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Thread: Snowblizz' Snazzy Guides

  1. #1
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Snowblizz' Snazzy Guides

    This guide assumes you will play the adventure in sections, rebuilding troops while waiting for tavern generals to recover. Since blocks are (almost) all 1R suicides ANY 2-3 generals setups are possible when attacking boss camps since combat-time is not a factor for main attacks. However, not having enough ”veteran” generals means costs of doing so may offset savings by blocking. Check your troops. I have provided some variant attacks for other generals, but I cannot do it for all potential combinations. NOTE that the blocks are short so if you are laggy when sending generals, don't try this. Also if you see *any* intercept, immediately retreat last wave of attack general. It is always possible to recover and simply not do block (if W1 or W2 generals hit blocking camp you are no worse off than playing normal no block version of VLT) or try it later as long as you did not kill important troops (ie cannons).

    I've borrowed some positions and attacks from Corona, Polymer and lulu10093 (combining what I feel worked best for me), so can check these guides for more alternative attacks.


    1 Major General (MG)
    4 Tavern generals minimum
    1 other Any general
    1 ”veteran” general i.e. Veteran, MMA or MG

    Optional but very useful:
    1-2 extra Tavern generals
    extra veteran generals, ie Veteran, MMA or MG
    As many fast generals as you own
    Lord Dracul(s), any wave marked with asterix * you can send Drac instead and will usually save some extra troops in subsequent waves

    Troops needed for attacks and blocks (approximately, your choice of waves will impact this):
    200 K
    170 XB
    270 C
    50 ES
    130 S
    Additionally, troops lost during adventure (should be maximal losses, but again depends on chosen attacks):
    3030 R
    1276 B
    170 LB
    200 M
    22 S

    Sector1 (Total losses from listed attacks 682R 246B 5M 5S):

    Camp1: MG 133R 137K (~133R)
    OR Anslem 65R 1S 84K (65R)

    Camp2: MG 86R 1ES 183C (86R)
    OR MMA 81R 134C 5K (80R)
    OR Nusala 75R 90C (62-75R 0-2C)
    OR Vargus 84R 1Es 94C 1K

    Camp3: W1 Any 37B (37B)*, W2 MG 147R 1ES 122K (147R)
    [1 wave option] MG 121R 70B 79K or 204R 1E 65K

    Camp4: 209B 61K (~209B)
    W1 Drac 1r, W2 Vargus 80R 100B (81R 50-100B, Vargus survives even though full troop loss)

    Block Camp5, Boss Camp6

    A, B & C are Tavern gens with 1 R
    Generals 1, 2 and 3 contain any combination you prefer to defeat boss.

    No block (Anslem):

    Camp 5 Ans 94R 1S 55K
    Camp 6 boss, see below

    W1: MMA 1R, W2: MMA 220R, W3: MG 95R 5M 5S 165K.

    Nusala Option

    W1: Nusala 165B (165B), W2: MG 160R 5M 5S 100k (160R 0-5M 0-5S )

    1 MMA Option

    W1: MMA 220B (220B), W2: MG 100R 45M 1S 124K (100R ~30M )

    Veteran Option

    W1: Veteran 250R (250R), W2: Any 180R (180R), W3: MG 72R 1ES 197k (72R)

    To block Camp5, send A then (when A has exited camp) send B. When A&B are about to cross black line, send C.
    Immediately after, send to boss Camp6, waves 1, 2 and 3 (if using 3 waves).

    Sector 2 (Total losses from listed attacks 757R):

    Camp1: W1 Any 100R (100R)*, W2 MG 140R 1ES 129K (140R)

    Camp2: MG 148R 1ES 121K (148R)

    Block Camp3, Camp4 for boss Camp5.

    A, C & D are Tavern gens with 1 R
    B is Tavern general with 124S 48ES 20C

    Generals 1 and 2 contain any combination you prefer to defeat boss.
    Recommended (one I use):
    W1 MMA 220R, W2 MG 149R 121K.

    Veteran/MG option

    W1 Veteran/MG 250B (250B), W2 MG 149R 121K (149R)

    Nusala option

    W1 Nusala 165B (165B), W2 MG 100R 20C 150K (~80R)

    To block boss camp 5 (double spaced block), send A to camp 3. Then send B to camp 4.
    Immediately after, send to camp 3 (again) C and D. Finally send to boss camp 5 waves 1 and 2.

    Fast gen block variant (saves 1 Tav gen for later use at cost of 2x fast gens) WARNING only for experienced players, block needs good timing

    Block is basically same as normal stacked block, howver first tav gen is replaced by 2 fast generals as pictured.
    Gen A and C are fast generals, gens B, D & E are taverns (pic for D is wrong, sorry, don't try a fast gen for D or E! Take my word for it, ouch! Looks good, fails bad all tiems I've tried.
    Send A to camp 3. Then send B to camp 4. When A reaches black line (approximately, this needs timing skill, decent reflex and good eye ), send C to Camp 3. Make sure generals A and C are separated by no more than 3 flags or you will experience unfortunate intercept (combat is 10secs or about 3 flags walk). Retreat and try again! I don't recommend trying this if you got lootspotters on already. It can be done, but even slightest lag issue can mess you up.
    Immediately after, send to Camp 3 (again) D and E. Finally send to boss camp 5 waves 1 and 2 (don't dawdle).

    Sector 3 (Total losses from listed attacks 491R 165B 184M 17S):

    Camp1: MG 136M 134K (136M)
    Anslem 132R 18K

    "Patience" option for no Anslem slow play (saves militia, spends time, an excellent place to pause and suicide MMA(s), Nusala, Drac(s))

    W1: Any number of MMAs, Lord Draculs with 1R, W2: check and sim based on troops remaining.
    W1: Nusala 165R, W2: MG 180R 90K [saves about 50% resource value]
    W1: Veteran 250R (250R), W2: Any 180R (180R), W3: MG 72R 1ES 197k (72R)

    Camp2: Ans 90R 1Es 59K
    OR MG 150R 120K (150R)
    OR Vargus 130R 1S 49K (130R)

    Camp3: W1 Any 85B (85B)*, W2 MG 139R 1ES 65C 65K (139R)

    Camp4: Anslem 44R 105K
    OR Vargus 100R 1M 1S 1E 77K (100R)
    OR MG 62R 48M 160K (62R 48M)

    Block Camp5 and boss Camp6.

    A & B are tavern generals with 1R, C is fast/tavern with 1R

    Camp6: W1 Veteran 80B 170LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (140R 16S)

    Nusala and 2nd MG option

    Camp6: W1 MG 170B 100LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (170B 100LB 140R 16S)
    Camp6: W1 Nus 65B 100LB, W2 MG 150R 1S 1E 118K (150R 65B 100LB)

    Block: (note that this block alternates blockers and main attack generals when sending):
    To block boss Camp6, send A to Camp5. Then send 1 to Camp6. Send B to Camp5 (again). Then send 2 to boss Camp6. Finally send C to Camp5.

    Round block option with or without Nusala (less generals needed, costs more in troops)
    Only use tavern gnerela placed on spot A above.
    A) Camp5: Tavern general 107E 93C
    1) Camp6: W1 MG 170B 100LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (170B 100LB 140R 16S)
    1) Camp6: W1 Veteran 80B 170LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (80B 170LB 140R 16S)
    1) Camp6: W1 Nus 65B 100LB, W2 MG 150R 1S 1E 118K (150R 65B 100LB)

    No block option with or without Nusala/Vargus (can trade time for cheaper troops or faster play):

    Camp5: MG 230R 40K (230R)
    Camp6: W1 Veteran 80B 170LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (140R 16S)
    W1 Nus 65B 100LB, W2 MG 150R 1S 1E 118K (150R 65B 100LB)
    W1 Varg 41R 139B W Nus 165B MG 90R 180K

    Sector 4 (Total losses from listed attacks 950R 835B 10M):

    Camp1: MG 137R 133K (~137R)
    OR Nusala 110R, 15C, 40K (may have small odds of some cavalry lost, recruit value saved is substantial however 90% of cases)

    Camp2: W1 MMA 220B (220B), W2 MG 140R 130C (~136R)
    Nusala option
    W1 MMA 220B, W2 Nusala 100R 5M 60C (60-100R, 0-5M 0-18C, only less than 10% of times are losses high if Nusala has weak hit)

    Anslem option
    W1 Ans 150B, W2 MG 155R 115C (150B, 155R ~10C, tiny odds of some cav loss)

    Options for no MMA or no Veteran

    OR (no MMA) W1 Vet 250B (250B), W2 MG 139R 131C (139R)
    OR (no Vet option) W1 Any 200B (200B), W2 MG 270R (max 228R)

    Camp3: W1 Any 105R (105R)*, W2 MG 100R 170XB (98R)

    Camp4: W1 Any 175B (175B), W2 MG 270C (-)
    Vargus/Nusala options
    W1 Vargus 150B (150B), W2 MG 270C (-)
    W1 Vargus 1R, W2 Nusala 165B (1R 165B) Nusala wins even though all troops lost. Better to save Nusala for final camp though.

    Camp5: W1 Any 100R (100R)*, W2 MG 150R 120K (150R)

    Camp6: MG 218R 52K (~218R)
    If you have Draculs and/or MMAs left not needed for RR attack, suicide them here

    Block Camp7 and boss Camp8 (Royal residence).

    A, B, C & D are Tavern gens with 1 R

    Recommended (one I use now):
    W1: MMA 1R, W2: Nusala 35LB 130B, W3: MG 160R 110K.

    W1: MMA 220B, W2: Vet 250B, W3: MG 140R 10M 120K.
    Any suitable set-up of troops for you, running time od final fight does not amtter with the 1r blocks.

    To block Camp7, send A then send B & C. When A, B & C are about to cross black line, send D.
    Immediately after, send to boss Camp8, waves 1, 2 and 3 (if using 3 waves).

    UPDATE: I've found in laggy games you might not be sending fast enough, if you got extra fast/tav generals left over place them behind MG, send them first, when they pass general A send the rest in order described above. Any extras you have will increase safeety in case of lag, so I do it as a matter of course now.

    And that's about it. If you've done it right saved a bunch of recs and bows over the VLT.

    If something is unclear, please ask, it made sense to me when writing up but may not for someone else.

    Skileld general version:

    B]Sector1 [/B](Total losses from listed attacks 682R 246B 5M 5S):

    Camp1: MG 133R 137K (~133R)
    Ans 65R 1S 84K
    newAns 64R 1E 100K

    Camp2: MG 86R 1ES 183C (86R) OR MMA 81R 133C 5K (80R) OR Nusala 75R 90C (62-75R 0-2C)
    OR Vargus 84R 1Es 94C 1K
    newNus 65R 115C
    Mary 80R 135C

    Camp3: W1 Any 37B (37B)*, W2 MG 147R 1ES 122K (147R)
    [1 wave option] MG 121R 70B 79K or 204R 1E 65K
    newMG 150R 15C 120K (~136R 1C)
    starMG 180R 58C 47K

    Camp4: 209B 61K (~209B)
    W1 Drac 1r, W2 Vargus 80R 100B
    newAns 130R 35K
    newVargus 45R 95B 55K
    StarMG 40R 170B 75K

    Block Camp5, Boss Camp6

    A, B & C are Tavern gens with 1 R
    Generals 1, 2 and 3 contain any combination you prefer to defeat boss.

    W1: MMA 1R, W2: MMA 220R, W3: MG 95R 5M 5S 165K.

    Nusala Option

    W1: Nusala 165B (165B), W2: MG 160R 5M 5S 100k (160R 0-5M 0-5S )

    1 MMA Option

    W1: MMA 220B (220B), W2: MG 100R 45M 1S 124K (100R ~30M )

    Veteran Option

    W1: Veteran 250R (250R), W2: Any 180R (180R), W3: MG 72R 1ES 197k (72R)

    To block Camp5, send A then (when A has exited camp) send B. When A&B are about to cross black line, send C.
    Immediately after, send to boss Camp6, waves 1, 2 and 3 (if using 3 waves).
    Round block: 131Es 69C
    No block: Ans 94R 1S 55K newAns 80R 85K

    MMA 1r newMG 170R 5M 5S 105K

    Sector 2 (Total losses from listed attacks 757R):

    Camp1: W1 Any 100R (100R)*, W2 MG 140R 1ES 129K (140R)
    newMG: 175R 1S 109K
    starMG: 195R 90K

    Camp2: MG 148R 1ES 121K (148R)
    starMG 115R 100C 70K

    Block Camp3, Camp4 for boss Camp5.

    A, C & D are Tavern gens with 1 R
    B is Tavern general with 124S 48ES 20C

    Generals 1 and 2 contain any combination you prefer to defeat boss.
    Recommended (one I use):
    W1 MMA 220R, W2 MG 149R 121K. newMG 140R 145K
    W1 Nusala 165B (165B), W2 MG 100R 20C 150K (~80R)

    Veteran/MG option

    W1 Veteran/MG 250B (250B), W2 MG 149R 121K (149R)

    Nusala option

    W1 Nusala 165B (165B), W2 MG 100R 20C 150K (~80R)

    To block boss camp 5 (double spaced block), send A to camp 3. Then send B to camp 4.
    Immediately after, send to camp 3 (again) C and D. Finally send to boss camp 5 waves 1 and 2.
    Fast gen block variant (saves 1 Tav gen for later use at cost of 2x fast gens) WARNING only for experienced players, block needs good timing

    Block is basically same as normal stacked block, howver first tav gen is replaced by 2 fast generals as pictured.
    Send A to camp 3. Then send B to camp 4. When A reaches black line (approximately, this needs timing skill, decent reflex and good eye ), send C to Camp 3. Make sure generals A and C are separated by no more than 3 flags or you will experience unfortunate intercept (combat is 10secs or about 3 flags walk). Retreat and try again! I don't recommend trying this if you got lootspotters on already. It can be done, but even slightest lag issue can mess you up.
    Immediately after, send to Camp 3 (again) D and E. Finally send to boss camp 5 waves 1 and 2 (don't dawdle).

    skillMMA 235B Mary 110R 105K

    Sector 3 (Total losses from listed attacks 491R 165B 184M 17S):

    Camp1: MG 136M 134K (136M)
    Anslem 132R 18K
    NewAns 115R 50K

    "Patience" option (saves militia, spends time, an excellent place to pause and suicide MMA(s), Nusala, Drac(s))

    W1: Nusala 165R, W2: MG 180R 90K [saves about 50% resource value]
    W1: Veteran 250R (250R), W2: Any 180R (180R), W3: MG 72R 1ES 197k (72R)

    Camp2: MG 150R 120K (150R) or Vargus 130R 1S 49K (130R)
    Ans 90R 1Es 59K

    Camp3: W1 Any 85B (85B)*, W2 MG 139R 1ES 65C 65K (139R) OR
    Any 65B newMG 140R 80C 65K starMG 120R 135C 30K

    Camp4: Vargus 100R 1M 1S 1E 77K (100R) OR MG 62R 48M 160K (62R 48M)
    Anslem 44R 105K

    Block Camp5 and boss Camp6.

    A & B are tavern generals with 1R, C is fast/tavern with 1R

    Block (note that this block alternates blockers and main attack generals when sending):
    To block boss Camp6, send A to Camp5. Then send 1 to Camp6. Send B to Camp5 (again). Then send 2 to boss Camp6. Finally send C to Camp5.

    Round block option with or without Nusala (less generals needed, costs more in troops)

    A) Camp5: Tavern general 107E 93C
    1) Camp6: W1 MG 170B 100LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (170B 100LB 140R 16S)
    1) Camp6: W1 Veteran 80B 170LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (80B 170LB 140R 16S)
    1) Camp6: W1 Nus 65B 100LB, W2 MG 150R 1S 1E 118K (150R 65B 100LB)

    Nus 165B newMG 150R 1S 1E 133K
    newNus 180B star/newMG 130 155K

    No block option with or without Nusala/Vargus (can trade time for cheaper troops or faster play):

    Camp5: MG 230R 40K (230R)
    Camp6: W1 Veteran 80B 170LB, W2 MG 140R 17S 113K (140R 16S)
    W1 Nus 65B 100LB, W2 MG 150R 1S 1E 118K (150R 65B 100LB)
    W1 Varg 41R 139B W Nus 165B MG 90R 180K

    Sector 4 (Total losses from listed attacks 950R 835B 10M):

    Camp1: MG 137R 133K (~137R)
    Nusala 110R, 15C, 40K

    Camp2: W1 MMA 220B (220B), W2 MG 140R 130C (~136R) OR MMA 130R 90C (130R)
    W2 Nusala 100R 5M 60C (60-100R, 0-5M 0-18C)
    Ans 150B newMG 120R 165C
    starMG 90R 195C skilledMAry 95R 120C

    Options for no MMA or no Veteran

    OR (no MMA) W1 Vet 250B (250B), W2 MG 139R 131C (139R)
    OR (no Vet option) W1 Any 200B (200B), W2 MG 270R (max 228R)

    Camp3: W1 Any 105R (105R)*, W2 MG 100R 170XB (98R)
    Any 70R newMG 115R 170Xb

    Camp4: W1 Any 175B (175B), W2 MG 270C (-)
    W1 Vargus 150B (150B), W2 MG 270C (-)
    W1 Vargus 1R, W2 Nusala 165B (1R 165B) Nusala wins even though all troops lost.
    newNus 180B Nusala wins even though all troops lost.
    newVarg 120B Mary 215C

    Camp5: W1 Any 100R (100R)*, W2 MG 150R 120K (150R)
    newMG 173R 1M 1S 1E 109K

    Camp6: MG 218R 52K (~218R)
    MMA/Drac 1r newNus 165B

    Block Camp7 and boss Camp8 (Royal residence).

    A, B, C & D are Tavern gens with 1 R

    W1: MMA 220B, W2: Vet 250B, W3: MG 140R 10M 120K.
    MMA 1r, Nusala 35LB 130B, MG 160R 110K.
    MMA 1r, Nusala 165B, MG 150R 120K.
    MMA 1R, Nusa 180B , MG 130R 155K
    skillMMA 70B, newNus 180B, Mary 100R 115K

    To block Camp7, send A then send B & C. When A, B & C are about to cross black line, send D.
    Immediately after, send to boss Camp8, waves 1, 2 and 3 (if using 3 waves).

    Last edited by SnowBlizz; 26.02.18 at 15:50.

  2. #2
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Added options for Nusala and more alternative attacks and some roundblocks where it can make it play faster.

  3. #3
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Guide fixed with pics (stupid Photobucket, never getting a dime from me for this stunt!) and I also added some options here and there.
    If anyone wants to see a version with my skilled generals I can post them up as options but since everyone tends to skill differently mine might not work for you and it'd be loads of work, so I'd do it as a specific request only.

  4. #4
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Young Woodcutter guide people ask me about.
    Link to Sim with my general's skills:
    (if it doesn't work as I think, pop me a msg)

    Unless noted as "no skill" all attacks are per how I skilled my gens. Check link above for what I did. And sim something working for you.
    Taverns are skilled but it doesn't affect blocks. Check spoilers for options. Tried figuring out alternatives for MG and Vargus and no besigers, will add more as needed. (If you have some very specific need, can always ask and I can test something).

    I try and use as many swordsmen over Mounted swordsmen as possible. If an attack uses Msw it's because it wasn't possible with gens/skill I have. I save resources, not necessarily barracks time.
    Also the camps I attack are the ones I feel are reasonable to kill for XP/losses. If you think I left something out it's because I didn't think it was worth it. You can kill all camps with Mary if you want e.g. Just costs more resources than doing several YWC advs instead. This is not the guide for that.

    C1: 195 MSw

    C2: Mary 215MM


    noskill Mary 2Msw 95AM 103MM (tiny tiny odds of losing AM)

    L1: Anslem 25Msw 140 MM

    noskill MG 47Msw 223MM
    noskill Mary 47Msw 153MM

    C3: 4x MMA 1C, Vargus 35Sw 50AM 110MM (you need AM = mounted bowmen, check with sim!)
    (you can also 1r stack block C3 if not got Vargus, as part of attack to L2, place taverns 1r on Y, X1, X2, X3, and send in that order, after X3 is going send A, B and C for L2 block as per down below)

    skilled Vargus 60 Sw 80 AM 55 MM (~60 Sw)
    skilled Vargus 30 MSw 80 AM 85 MM (~30 MSw)
    noskill MG 20 Sw 140 Kn 110 Bs (20 Sw ~70 Kn)
    noskill MG 10 Msw 150 Kn 110 Bs ( 10 Msw ~70Kn ) - this loses you slightly more battle horses
    noskill Vargus 55 Sw 80 AM 60 MM (55 Sw)

    C4: any Mary 200+ MM

    C5: Mary 45 Msw 170 MM (~45 Msw) we kill this because it's 16500+ XP with Mary, wouldn't do it unskilled though

    Mary 80 Sw 85 MM 50 Bs (this saves you swords and battlehorses
    noskill Mary 100 Sw 100 Bs

    OR part of block on L2 (send B with some lag, 2-3 flags walking or durmroll, basically don't be fast, being too quick is bad, you can't be too slow, if killing C5 don't wait between B and C, only A need some extra time to walk)

    C5: (A) Tavern 194 Msw 6 MM/Bs, doesn't matter which, block is super long

    C6: (B) Tavern 163 Msw 37 AM

    L2: Anslem 27 Sw 38 AM 100 MM
    Mary 55Sw 40 AM 120 MM

    noskill Mary 35 Msw 50 AM 115 MM
    noskill Mary 55Sw 45 AM 100 MM

    C7: Vargus 25Sw 25Kn 145 MM (~25sw ~25kn, cost is same as pre MSw cost hike) spot doesn't matter X is convenient

    (un)skilled Mary or MG 200-285 Kn

    C8: block Tavern 144 Msw 11AM (send A, B and C in order)

    C9: Mary 215MM

    L3: Anslem 35Sw 130 MM
    can do C9+L3 with Mary 66 Sw 149 MM, place on spot C

    C10: block Tavern 163 Msw 37 AM

    C11: block Tavern 123 Msw

    L4: Mary 60 Sw 90 MM 65 Bs (use Mary on L4 as it has more XP)

    Mary 62Sw 130 MM 25 AM

    noskill Mary 38Msw 20 AM 142 MM

    L5: Anslem 35Sw 130 MM

    noskill Vargus 40 Msw 140 MM
    noskill MG 40Msw 230 MM

    send all gens in normal reasonable times

    C12: 1x Nus, 4x MMA, Mary 215 Kn (use any MMA you got here to cut down on Kn losses)
    if no skilled Mary or MMas/Nus left

    noskill Vargus 26Sw 24Kn 130 MM


    (un)skilled MG 270-285 Kn

    C13: any Mary, 75 AM 125+ MM
    (block is suuuper long so can do lots of various setups for gens on L6, like send 10+ waves fi you want). Send A to 15, B to 14, C, D, E, F to L6

    C14: block Tavern 195 Msw

    C15: block 163 Msw 37 AM

    L6: Vargus 1MM, Anslem 165 rec, Mary 215 recs, MG 285 MM
    best sim this for your skillls/generals. The idea is to clear horses and most Stonecannons so MG can take out Boss at no loss, need 270-285 MM depending on skill. Be careful though as you have to do it on firstsrike or Boss hits back very hard.
    Last edited by SnowBlizz; 12.04.19 at 20:04.

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