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Thread: manuscript recipe from letters

  1. #101
    Committed Clicker LordBosse's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    46-47+ tries here and I'm not quitting the game over that, it's just one small part of the game.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Well 30tries here but is ok...., i try to get Mimiron's Head from 2009 so no hurry with this manuscript.

  3. #103
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by MutantKid View Post
    You barking up the wrong tree if u think BB will budge about this. It is pure intentional by them to get high level players to spend real money on gems to buy crystals.
    Yes its a corrupt system, but its not worth quitting over, Ive had 8 attempts without being tempted to buy gems for crystal, I know I will never get it so Ive moved on to books/travel guides.
    After gathering much info from players who got it within 3 tries, it seems if u got an island comparable to an Aldi/Lidl budget u will get it quickly. If your island is more Harrod's stature u got no chance, lol.
    You might be right-it could be based on sth like that, or how often you've spent gems. Personally, I think they do it to test content. Lock a few accounts out of an important reward & see how many buy gems vs how many quit. If enough accounts spend gems on it, it's a big win for them, though frustrating for the players.

  4. #104
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordBosse View Post
    46-47+ tries here and I'm not quitting the game over that, it's just one small part of the game.
    Maybe it's not worth quitting over, but it means grinding ali baba/wood cutter over and over, when I'd rather go on to the book content. And the rewards for the long letters are much worse than the book rewards (star coins). So it's sth that comes up every day.

  5. #105
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Certainly not something worth quitting over. I got the recipe on about 12th go but I have only bothered using it twice out of interest.
    I would use it a lot though- I have 8 savage scouts with no books. Not to mention that the other books recipes are worthless without the manuscript recipe.

  6. #106
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitewolf69 View Post
    id like to think my map was on a par with harrods and i got it 1st go so it really is luck
    It could also be a glitch. For some accounts that didn't get it soon, the game thinks your account already has the recipe. Perhaps it's not really ath nefarious on their part, but such a significant reward should have been an achievement, not a random drop.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I agree that the luck element is frustrating.
    I got mine pretty quickly and since then I have made loads of manuscripts. The first 250 I left in star menu till I needed some so I would estimate that I have made in excess of 500. Thats a pretty hefty uplift against someone at the same level, with similar island and game style. An unfair advantage? YES! Especially when it comes to maxing explorers and scouts to take advantage of event explorer finds.

  8. #108
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
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    Its why i do not like the gambling aspect in these games. It adds nothing to the game, and causes many to become frustrated. If we must have the luck element then I think the manuscript and others should capped, so you get it after say attempt 15 no matter what.

  9. #109
    Original Serf
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    I'm on my 22nd try and getting pretty fed up with it... if BB wont budge about making it more fair, then I will do the same and not spend a cent on buying crystals... I'll do other stuff in the game and from time to time try again.

    I know this isn't the propoer place but the new 15 minute rule in trade also stinks... after so many great things they have done recently I guess some bad things were bound to happen in other to balance things out.

  10. #110
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2014
    I'm on my 22nd try... a bit fed up with it myself... no spending money on crystals because this is rather unfair of them to do this to certain players. There could be limits to the number of unsuccessfull attemps or at the very least increment a better chance of getting them with each new try as somebody stated a bit further back in the thread.

    Just an other off topic... the new 15 minute rule in trade isn't one of my favorite new inventions either.

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