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Thread: Lucky Find, Iron Mining Surplus and Two Iron in One skills are mutually exclusive.

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Once again the spectre of players who think they know something about how random number generators work rises it's head.

    Lets look at the known facts.
    With the on-going contest if you do some digging in that thread you can find out the exact make and model of RNG used to pick a winner. Armed with that information it does not take long to discover that particular RNG is flawed as it fails the industry standard tests.
    Where did you come up with that information? I couldn't find much in the way of criticism about who is used to generate the random numbers for the wishing well (there is no way to know if that is used for in-game use, but I doubt it because I expect the return time for the hundreds of thousands of necessary random numbers coming from an external site would not be practical. So more on that later). is headed by Dr Mads Haahr, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland - this according to their web page. According to their site they use some factor of atmospheric noise to determine the random number instead of the typical programmed way (again more on that later). I wouldn't understand the science of the picking up of atmospheric noise and turning it into a seed value for a random formula but conceptually it sounds more random than how it's normally done.

    I could only find one blog about someone saying that generator is skewed. They generated some numbers between 1 and 10 and kept track of the results. They found some numbers picked more than others.

    Do you know what the sample size (iterations) was? 100. I nearly fell out of my chair. That is such a statistically insignificant amount that it's beyond laughable. I can't believe he posted it as valid information. You need thousands of iterations at least to have enough of a sample to have any idea of the distribution.

    Now concerning random number generators. And with a disclaimer of not knowing exactly how atmospheric noise is used in this case. It's always been that the proper phrase was pseudo random number. This is because a computer is not capable of generating a true random number. It always requires a seed value to the formula and that seed value can be predictable and if you could 'freeze' every bit and reproduce it you would get the same random number. It's a calculation which doesn't change, only the seed value does depending on how you want to approach it the seed is changed every time or only periodically. I've written my own random number generators several times for the programming exercise, and I found it very interesting.

    Usually the microseconds are taking from the computer clock and then ran through a modulus formula. This results in a predictable range of values but no (practically) predictable exact value. I used different modulus parameters in experiments and found they all pretty much worked on the same more-or-less. But I used thousands of repetitions sometimes letting the computer run all night doing it and found that I could get a very even spread across the range. Of course it would never be 100% even but it sure was close enough for computer games.

    Based on my research and experience I see nothing that tells me you can't trust And concerning the core BB code I expect they are using a standard bif (built in function) inherit to the language which would have been well tested before the compiler or dll's or whatever programming structure is being used before BB incorporated it. Of course any idea of how the code might be structured is pure conjecture but I'd bet they didn't hand-write a pseudo random number generating routine from scratch.

    Which leads to a quick (hopefully) mention of probabilities because this thread has elements of that. Remember there are two distinct questions that some people try to make the same question.
    1) What is my chance of getting my 5% drop this time?
    2) What is my chance of getting at least 1 5% drop if I play the adventure x times?

    They are not the same question. Question 1 is easy. 5%. Each time you open the mail to see your loot it's 5%. It will never change.

    Question 2 is about a sample over time where only 1 out of x needs to work. Just to keep it simple as you increase the number of attempts the chance that one of those attempts will have dropped what you wanted. And as you make x bigger the chance gets bigger. But it will never reach 100%. It just can't. Why? because in every pass there is a chance it won't drop. Therefore no matter how many attempts are made you will never be 100% sure to get one. If you could manage to make hundreds of thousands of attempts you could get to 99.99999999% but there will always be that .000000000000001 that will trip you up.

    Put it this way. What's my chance of flipping a coin and it coming up heads? 50%. easy.
    Let's say I flipped a coin 9,999 times and by some miracle they were all heads. What' my chance of flipping the coin and it coming up heads. 50%. That hasn't changed.
    But if I ask "what's my chance of flipping a coin 10,000 and always getting heads" - that's a very different question and the odds are very much against it.

    Hope any of this helps or at least might have been interesting on some level
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  2. #12
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    But if I ask "what's my chance of flipping a coin 10,000 and always getting heads" - that's a very different question and the odds are very much against it.
    Odds are very much against it? Well, not with TSO RNG it seems. I have even received in mail following information from BB:

    "It can happen that one of the skills doesn´t trigger for weeks on end without any fault in the game mechanism. This has been checked several times."
    How about for months on end? Was it checked for months too? Now I would be very curious about answer to this for "lucky find" skill, as this is 3rd month I still see no results from using this skill.

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Sarmatian View Post
    Odds are very much against it? Well, not with TSO RNG it seems. I have even received in mail following information from BB:

    How about for months on end? Was it checked for months too? Now I would be very curious about answer to this for "lucky find" skill, as this is 3rd month I still see no results from using this skill.
    Something I didn't include in my posts is the basic axiom that past events do not have any relevance for future probabilities. How many times it has not happened has no bearing on the odds of it happening in the future.

    I know for a fact that lucky find works because I have the achievement for finding all the gold mines, therefore it must have worked at some point. I'm also not going to say that bugs can't show up without apparent warning, but the fact that there is one marble quarry that just doesn't want to be discovered could easily just be bad luck on my part and nothing else. Which reminds me I haven't been looking for that extra one for a while...
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  4. #14
    Jolly Advisor Amazony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    Something I didn't include in my posts is the basic axiom that past events do not have any relevance for future probabilities. How many times it has not happened has no bearing on the odds of it happening in the future.

    I know for a fact that lucky find works because I have the achievement for finding all the gold mines, therefore it must have worked at some point. I'm also not going to say that bugs can't show up without apparent warning, but the fact that there is one marble quarry that just doesn't want to be discovered could easily just be bad luck on my part and nothing else. Which reminds me I haven't been looking for that extra one for a while...
    I am sorry, but this not proof that the skill is working. I too have the achievement and I never had the skill. The achievement is awarded when you first step on the archipelago and you discover for the first time the 800 units iron deposit.

  5. #15
    Ruler of the Land
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    Find all the usual iron mines, build them and turn them off, then keep sending the lucky find geos out to find iron mines and they will eventually find the extra mine no matter what other skills they have. Took my geos 3 runs to find it.

  6. #16
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amazony View Post
    I am sorry, but this not proof that the skill is working. I too have the achievement and I never had the skill. The achievement is awarded when you first step on the archipelago and you discover for the first time the 800 units iron deposit.
    No I am sorry, because I'm specifically referring to the "find all gold mines" Achievement which I did before the archipelago and as the achievement indicates you must have the lucky find skull to do it. Therefore, it is proof that at that time the skill was necessary and did work.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  7. #17
    Jolly Advisor Amazony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    No I am sorry, because I'm specifically referring to the "find all gold mines" Achievement which I did before the archipelago and as the achievement indicates you must have the lucky find skull to do it. Therefore, it is proof that at that time the skill was necessary and did work.
    There are 2 achievements, first is Lay of the land, it requires you to find 55 deposits ( there are only 54 on main island with no skill) so when you reach archipelago with the first iron mine you get the achievement, no skill required , despite the fact that it is hinting for the Lucky find skill. Second achievement Glittering prizes require you to discover 8 gold deposits, no problem, all 8 are on main island. ( and Lucky find works with marble and iron only, not with gold)
    Last edited by Amazony; 04.08.16 at 22:02.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Find all the usual iron mines, build them and turn them off, then keep sending the lucky find geos out to find iron mines and they will eventually find the extra mine no matter what other skills they have. Took my geos 3 runs to find it.
    I have 2 iron mines s4, 2 iron mines s5, 5 iron mines s8, 4 iron mines s6 and 3 iron mines (one of them is frozen mine) s3. On small islands I have 1 iron mine on gem bought islands and 3 iron mines on bean bought islands. All those I had before getting "lucky find" skill btw. So I have sent today my geologist with "lucky skill" 2 times to find marble. I build up all iron deposits with mines, turned them off and sent geologist 10 times to look for extra deposit of iron and as a result I found no extra deposits either of marble or iron. As it happens all the time for last 3 months.

    As I understand the skill, it suppose to work, when it looks for an empty iron deposit.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amazony View Post
    There are 2 achievements, first is Lay of the land, it requires you to find 55 deposits ( there are only 54 on main island with no skill) so when you reach archipelago with the first iron mine you get the achievement, no skill required , despite the fact that it is hinting for the Lucky find skill. Second achievement Glittering prizes require you to discover 8 gold deposits, no problem, all 8 are on main island. ( and Lucky find works with marble and iron only, not with gold)
    Interesting - usually when I'm in the forums I'm unable to also be in the game forcing me to work from memory (if the Wiki isn't specific enough, and in this case it wasn't) - and working from memory is a liability for me at times.

    It appears we are both correct. Finding all the gold mines does not require the skill so you are correct in that and the skill does not affect gold, so you are correct again. I thought it did.
    Finding the 55 deposits does, and I did that long before the archipelago, therefor I am correct that at that time the skill was required and did work.

    So now going forward that skill may not have the value it once did and leaving it a mystery of what now exactly "one more than the maximum" means.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Ravel View Post
    This is still being looked into. Please post any details you might have that you believe will help.
    Session based issue (ie fast-forward failing)?
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

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