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Thread: and goodbye from MOD_Houri

  1. #1
      Master of Strategy
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    and goodbye from MOD_Houri

    thank you all, so very much, for being the bestest of the bestest over the last few years.

    unfortunately, i have reached a point where some of the things expected of me as a mod clash with my professional obligations as a social worker.

    i'm not sure what i will do with myself, without you lot to keep an eye on, and be amused by, and have fun with, and be force-fed cake by... but looking around it appears that there is a clue as to the direction to take ...

    *hangs up ban-hammer sadly, takes off yellow overalls, and follows the mysterious trail of tiny umbrellas leading towards the horizon

  2. #2
    Good bye mod_houri3, sad to see you leave but well if you have reached the point you have

    hope it will eb ok for you, do not step on those umbrellas.. they may be sharp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Oh Houri - so so sad to see you go - gutted is not even close to it. But all the best and I know whatever you do you will make a success of it.

    Keep smiling and keep reading - take care always

    Best Wishes


    PS - if you ever ever want to chat about anything - come say hi - I will always have the door open for you Houri - I will always look for you every time I log on
    Last edited by Robo1969; 08.10.16 at 10:42. Reason: Added Info

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    so sad to be reading this take care Houri, good luck and kind wishes for you for the future...

  5. #5
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Perth, Australia
    So sad to see you go Houri, I wish you well in your real life endeavours and will certainly miss seeing you around

    the kindest of regards


  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    oh my, oh my, you been sunshine in the blue sky's as long as i can remember, but yes life moves on, hope those feet are protected. And there's always another book to pickup. And coffee to drink, oh and you wont ever be able to look at cake without remembering us all
    Farewell and safe travel's

  7. #7
    Soo sad to see yet another great person go from the awesome Tso team Thanks for all the hard work you did and fun time we had with you Houri-gl in the future and please come back if you ever miss us too much

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    North East England
    you also?

    this sucks 2 mods in 1 day i guess change is happening we get so used to mods over the yrs and i will be totally honest i know few yrs back Houri was one of the mods i used to whisper alot over certain things happening game realted and it was to vent and let out steam rather than let loose in global chats and probably get banned (hahaha i have had 1 though for posting a screeny of outside TSO related stuff DONT DO IT GUYS AND GALS in global chats) but saying that 1 chat ban on over 4yrs playing pretty good i would say.

    Now we gonna have to get used to new mods all over again

    just remember Houri if you get to stressed as i know how stressful your RL job can be most of us old timers would still be here if you popped in game to say hi now and then also
    Plus on a personal note i know we have had chats that could possibly help re your RL job due to my RL at home with certain things so if you ever need a chat etc like that again if you can set up a account on sandy/northisle you know who i am on both and can chat there ok x

    and edit

    i will do the Ali woody tav gens only and post guide up :P so you would have to keep eye on forums for that eventually lol
    Last edited by lulu10093; 08.10.16 at 10:39.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Oh no this is sad news.

    We will miss you a lot Houri, take care and best wishes for you.

  10. #10
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    You too? ( gets suspicious of double accounting...bad MODs ... only joking ) Sad to see you go, just when you were getting the answers right in help too LOL
    Take care and enjoy all that free TSO time.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

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