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Thread: Harvest like a boss

  1. #11
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    you can try it easily enough with marble. Just move all to one place and see doesnt really cost much

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    New Zealand
    lordloocan : sorry if you feel this is an exploit, i dont. I consider it optimizing game mechanics. There are several other game mechanics that are "exploited" by players on a daily basis that were not intended by the developers. Blocking and Loot spot selling come to mind.
    Whaaat you only have to kill one enemy to get the loot? That's got to be an exploit ???!!!!???

    When i found this loop hole i tried to put myself in the developers shoes to decide if it was a bug and should be reported or if it was just a beneficial side effect. I concluded it was the latter because the developer would have done this on purpose. He wouldnt want to direct 15 cutters into a node that he knew only had 1 resource in it. The alternative would be to write a lot of code predicting and allocating resources which would be heavy on your cpu. For example he would have to (to be fair) send the first cutter to the closest node, then work out where the next most available one was, then check to see if any other harvesters where in it, if there were would the combined extraction of the sum of allocated harvesters exceed the node deposit? How would buffing factor into this? What if the user zzzz a harvester who was enroute or within a node?
    The list goes on - what if a harvester leaves a node, and it becomes free, yet has contents remaining and a harvester is allocated and travelling to it, but another harvester has also come free yet he is closer? Do you send the first harvester back? The list goes on.
    The choice is a simple and easy system like we have or a very complex worker allocation that would bog down your computer and people might find confusing.

    So...because it is not a bug and because there is no "fix" for it I thought I would share it to try and give back to the community.
    I have been benefiting from it for years and my coffers and star menu are over flowing.
    I wish you the same.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    OleGit : love your name

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    New Zealand
    Dorotheus : What evidence would you like? I walked you through explaining each step. You should give it a try and see for yourself. What do you have to lose?

    To test all you need to do is find a node - any node - that is about to empty and die. Lets say for example you have a stone mine with just 2 granite in it. This is a good one to test because its only a 5 min cycle.
    What you want to do is pause every single stone mason you have - we dont want the results being affected by some mason exiting a mine elsewhere.
    Select your mason. He needs to be in the mine that is about to die and have a level in excess of the mines contents. For example a lvl 5 mason and only 2 stone in the mine.
    Then when you are satisfied that all the masons are paused you go and check what your inventory is for stone. Write it down. Then go and check your mason and see what his Total Production time progress bar is at. You want it to be in the middle somewhere (not just about to finish)

    Unpause him and let him work. Pretty soon he will exit the node and it will collapse.
    You dont get the loot at that point - he has to return to his mason via the storehouse first.
    Once he has done that (you can watch him walk it) check what your inventory for stone is now. You should have got 5 stone, not 2 (adjust for buffs)
    Last edited by Bigbelly; 27.11.16 at 07:31.

  5. #15
    Ruler of the Land
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    Milky Way

    What you appeared to have missed is a fundamental difference between log and rock deposits. Namely that we have a building to refill log deposits we don't have such for rock deposits.

    If memory serves we have had one change of how planters/cutters decide which node to use implemented with a second abandoned change on test. From that we can only assume even if it's on the back burner there is another change somewhere in the development pipeline. Therefore you should be telling people that while it works for now it may not do in the future for logs.

    However the biggest issue I have is with rock nodes. I'm not going to mention gran as there is a specific bug with gran which I expect to be fixed soon which will change how we quarry it. Also it's a high level resource out of reach of players under level 60 whereas stone and marble are usable to them.

    To mine stone and marble using your technique dictates that the masons are centralized on your main island so as to give them equal walking times to all nodes as you can not predict which node is discovered next. This means there is no favoured node, which means you are paying the penalty of longer walk times to gain those free rocks you are claiming. This can lose you as much as one cycle per hour or if you like 2 hours work per day. For players with level 3 masons this could mean a lose of 360 marble per day just to gain 30 free Marble (actually gains and losses will vary due to the random nature of discovery and geo skill levels). The real clincher is the fact that if you don't adopt your methods if your nodes run out which is the case for the majority your going to get those free rocks anyway. This means it makes more sense to set up your masons for maximum production and not for so called free resources.

    BTW I have no idea where you got the silly idea that 1:1 is the build ratio for planters and cutters from, A look in the details tab tells us its 3:2. Discounting walk time 1:30 for pinewood planters, 2:15 for pinewood cutters.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    New Zealand
    Dorotheus : Yep you are right about the 3:2 ratio but what I see on a lot of peoples islands is a desire to fill the island with trees. Not silly I suppose, they are maximizing their store of a resource. All I meant was instead of having loads and going for this approach you can get better results by using a strategy that isnt obvious - and save on upgrade costs.

    Re players with lvl 3 masons : If you had only 3 or 4 masons all lvl 3 then yes you are probably best just placing one next to each node. To use the info I suggested for marble you would want to have enough such that you empty all nodes overnight.

    Re the Marble : You wouldnt want to put your masons in the middle of the map. As you said this just introduces long walk times. What you need to consider is that there are two types of "play". You are either online or you are not. If you are online and playing then you can keep sending out geos and always have all of your mines full. Maybe you will be slow and one or two or three will empty but for the most part you will always have all of your mines full.
    Then you have offline play. What I find here is that I always log on and have all of my mines empty. In that case what difference does it matter how much time they spend walking vs how much time they spend sitting idle cause the mine is empty?
    So what matters is - any extra delay during that online period.

    I avoid this my locating my 8 marble masons near the mines at the top of the screen in the middle section right next to the marble but on the left side. At this point I am able to channel them all into the same node at the same time. There are 5 mines in this area and 3 of them are really close to this area so there is almost no delay introduced for this period. As they venture further out yes they do get delays but this doesnt matter because all mines have been emptied by the time I get on in the morning.

    The real gain of doing it this way is the fact that when i log off all nodes are 100% full. If I had one mason outside each mine then each node would only be partially full.

  7. #17
    Town Councillor
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    @Bigbelly: I was wondering how the possible longer walking distance of your arrangement for stone/marble affects overall productivity. But now after you've explained the details of usage it seems to make perfect sense. It all hangs on harvest power and length of inactivity spells. I evolved from 1:1 towards sort of semi-centralised setting in a way using advantages of both. Since I can log in quite frequently I nearly always come back with several mines still standing. But if I wanted to increase harvest power or streached breaks between logins then your centralised solution would be an advantage.

  8. #18
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    my head hurts
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  9. #19
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    my head hurts
    From thinking hard or from banging it against the desk?

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    From thinking hard or from banging it against the desk?
    A little of both
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

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