map
The Whirlwind sold/lb version for low levels