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Thread: 5th MMA

  1. #1
    Treasure Hunter
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    Mar 2012
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    5th MMA

    Hi BB,

    Currently some players have got 5th MMA from the 'Clean Up Event' Summer 2015.

    3 MMAs have been available from Easter Events (limit restricted) , 1 for gems in shop.

    Leaving players entering game afterwards or not around for that event (think 3 weeks from announced to finish) with one less isn't fair imo.
    Hope you will do a 'catch up' during next Easter Event.

    I know that some high leveled players don't agree about this topic and so be it

    Comment to the players not agreeing:
    MMA was introduced with Easter Event 2013 - 1 MMA available.
    For Easter Event 2014 there were 2 MMA to get from event (max) - so only 1 MMA if you had got 1st one in 2013.
    I recall no Forum threads or objections back then with players not getting MMA in 2013 having the chance to catch up.

    kind regards
    Last edited by kke2100; 13.01.17 at 15:19. Reason: comment added

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor Dappadon's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Im level 66 and have 2 mma, i get on just fine. I dont see how 3 more mma would benefit me anymore then the 2 I have now.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kke2100 View Post

    Leaving players entering game afterwards or not around for that event (think 3 weeks from announced to finish) with one less isn't fair imo.
    Hope you will do a 'catch up' during next Easter Event.
    Im really sorry and i know and respect you as my other game name on northisle but bit i made bold/underline makes the argument for me as to why it should be a no
    Its not BB fault people either started playing game later or missed the event where could get the 5th so why should they compensate them that missed out do to either being awol from the game or even not playing then

    you know me on north you know i dont even have a MMA there yes i will be going all out to get my 1st in easter event there but it wont mean i will be relying on it I actually enjoy not having one and having to rethink and adjust how i play the game there with what i have

    Im sorry but 1 or 2 more MMA is not the end of the world to be missing out in my point of view

    ALL generals have a use and can be used just work out what you can do with the ones you have
    people can do this by looking up and using guides or use sims to make own attacks with what you have available if needs be

    This whole MMA thing seems to be a regular posts on the forums and just really makes me think in all honesty people being so hung up being oh i have 1-3 mma i missed 1-2 of them kinda getting boring to say the least

    to date nobody i have seen has gave any valid reason why BB should do it so others can get the other ones they missed due to them being away from game etc as they cant. its not BB fault if people miss out imo so why should they compensate them that did miss out?????

    But still do like and respect you as the other me on northisle i just cant agree with you on this one sorry hun

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Why only the MMA, your argument also equally applies to Grims, Dracs, Vets, Nasula, Vargus, Amslem, Bhg's, Experienced Explorers, Intrepid Explorer, Lucky Explorers, Conscientous Geologists. Floating Residences, Village schools, Recycling manufactories, Settlers 2 Hq, Spacious Storage, Easter Basket house and Gold Tower.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    I dont really bother with what is fair and what is not. As this is not a competitive game it cant bother me or anyone else what other players have or dont have.

    That said I think that BB needs to rethink how players get gens like mma. The game has changed and that had brought in players who have reached above level 50 in short time. Some of those players want to have more than just 1 mma to be able to do Alibaba and other big adventures at same pace as "old"players. This is not about what others have or what is fair. It is about how people want to play the game to have most fun out of it.
    I am not saying anyone should have more mmas for free. Just saying it should be possible to get more with gems.

    I have 4 mmas - 2 bought with gems - 2 from events, I dont need a 5th, well I would not mind having a 5th

    I am not writing this because I want more. I am writing this because I understand those who have only one bought with gems. I dont see the logic of them having to wait for years to get more. And I dont really think it makes any sense to tell them that they have to wait because others started out with less than them. So what, the game has changed, this is a game, people are here to have fun.

    There is already a tread about this - sorry if I repeated myself, but it really gets to me when those "old players" (I consider myself an old player too )start telling those stories about how little they started out with and how hard they struggled, so everyone else has to do that too. Who cares
    Last edited by Urd123; 05.01.17 at 06:59.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #6
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Why only the MMA, your argument also equally applies to Grims, Dracs, Vets, Nasula, Vargus, Amslem, Bhg's, Experienced Explorers, Intrepid Explorer, Lucky Explorers, Conscientous Geologists. Floating Residences, Village schools, Recycling manufactories, Settlers 2 Hq, Spacious Storage, Easter Basket house and Gold Tower.
    Nusala, Vargus and Anslem will according to BB become available in shop this Spring.
    BHG has never been available from events, 6 of those possible to buy from shop - similar to GR so why bother about those ?

    The generals from events have been limited, most often at an accumulated level; why we so far have 3 MMAs available from Easter events no matter how long we have been playing the game.
    The MMA from 'Clean Up Event' is still restricted to the players getting it from there.

    Not going to comment on rest as not part of this thread.

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor Dappadon's Avatar
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    It would also massively unbalance the game, a player could clear the island in a matter of hours, they would not need bread or brew or weapons and like i say that would lead to unbalanced game.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dappadon View Post
    It would also massively unbalance the game, a player could clear the island in a matter of hours, they would not need bread or brew or weapons and like i say that would lead to unbalanced game.
    Cant really see how. And cant really see how it is making the game any more balanced or unbalanced. A relaxed player who have not bothered clearing island before, could could also do the same with the 5 mma that player had from being online for every event.

    I have not tried clearing home island with 5 mma,- so cant say how fast it can be done.

    I dont see a new player investing in a huge lot of gems and going in merchant and getting 5 mma right away either. Most would start by getting to know the game before using lots on money on it, so it is not a very likely scenario.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  9. #9
    Dedicated Scribe
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    If you didn't buy a ticket you are definitely not coming in! Having a full quota of mmas, scouts is only allowed to those prestige few of us who have turned up at every event and continuing to support the game.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land
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    This suggestion has done the rounds a few times now. Tbh I don't care less if they do this but do feel players need to earn the extra mmas in some way. Make the extra ones gem purchase and make 5 the maximum limit on a star, as pre gempits? That way those who are allowed the extra mmas are at least giving something to supporting the game, as those who already have 5 have done by sticking with the game for a long time. Or do the same in terms of limit on star and they can gather the 5 mmas over 5 Easters......

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