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Thread: Free skills reset event !

  1. #41
    Keen Commentor
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    Oct 2012
    For example, all explorers skilled for adv. search became useless, when the last adv. of any value they could find (YWC) became available for mf and lost 3/4 of it's Trade office price. Now it's barely worth the sausages and your clicking time

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Talking of skills revision, I'm getting more and more frustrated with this game, as it takes so long to do something like fully skill an explorer only to find they continue to bring back complete and utter rubbish all the time. For example, the current debacle with the login times totally wrecked the Easter Event for me as I was on holiday and only had my laptop with me, so when I finally managed to log in sometimes I had to send my explorers off to find treasure for eggs, instead of artefacts that I usually send them out for. The login issue meant I lost so many eggs because I couldn't spend all day trying to log in with the small window they gave us at the end (luckily I had already got the specialists I wanted before that), but as a result used most of my Rainbow Snows during that event.
    Now I can send them off for buffs again but since then (and during the event with the few I could send for buffs) I've hardly got any RS back to replace the losses. Instead, like today, these so-called skilled explorers continue to bring back Fish Platters and Cheese Sandwiches with monotonous regularity. Four returned today, one RS (finally), 3 FP and 2 CS. Really? You spend time and resources skilling these things up but it makes absolutely no difference to the ratio of the buffs they return with.
    If I had spent all that time and effort training my employees to be better and they continued to seriously under-perform there would be sackings!
    I know you have some control over treasure in the skills, but there's nothing there for artefacts. What possible use do higher level players have for these buffs? They're so easy and quick to make, so why not increase the chances of finding more useful buffs as you reach higher levels?
    The XP needed to reach these levels increases dramatically, but the rewards for searching for buffs hasn't changed at all. Give us a little help, BB, if you're not going to fix all the bugs at least make it less of a chore gaining levels by improving the buffs we can get, because without buffs it's just a long, hard, boring drag.

  3. #43
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tazmart View Post
    I know you have some control over treasure in the skills, but there's nothing there for artefacts. What possible use do higher level players have for these buffs? They're so easy and quick to make, so why not increase the chances of finding more useful buffs as you reach higher levels?
    The point is to throw content at you, not to make it useful.

    Make no mistake, this is not a bestseller game, neither it is one of those games where there is need for actual balancing (eg. for the sake of equal playing ground in multiplayer/ esport games). Theres no business justification in investing resources into redoing the old, irrelevant content to make it more useful, especially when its blatantly obvious the game doesnt make big bucks.

    If you want a hint of how likely is they will rebalance anything, just take a look at the gem shop, where you can still buy 500 granite for 1k gems, when its soon going to be 4 years since they introduced the possiblity to mine thousands of it on your island every day.

  4. #44
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris3457 View Post
    For example, all explorers skilled for adv. search became useless, when the last adv. of any value they could find (YWC) became available for mf and lost 3/4 of it's Trade office price. Now it's barely worth the sausages and your clicking time
    So your saying it's not worth it to send out your explorers to look for adventures which will have event bonuses and can not be brought in the shop.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  5. #45
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    If you want a hint of how likely is they will rebalance anything, just take a look at the gem shop, where you can still buy 500 granite for 1k gems, when its soon going to be 4 years since they introduced the possiblity to mine thousands of it on your island every day.
    Don't get me wrong, I don't expect anything to change one jot, I'm just venting as I get closer and closer to giving up. The game is riddled with defunct content, trades, useless items and bugs and if they were interested in improving or fixing it they'd have done it a long time ago. The higher level I get the bigger slog it becomes, same adventures over and over again, longer intervals between levelling up etc. etc.
    When I reached level 50 I stopped playing for a year or so, then popped in one day and saw the new islands so started up again, but the game's falling apart now and I've gone almost as far as I'm prepared to go. I think I'll finish all the missions then call it a day.

  6. #46
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    So your saying it's not worth it to send out your explorers to look for adventures which will have event bonuses and can not be brought in the shop.
    Yes. - Think most players above level 50 can survive pretty well without getting "lost skull" and surprise attack. Not much to gain from adventure search these days and way to expensive compared to what you get out of them.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  7. #47
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrakkamani View Post
    Could you give an example of a loser skill and what you would replace it with?

    Keep in mind that you can only have so many books and that you would be replacing the current winners if they are much better.

    Because this just looks like a sneaky way for a free book reset
    • Hostile Takeover: recruits are hardly ever a problem at any level.
    • Cleave : Misleading (without careful reading players might think this counts for the elite-tier units, but its only for the regular-tier "elite soldier"), additionally in regular gameplay the elite soldiers are usually only used as a buffer between recruits and valuable units, or as blocking units in which case you definitely don't want this skill
    • Weekly Maintenance: I hardly ever use last-strike units at all considering the coa+boris. normal-tier last strike does not have splash so the benefit is negligible, and for elite-tier last-strike the damage is a far smaller deal compared to garrison
    • Lightning Slash: can't even hope to compete with the 10% accuracy in most cases, could be useful for COA but you sacrifice kill stability for it
    • Bounty Hunter: no-one takes this over 10% accuracy for kill generals or 1-up for sac generals

    • Wild Determination: map fragments are nigh-useless
    • Deforestation: Exo wood has never been a problem even well before the exo wood production chain
    • Travel Expenses: The adventures from adventure search are just not worth running it
    • Mistwalker: same as deforestation
    • Trouble-seeker: same as Travel Expenses
    • Sophisticated Pillager: doesn't seem to include quests for any new adventures, only old adventures anyone barely runs anymore
    • Streetwise Negotiator: Microscopic reward for last tier skill
    • Travelling Erudite: would have value for valentine explorer if it would actually work (and bring bag of rainbows 100%)
    • Bean-A-Colada: only finding a pittance in beans or guild coins

    • Hidden Stone Stash: worthless except for maybe the first 10 levels, easily covered by higher level players helping new players, useless for higher level players
    • Natural Stone Vein: as above
    • Copper Mining Surplus: too few searches needed so actual value is low
    • Gold Mining Surplus: same as above
    • Hidden Coal Stash: searched at even lower frequency than copper mines
    • Iron Mining Surplus: same as copper/gold
    • Nature’s Gift: super unreliable and minor (debatable I guess, never seen much use out of it myself)

    I probably missed a few, or listed some where others do see use, so have at it
    Last edited by Koraku; 27.05.19 at 13:33.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Retraining unused Geos

    With every event, I've collected specialized geos. This leaves me with a slew of old guys that don't get to do much more than twiddle their thumbs. They've asked me to send them back to school for retraining for a new job. Could we have a way to train old unused geo's to become explorers? Or, retrain them so they can become specialized too? ( jolly to.. stone cold say)

  9. #49
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia

    the explorers Sturdy Shovel was at one time a huge benefit with event resources; then BB moved the goalposts and excluded them from this skill.. Therefore im my opinion, we should get a free week to reskill (I dont think the last free skill included this?)

    Last edited by MOD_Daz; 26.10.19 at 20:44.

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