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Thread: Letter Writing Day

  1. #41
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Ragnar Leempwood

    Fair Warning! Your Invasion of a foul smelling band of Nords has failed. Even now my armies, led by Masters of the Martial Arts Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan, are marching on your camps. My forces will not be deterred.

    Brunehilde and her Valkyries will be scattered like leaves in the wind before my hard charging cavalry.

    Your Thralls will be enthralled and your Karls and HouseKarls will cower under their shields as the sky rains down crossbow bolts on their heads from above.

    Your Berserkers, like headless chickens, will run amok until Valhalla calls them home. Your daunted Jomvikings will fall like wheat cut by the scythe under the swinging swords of my hardened Recruits, local Militia, and my fierce Elite Soldiers.

    The same fate awaits should you ever contemplate a Return of your Nords!

    King WOLF59
    Master of these Domains
    Last edited by WOLF59; 10.09.16 at 02:16.

  2. #42
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Central Region, Scotland
    The Life of a Recruit

    We are an army
    Brave and bold
    We fight our battles
    Our stories untold

    Our tents are full of holes
    Three meals we get a day
    They got us drunk to enlist us
    And sent us on our way

    Through blood and sweat
    We live or we die
    To live through a battle
    Is such a high

    Our generals sit on horses
    Out of harms way
    Whilst we fight in the mud
    And die when they say

    We go to our deaths
    With honour we die
    We do not question how
    We do not ask why

    And so we say to anyone
    Who wishes to fight and to die
    Why become a recruit
    Oh why, oh why, oh why

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    You are next.


  4. #44
    Treasure Hunter Wulfmeister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    My Dear Commander Graham,

    I thank you for the tour you gave myself and my Generals around your incredible vessel. I have to say, I found the concept of a ship floating on the air rather than water a tad unbelievable when I first heard the tales, but that is indeed what you command! Amazing. It was a little disconcerting the way it rocked when we walked across the deck, but only for a short while.

    Your Oven of Truth is an intriguing device - my Generals have been constantly arguing over who should lead the first venture. To be honest, they have been some of the most entertaining conversations I've heard in a long time...

    As per your request for a mooring, I have allocated you a space in (or above) a bay in the South-West corner of my island, which should protect you from the most inclement weather.

    Once you are settled, you really must come for dinner. I know my Generals would love the opportunity to meet with you again and clear up a few minor disputes.

    Lord Wulfmeister
    Last edited by Wulfmeister; 11.09.16 at 16:37.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Dear Old Friend,
    long time ago, i found you in the claws of "Witch of the Swamp".
    After a hard battle i got u free, and we went to "the island of pirats", everyone on the own path. Stronger thogether we found eachothers "mother(s)ly (we) love".
    We devided again, the witch of the swamp again, to free them.
    But than we lost eachother, and never found back together.
    Maybe someday @the witch of the swamp, will see each other again.

    Miss u

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My dear Little Tailor,

    my friend you know that you and your sons are like family to me. There is nothing in this world that I enjoy more than going on adventures with you my friend. The mountains on my Island give their ore for the sole purpose that I can make weapons for our adventures. My weapon smiths slave away day after day without knowing the meaning of the world "tired".
    My men consider to be the heights honor to die in their tens of thousands for our fun time, especially those recruits (a weird bunch I tell you).

    However I have a request for you, I'm a bit tired, I ache for a vacation, not a long one, just 3-4 days, so please for the love of all the giants we slain together can you and your sons stay out of trouble. I beg you guys just for 3-4 days, I mean how hard can that be you see trouble you turn around and go the other way.

    When I get back we are going to continue our adventures (pinky promise)!

    Kind regards ssLewster


    Dear ssLewster,

    did you start your vacation yet?!
    Im in dire need of your help! You see , I divorced my wife the princes and decided to go on a journey around the world to see its wonders. Unfortunately I wondered into a dark dense dangerous forest and I'm now hold up in a hermit's hut.
    Can you please help me!!!

    Your friend the Tailor.

    My dear Heroic Little Tailor

    Forget my first letter, my generals are on their way to you. ETA 15-33 minutes
    Just hold out!

    Ps: If you see a little Panda cub in the forest hold on to it for me!

  7. #47
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Dear Settlers,

    The TSO Community Team would like to thank each and every one of you for entering into the contest - there were so many great letters! So many in fact, that it was really tough to decide on a single winner. But that's OK - we've decided to pick five instead!

    Congratulations to the following Settlers:


    Well done to everyone who entered - you're welcome to post any more letters you have in the Creative Section of the forum - we'd love to see more!
    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 13.09.16 at 13:27.

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