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Thread: Loot Spot Courtesy

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Loot Spot Courtesy

    I've been annoyed recently by players that don't observe respect when buying a loot spot. Fortunately this is the exception but it still happens often enough that it's frustrating.

    If you make a trade to pick up a loot spot that you see posted in the trade tab PLEASE be ready to play - this is especially true when the player making the offer specifies that they would like a 'fast general'. Saying that when offering the spot makes it clear that for some reason time is important to the player making the offer. I have waited and waited for the invite to even be accepted to be told 'oh sorry - I need to finish my other loot spot first or I need to wait for my general to return'. Why did you accept when you were not able to play?!?!? Most recently I happened to be on a Premium day that was rapidly running out. I wasn't pleased.

    Most players thank goodness know better or put information in their offers such as "I'm ready to finish but you don't have to be" which is very helpful and very clear. But if the player requests a fast general they are also telling you something -- e.g. Hurry Please!

    Since after an invite is sent the offering player is quite stuck I would ask that the accepting players be ready to go immediately or else whisper and explain and ask if your situation is ok. Don't let the adventure owner find out after they sent an invite that you have some other things to do first.

    It can happen quite by mistake that you buy a LS and had forgotten you are already tied up because someone else had problems. If so, offer to use arrows or add more to the purchase price or something in the way of an apology. I have found that sometimes it is quite by accident and wasn't greed. I wanted to point out the other possibility.
    Last edited by Xibor; 27.07.16 at 09:52.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    +1 Shouldn't be necessary, but Xibor is right `rtf' means send gen as indicated as soon as you get invite. If your not in that position please do not buy the lootspot, get the next one
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  4. #4
    Skilled Student
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  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    May 2012
    +1 , actually i see it become more often, and I feel your pain.
    a lot of greedy ppl grind trade loot spots and put them in queue, I know a players bought 4 loots spots at one and make them in queue he sent his general to first 1 and the another 3 just made a drama about this, they are right, and that player is really greedy and not responsible.

    The problem its maybe ok if that player do arrows kill its just fast enough to do many adventures in 15 min, but i'm taking about sending general !

    Another players active like they are AFK happened to me 2 or 3 times, yeah AFK after a few seconds from buying my LS? he even think I don't have brain to use?

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way
    I was going to mention about a existing game mechanic which could be tasked to help with this, alas BB do not support lootspots.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    You can just finnish it without kill from such a player. That will teach him.

  8. #8
    i wait 15 minute then finnish ,,,unless player have stated that he will be a couple of minutes longer
    Last edited by qawpaw; 01.08.16 at 17:36.

  9. #9
      Dedicated Scribe
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    As another very useful and informative post about Lootspots and Lootspot Etiquette put it:
    Quote Originally Posted by Iolanthe View Post
    -If you've bought a Spot advertised as Ready To Finish make your kill as soon as possible, the seller may have another Adventure waiting.
    Speaking personally, I rarely specify 'fast general', but if I have advertised a spot as 'ready to finish', then I will wait for a looter's general to appear, whisper that they have arrived and give them some time to respond and/or send attack. If neither of those things happen within a reasonable period of time then I will send them another whisper giving them a deadline by which time I will finish the adventure without them with no refund.

    A "reasonable period of time" very much depends on specifics of the situation. For example, I am inclined to be more patient with a guild mate or a friend I have interacted with several times before than I am with someone I have just met for the first time, say, after an advertisement in trade. Usually, though, I just consider how much time it takes me to deal with any of the things that have called me away in similar circumstances, such as an urgent need for a bathroom break, an unexpected telephone call, a delivery at the door, one of the dogs throwing up... then I add on an extra few minutes for good measure, then send them the warning that I am going to finish without them soon.

    Regardless of the situation, though, on the few occasions I have reached the point where I felt the need to finish without them, I have not given refunds. As far as I am concerned, if they were not ready to play, then they should not have accepted the spot or, if something unexpected called them away, that is their problem and I do not see why I should lose out because of circumstances beyond my control.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

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